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184183 1982.1182.824–.826 0 0 288239 13 13055 [Group of 3 Early Stereograph Views of British Public Buildings]           895   Unknown|F. G. O. Stuart|John Browning British|British|British   16292 9     1850s–1910s 1850 1919 26067 Mounts approximately: 8.4 x 16.9 cm (3 5/16 x 6 5/8 in.) to 8.6 x 17.5 cm (3 3/8 x 6 7/8 in.) Gift of Weston J. Naef, in memory of Kathleen W. Naef and Weston J. Naef Sr., 1982                       21   1
206452 17.66.1 0 0 333796 11 1119 Eight Original Etchings by the late John Sell Cotman now first published; also Ten Etchings by Miles Edmund Cotman           895 Published by John Sell Cotman|Miles Edmund Cotman|Charles Muskett British, Norwich 1782–1842 London|British, Norwich 1810–1858 Norwich|London and Norwich 17308 178 1782 |1810 |1800 1842 |1858 |1899 1846 1846 1846 26137 Book: 19 11/16 x 13 1/4 x 5/8 in. (50 x 33.7 x 1.6cm) Rogers Fund, 1917                       462   1
206601 30.48.4 0 0 333945 11 13811 A Booke of Sundry Draughtes, principaly serving for Glasiers: and not impertinent for plasterers, and gardiners: be sides sundry other professions; Whereunto is annexed the manner how to anniel in glass           895   Jost Amman|Walter Gedde|Walter Dight Swiss, Zurich before 1539–1591 Nuremberg|British, active early 17th century|London   17355 754 1539 |1580 |1600 1591 |1650 |1650 1615–16 1615 1616 29016 8 1/8 x 6 x 11/16 in. (20.7 x 15.3 x 1.7 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1930   14                   665   1
206898 62.602.229 0 0 334242 11 731 A Young Woman Reading a Letter           895 After|Published by Jean Étienne Liotard|James McArdell|James McArdell Swiss, Geneva 1702–1789 Geneva|Irish, Dublin 1729–1765 London|Irish, Dublin 1729–1765 London   17470 778 1702 |1729 |1729 1789 |1765 |1765 1754 1754 1754 29173 Sheet: 13 7/8 x 9 3/4 in. (35.2 x 24.8 cm) Rogers Fund, 1962                       13   1
207110 1986.1180.1344 0 0 334458 11 731 Hercules Feeds Diomedes to His Own Mares and Hercules Slays Cacus from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1550–78 1550 1578 7208 plate: 8 3/4 x 11 1/4in. (22.3 x 28.5cm) sheet: 9 3/8 x 11 5/8 in. (23.8 x 29.5 cm) Bequest of Grace M. Pugh, 1985                       13   1
207113 1986.1250.2.1–2 0 0 334461 11 97 Conterfet Kupfferstich (soviel man deren zu handen bringen konnen) deren jenigen regierenden grossen herren, so von Kaysers Ferdinand dess andern geburt...           895 Published by Johann Christoph Sysang|Johann Friedrich Rosbach|Moritz Georg Weidmann German, 1703–1757|German, active 1720–28|German, active ca. 1720   17562 80 1703 |1720 |1715 1757 |1728 |1725 1721–22 1721 1722 29297 Book: 13 9/16 x 8 13/16 x 2 5/8 in. (34.5 x 22.4 x 6.7 cm) Gift of Ica Waldes Busek, In Memory of Jindrich Waldes, 1986                       442   1
207114 1986.1250.7a 0 0 334462 11 97 Afbeelding van de Zaal en 't Praalbed waar op het Lyk van zyne Doorluchtige Hoogheid den Heere Willem Karel Hendrik Friso...           895 Published by Jan Punt|de Swart|Francois Changuion Dutch, Amsterdam 1711–1779 Amsterdam|Dutch|Dutch   17563 789 1711 1779 1752 1752 1752 26137 19 3/8 x 15 1/16 x 1 13/16 in (49.2 x 38.2 x 4.6 cm) Gift of Ica Waldes Busek, in Memory of Jindrich Waldes, 1986                       442   1
207251 1993.1101 0 0 334600 11 731 Three Dominican Saints           895 After|Published by Francesco Bartolozzi|Giovanni Battista Piazzetta|Joseph Wagner Italian, Florence 1728–1815 Lisbon|Italian, Venice 1682–1754 Venice|Italian, Thalendorf 1706–1780 Venice , Venice 17640 93 1728 |1682 |1706 1815 |1754 |1780 1760 1760 1760 29367 plate: 21 5/16 x 12 11/16 in. (54.1 x 32.3 cm) Museum Accession, 1993                       13   1
207269 1994.30.3.1–2 0 0 334618 11 97 Folder, vol.2, no.1, 1954-1955.           895   Gandy Brodie|Grace Hartigan|Tiber Press American, New York 1924–1975 New York|American, Newark, New Jersey 1922–2008 Baltimore, Maryland|New York, NY   17652 101 1924 |1922 |1950 1975 |2008 |2000 1954 1954 1954 29378 Book: 10 5/8 x 7 13/16 x 1/4 in. (27 x 19.8 x .7 cm) John B. Turner Fund, 1994                       442   1
207272 1994.30.4.1–2 0 0 334621 11 97 Folder, 1954           895 Published by Felix Pasilis|Grace Hartigan|Tiber Press American, born 1922|American, Newark, New Jersey 1922–2008 Baltimore, Maryland|New York, NY   17654 101 1922 |1922 |1950 2022 |2008 |2000 1954 1954 1954 29381 Book: 10 5/8 x 7 11/16 x 3/8 in. (27 x 19.5 x 1 cm) John B. Turner Fund, 1994                       442   1
207283 1994.170.8 0 0 334632 11 731 Silenus and a Family of Satyrs (Bacchanal)           895 After Richard Earlom|Peter Paul Rubens|John Boydell British, London 1743–1822 London|Flemish, Siegen 1577–1640 Antwerp|British, Shropshire 1720–1804 London   17662 804 1743 |1577 |1720 1822 |1640 |1804 1785 1785 1785 29072 Sheet: 20 13/16 x 27 9/16 in. (52.81 x 70cm) Plate: 17 3/8 x 18 7/8 in. (44.2 x 48.01cm) Gift of Herbert Mitchell, 1994   14                   13   1
207841 1996.326 0 0 335198 11 731 Novembre (November)         86 895 After|Published Venice by Francesco Bartolozzi|Giuseppe Zocchi|Joseph Wagner Italian, Florence 1728–1815 Lisbon|Italian, Florence 1711–1767 Florence|Italian, Thalendorf 1706–1780 Venice   17973 93 1728 |1711 |1706 1815 |1767 |1780 1761 1761 1761 29734 plate: 14 5/16 x 17 15/16 in. (36.3 x 45.5 cm) sheet: 14 7/8 x 18 3/4 in. (37.8 x 47.6 cm) Charles Z. Offin Fund, 1996                       13   1
207851 67.539.404 0 0 335208 11 731 Decembre (December)         87 895 After|Published Venice by Francesco Bartolozzi|Giuseppe Zocchi|Joseph Wagner Italian, Florence 1728–1815 Lisbon|Italian, Florence 1711–1767 Florence|Italian, Thalendorf 1706–1780 Venice   17973 93 1728 |1711 |1706 1815 |1767 |1780 1761 1761 1761 29744 sheet: 14 1/16 x 17 1/16 in. (35.7 x 43.4 cm) Purchase, Harry G. Friedman Bequest, 1967                       13   1
207873 61.532.10 0 0 335230 11 731 Plate 10: Visit of the Doge to San Zaccaria on Easter Day, from 'Ducal Ceremonies and Festivals' (Le Feste Ducali)         88 895 After Giovanni Battista Brustolon|Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)|Lodovico Furlanetto Italian, Venice 1712–1796 Venice|Italian, Venice 1697–1768 Venice|Italian, active Venice, 1766–1777   17988 93 1712 |1697 |1766 1796 |1768 |1777 ca. 1766 1746 1786 6712 Plate: 17 5/16 × 22 3/8 in. (44 × 56.9 cm) Sheet: 21 1/4 × 27 3/16 in. (54 × 69 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1961                       13   1
208203 1979.525.4 0 1 335562 11 731 The Rhinoceros, Clara, in the foreground, her keeper holding her horn and a whip behind her at center with various other spectators in Carnival masks           895 After Alessandro Longhi|Pietro Longhi (Pietro Falca)|Joseph Wagner Italian, Venice 1733–1813 Venice|Italian, Venice 1701–1785 Venice|Italian, Thalendorf 1706–1780 Venice   18118 93 1733 |1701 |1706 1813 |1785 |1780 after ca. 1751 1746 1799 26137 Sheet: 16 5/16 × 20 1/4 in. (41.4 × 51.5 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1979                       13   1
208260 61.532.13 0 0 335619 11 731 Plate I: the Piazzetta seen from the Molo         107 895 After Antonio Maria Visentini|Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)|Lodovico Furlanetto Italian, Venice 1688–1782 Venice|Italian, Venice 1697–1768 Venice|Italian, active Venice, 1766–1777   18148 145 1688 |1697 |1766 1782 |1768 |1777 ca. 1766 1761 1771 26137 Sheet: 20 7/8 × 27 3/8 in. (53 × 69.5 cm) Plate: 16 5/8 × 22 13/16 in. (42.2 × 58 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1961                       13   1
208261 61.532.14 0 0 335620 11 731 PlateII: the Ducal Palace from the Bacino         108 895 After Antonio Maria Visentini|Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)|Lodovico Furlanetto Italian, Venice 1688–1782 Venice|Italian, Venice 1697–1768 Venice|Italian, active Venice, 1766–1777   18148 145 1688 |1697 |1766 1782 |1768 |1777 ca. 1766 1761 1771 26137 Sheet: 21 1/16 × 27 3/8 in. (53.5 × 69.5 cm) Plate: 16 3/4 × 22 13/16 in. (42.5 × 58 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1961                       13   1
208263 61.532.15 0 0 335622 11 731 Plate III: Piazza San Marco from the Clock Tower         109 895 After Antonio Maria Visentini|Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)|Lodovico Furlanetto Italian, Venice 1688–1782 Venice|Italian, Venice 1697–1768 Venice|Italian, active Venice, 1766–1777   18148 145 1688 |1697 |1766 1782 |1768 |1777 ca. 1766 1761 1771 26137 Sheet: 21 1/16 × 27 9/16 in. (53.5 × 70 cm) Plate: 16 5/8 × 22 13/16 in. (42.3 × 58 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1961                       13   1
209034 2001.648 0 1 336411 11 731 Witches Preparing for Sabbath           895 Designed by|Published by Jacques de Gheyn II|Andries Stock|Nicolaes de Clerck Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, 1572/82–after 1648   18428 787 1565 |1572 1629 |1648 ca. 1610 1605 1615 7208 Sheet: 17 1/4 × 25 3/4 in. (43.8 × 65.4 cm) Gift of Charles Hack and Angella Hearn, 2001                       13   1
209269 51.501.4980 0 0 336650 11 731 Sergeant, from Officers and Soldiers         132 895 after Jacques de Gheyn II|Hendrick Goltzius|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   18494 787 1565 |1558 |1558 1629 |1617 |1617 1587 1587 1587 30618 Sheet: 8 5/8 × 6 3/16 in. (21.9 × 15.7 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951   1057                   13   1
211255 1999.523.4 0 0 338645 11 731 An Archery Contest           895 After Philip Browne|William Garet|Graf and Soret British, active 1824–65|British, active London, mid-19th century|London   19180 178 1824 |1800 |1800 1865 |1900 |1900 1850–59 1850 1859 14948 10 x 12-7/8 in. (25.4 x 32.7 cm) Gift of Lev Tsitrin, 1999                       13   1
211268 1999.509.5 0 1 338658 11 731 Girl and Pigs           895 After Richard Earlom|Thomas Gainsborough|John Boydell British, London 1743–1822 London|British, Sudbury 1727–1788 London|British, Shropshire 1720–1804 London   19188 178 1743 |1727 |1720 1822 |1788 |1804 1783 1783 1783 29072 15-13/16 x 18-1/2 in. (40.2 x 47.0 cm) Gift of Leo Steinberg, 1999                       13   1
211304 17.3.859 0 1 338694 11 731 Big Fish Eat Little Fish           895   Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1557 1557 1557 31672 9 x 11 5/8 in. (22.9 x 29.6 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       13   1
211306 26.72.23 0 1 338696 11 731 Summer (Aestas) from the series The Seasons           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1570 1570 1570 30370 Sheet: 8 7/8 x 11 5/16 in. (22.5 x 28.7 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211307 26.72.24 0 1 338697 11 731 Skating before the St. George's Gate, Antwerp           895 After Frans Huys|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, 1522–1562|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19207 787 1522 |1525 |1510 1562 |1569 |1570 ca. 1558 1553 1563 30370 9 1/8 x 11 3/4 in. (23.2 x 29.9 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211308 26.72.31 0 1 338698 11 731 Avarice (Avaritia) from the series The Seven Deadly Sins           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1558 1558 1558 30370 Sheet: 8 7/8 x 11 5/8 in. (22.6 x 29.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211309 26.72.33 0 1 338699 11 731 Pride (Superbia), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1558 1558 1558 7208 sheet: 8 7/8 x 11 5/8 in. (22.5 x 29.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211310 26.72.34 0 1 338700 11 731 Sloth (Desidia), from the series The Seven Deadly Sins           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1558 1558 1558 7208 Sheet: 8 15/16 x 11 5/8 in. (22.7 x 29.6 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211311 26.72.39 0 1 338701 11 731 The Dirty Bride or the Marriage of Mopsus and Nisa           895   Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1570 1570 1570 31672 Sheet: 8 3/4 x 11 3/8 in. (22.2 x 28.9 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211312 26.72.40 0 1 338702 11 731 The Battle about Money           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Aux Quatre Vents Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels   19208 787 1525 |1525 1569 |1569 after 1570 1570 1580 30932 Sheet: 9 5/16 x 11 15/16 in. (23.6 x 30.4 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211315 26.72.46 0 1 338705 11 731 Envy (Invidia) from The Seven Deadly Sins           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1558 1558 1558 30370 8 15/16 x 11 5/8 in. (22.7 x 29.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211316 26.72.57 0 1 338706 11 731 Spring (Ver) from The Seasons           895 After Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1570 1570 1570 31674 sheet: 9 x 11 7/16 in. (22.8 x 29 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
211317 28.4(2) 0 1 338707 11 731 Armed Three-master with Daedalus and Icarus in the Sky from The Sailing Vessels           895 After Frans Huys|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, 1522–1562|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19207 787 1522 |1525 |1510 1562 |1569 |1570 1561–65 1561 1565 31674 Sheet: 8 3/4 x 11 5/16 in. (22.2 x 28.7 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
211318 28.4(10) 0 1 338708 11 731 Fleet of Galleys Escorted by a Caravel from The Sailing Vessels           895 After Frans Huys|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, 1522–1562|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19207 787 1522 |1525 |1510 1562 |1569 |1570 1561–65 1561 1565 29129 Sheet: 8 3/4 x 11 7/16 in. (22.3 x 29 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
211319 28.4(18) 0 1 338709 11 731 The Fall of the Magician           895 After Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Pieter van der Heyden|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19210 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 1565 1565 1565 31675 plate: 8 3/4 x 11 9/16 in. (22.3 x 29.3 cm) sheet: 10 1/4 x 13 1/8 in. (26.1 x 33.4 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
211321 33.52.29 0 1 338711 11 731 The Peasant Wedding Dance           895 After|Published by Pieter van der Heyden|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, ca. 1525–1569|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19206 787 1525 |1525 |1510 1569 |1569 |1570 after 1570 1570 1580 31674 sheet: 14 15/16 x 17 1/16 in. (38 x 43.3 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1933                       13   1
211322 59.534.23 0 1 338712 11 731 Four-master and Two Three-masters Anchored near a Fortified Island from The Sailing Vessels           895   Frans Huys|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, 1522–1562|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19207 787 1522 |1525 |1510 1562 |1569 |1570 1561–65 1561 1565 31677 Plate: 8 7/8 × 11 9/16 in. (22.5 × 29.4 cm) Sheet: 10 15/16 × 13 in. (27.8 × 33 cm) Bequest of Alexandrine Sinsheimer, 1959                       13   1
211323 59.534.24 0 1 338713 11 731 Three Caravels in a Rising Squall with Arion on a Dolphin from The Sailing Vessels           895   Frans Huys|Pieter Bruegel the Elder|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, 1522–1562|Netherlandish, Breda (?) ca. 1525–1569 Brussels|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   19207 787 1522 |1525 |1510 1562 |1569 |1570 1561–65 1561 1565 31678 8 11/16 x 11 1/4 in. (22 x 28.6 cm) Bequest of Alexandrine Sinsheimer, 1959                       13   1
211581 1984.1108.3 0 1 338971 11 731 The Prophet Jeremiah, from the series of Prophets and Sibyls in the Sistine Chapel           895 After Giorgio Ghisi|Michelangelo Buonarroti|Nicolaus van Aelst Italian, Mantua ca. 1520–1582 Mantua|Italian, Caprese 1475–1564 Rome|Flemish, Brussels 1526–1613 Rome   19293 145 1515 |1475 |1526 1582 |1564 |1613 1570–75 1570 1575 31825 Sheet (Trimmed): 22 1/4 in. × 17 in. (56.5 × 43.2 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1984                       13   1
212479 54.90.587 0 1 339873 11 731 New York from the Steeple of St. Paul's Church, Looking East, South, and West           895 After Henry A. Papprill|John William Hill|Henry J. Megarey British, 1817–1896|American (born England), London 1812–1879 West Nyack, New York|American, 1818–1845 New York   19586 954 1817 |1812 |1818 1896 |1879 |1845 1849 1849 1849 32178 image: 21 1/4 x 36 3/16 in. (53.9 x 91.9 cm) sheet: 25 3/16 x 38 7/16 in. (64 x 97.7 cm) The Edward W. C. Arnold Collection of New York Prints, Maps and Pictures, Bequest of Edward W. C. Arnold, 1954                       13   1
212879 53.600.516 0 0 340275 11 731 Child with a Top           895 after Jean Siméon Chardin|Bernard Lepicié|Louis Surugue French, Paris 1699–1779 Paris|French, Paris 1698–1755 Paris|French, Paris ca. 1686–1762 Grand Vaux   19654 2 1699 |1698 |1686 1779 |1755 |1762 1742 1742 1742 30370 Sheet (trimmed): 8 7/16 × 8 1/16 in. (21.5 × 20.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
213746 53.600.2096 0 0 341165 11 731 The Temptation of Saint Anthony; with two temptresses and two demons surrounding him, as God flies down to his rescue           895 After Agostino Carracci|Jacopo Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti)|Luca Bertelli Italian, Bologna 1557–1602 Parma|Italian, Venice 1518/19–1594 Venice|Italian, active 1564–89   19876 93 1557 |1518 |1564 1602 |1594 |1589 1582 1582 1582 7208 Sheet: 22 5/8 × 15 9/16 in. (57.5 × 39.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
213987 47.100.1023 0 1 341406 11 731 Aeneas and his family fleeing Troy           895 After Agostino Carracci|Federico Barocci|Donato Rasicotti Italian, Bologna 1557–1602 Parma|Italian, Urbino ca. 1535–1612 Urbino|Italian, active Venice, 1572–98   19945 93 1557 |1535 |1572 1602 |1612 |1598 1595 1595 1595 7208 Sheet (Trimmed): 15 1/4 × 20 7/8 in. (38.7 × 53 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947                       13   1
214045 26.50.1(140) 0 1 341464 11 731 Eros Escaping by Sea; Cupid using his bow to propel a boat made from his quiver with an arrow as the mast and his blindfold as the sail, a banderole above           895 After Marco Dente|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Ravenna, active by 1515–died 1527 Rome|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   19966 93 1515 |1483 |1478 1527 |1520 |1562 ca. 1515–27 1510 1532 7208 Sheet: 5 1/16 × 6 13/16 in. (12.9 × 17.3 cm) Plate: 4 15/16 × 6 5/8 in. (12.5 × 16.9 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
214078 1986.1180.521 0 0 341497 11 731 David Playing the Harp and Dancing in front of the Ark of the Convenant           895 After Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri)|Pierre LeMaire|Arnold van Westerhout Italian, Bologna 1581–1641 Naples|French, 1612–1688 Rome|Flemish, Antwerp 1651–1725 Rome   19968 966 1581 |1612 |1651 1641 |1688 |1725   1650 1725 26137 sheet: 9 15/16 x 7 13/16 in. (25.2 x 19.8 cm) plate: 9 7/8 x 7 11/16 in. (25.1 x 19.6 cm) Bequest of Grace M. Pugh, 1985                       13   1
214503 47.100.913 0 0 341925 11 731 The Virgin in Glory, after Murillo           895 After Jean Marie Leroux|Bartolomé Estebán Murillo|Hauser Editeur French, Paris 1788–1870 Paris|Spanish, Seville 1617–1682 Seville|French, Paris   20090 140 1788 |1617 1870 |1682 ca. 1830–1870 1825 1835 7208 29 3/4 x 21 5/8 in. (75.5 x 55 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947                       13   1
215890 2000.635.2 0 0 343319 11 731 Pitratto nel quale si rappresenta il vero sito dell'horti et fontane che con ingeniosissimi adornamenti et maraviglie si vedono nella villa in Tivoli fatta dalla Fe. Me. D. Hippolito da Este Card. di Ferrara (Villa d'Este, Tivoli)           895 After|Published by Francesco Corduba|Etienne DuPérac|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Italian, 17th century|French, ca. 1535–1604|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   20379 267 1600 |1535 |1627 1700 |1604 |1691 ca. 1620 1615 1625 29129 Plate: 9 3/8 x 13 3/4 in. (23.8 x 34.9 cm) Sheet: 10 5/8 x 15 3/4 in. (27 x 40 cm) Gift of Gray Foy in memory of Leo Lerman, 2000                       13   1
216163 66.747.47 0 1 343594 11 731 A group of emaciated men and women gathered around a skeleton laid on the ground and a figure of Death as a winged skeleton standing above it holding an open book           895 After Marco Dente|Baccio Bandinelli|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Ravenna, active by 1515–died 1527 Rome|Italian, Gaiole in Chianti 1493–1560 Florence|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   20465 93 1515 |1493 |1478 1527 |1560 |1562 ca. 1515–27 1510 1532 7208 Sheet (Trimmed): 11 1/4 × 17 1/8 in. (28.5 × 43.5 cm) Gift of Mrs. John H. Sichel, 1966                       13   1
216172 41.72(2.145) 0 1 343603 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Bas-Relief with Three Cupids         159 895 After Marco Dente|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Claudio Duchetti Italian, Ravenna, active by 1515–died 1527 Rome|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Italian, active Venice and Rome, ca. 1565–died ca. 1585   20467 145 1515 |1483 |1565 1527 |1520 |1585 1519 1519 1519 7208 sheet: 7 3/16 x 14 in. (18.3 x 35.5 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
216459 49.69.11(7-9) 0 0 343890 11 97 [Altars]           895 Published by Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer|Gottfried Bernhard Goetz|Gottfried Bernhard Goetz German, Linz 1696–1770 Mimmenhausen|German, Velehrad 1708–1774 Augsburg|German, Velehrad 1708–1774 Augsburg   20637 80 1696 |1708 |1708 1770 |1774 |1774 ca. 1740 1735 1745 7208 16 3/4 x 10 1/4 x 1/16 in. (42.5 x 26 x 0.2 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949   424                   442   1
216641 21.36.49 0 0 344102 11 97 Beschouwing der Wereld           895 Published by Jan Luyken|Caspar Luyken|Pieter Arentsz. II. widow and Cornelis van der Sys Dutch, Amsterdam 1649–1712 Amsterdam|Dutch, Amsterdam 1672–1708 Amsterdam   20728 789 1649 |1672 |1698 1712 |1708 1708 1708 1708 7208 7 5/16 x 4 13/16 x 1 3/4 in. (18.5 x 12.3 x 4.5 cm) Gift of Samuel P. Avery, transferred from Library, 1921   201                   442   1
216649 27.23.31-62 0 0 344110 11 13872 Modelli Artificiosi di Vasi diversi d'argento et altre Opere capriciozi (...) Parte prima; Parte seconda           895 After|Published by Theodor van Kessel|Adam van Vianen I|Christiaen van Vianen Dutch, 1620–1660|Dutch, Utrecht ca. 1568/69–1627 Utrecht|Dutch, Utrecht ca. 1600–1667 Utrecht   20734 1031 1620 |1563 |1600 1660 |1627 |1667 [1646–52] 1646 1652 26137 14 11/16 x 10 5/8 x 1/8 in. (37.3 x 27 x 0.3 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1927                       694   1
217286 51.540.4 0 0 344777 11 97 Cinquieme Suite de Vases           895 Published by Adélaide Allou|P. Nicolet|Chez Basan French|French, 18th century   21072 103 0018 0018 [about 1771] 1771 1771 26137 Overall: 14 1/8 x 10 9/16 x 5/16 in. (35.8 x 26.8 x 0.8 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1951   27                   442   1
217707 68.526.13 0 0 345202 11 97 Handbook of Christian Symbolism           895   George Ashdown Audsley|William James Audsley|Day & Son, Ltd. British, Elgin, Scotland 1838–1925 New York|British, born 1833|London   21404 1188 1838 |1833 |1800 1925 |1933 |1899 1865 1865 1865 34115 8 7/16 x 6 11/16 in. (21.5 x 17 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1968   14                   442   1
217967 41.72(1.26) 0 1 345467 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Altar of Eros         159 895 Attributed to|After (?) Agostino Veneziano (Agostino dei Musi)|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Venice ca. 1490–after 1536 Rome|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   21580 93 1490 |1483 |1478 1536 |1520 |1562 ca. 1514–36 1514 1536 7208 mount: 17 15/16 x 11 13/16 in. (45.5 x 30 cm) sheet: 11 5/8 x 8 11/16 in. (29.5 x 22 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
217969 41.72(1.27) 0 1 345469 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: The Altar of Jupiter in the Oldest Temple on the Capitol         159 895 Attributed to|After (?) Agostino Veneziano (Agostino dei Musi)|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Venice ca. 1490–after 1536 Rome|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   21580 93 1490 |1483 |1478 1536 |1520 |1562 ca. 1514–36 1514 1536 7208 mount: 18 1/8 x 10 5/8 in. (46 x 27 cm) sheet: 11 5/8 x 8 3/8 in. (29.5 x 21.2 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
218089 1991.1073.86 0 1 345590 11 97 Admiranda romananum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia           895 After Pietro Santi Bartoli|Giovanni Pietro Bellori|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Italian, Perugia 1615–1700 Rome|Italian, Rome 1613–1696 Rome|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   21631 145 1615 |1613 |1627 1700 |1696 |1691 1693 1693 1693     Rogers Fund, 1905, transferred from the Library (1991.1073.86)   571                   442   1
218191 41.72(2.119) 0 1 345693 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Trajan Between City of Victory and Rome         159 895 After Marcantonio Raimondi|Anonymous, Italian, 16th century|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Argini (?) ca. 1480–before 1534 Bologna (?)|Italian, active Central Italy, ca. 1550–1580|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   21675 93 1475 |1550 |1478 1534 |1600 |1562 ca. 1500–34 1500 1540 7208 sheet: 11 1/4 x 16 3/4 in. (28.6 x 42.6 cm) mount: 13 7/8 x 16 15/16 in. (35.3 x 43 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
218949 48.11 0 0 346459 11 97 Album de la Société des Aqua-fortistes           895   Amédée de Boret|Émile Ulm|Cadart & Luquet French, Jussey 1837–1916 Raincourt|French, 19th century   22176 103 1837 |1800 |1800 1916 |1900 |1900 1865–66 1865 1866 28944   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1948                       442   1
218970 53.554.2 0 0 346480 11 97 Diversi Trofei etc.           895 Published by [ Pierre Philippe Choffard|Benigno Bossi|Chereau French, Paris 1730–1809 Paris|Italian, 1727–1792|French ] 22190 273 1730 |1727 1809 |1792 1745–1800 1745 1800 7208 Overall: 6 x 5 7/8 x 3/8 in. (15.2 x 14.9 x 0.9 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1953   27                   442   1
219000 53.600.1015 0 0 346511 11 13829 Three Putti sitting on Dolphins and two Tritons, from Second Livre de Fontaines (Second Book of Fountains)         287 895 After François Boucher|Pierre Alexandre Aveline|Gabriel Huquier French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Paris 1702–1760 Paris|French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris   22216 103 1703 |1702 |1695 1770 |1760 |1772 ca. 1720–36 1720 1736 6712 Sheet: 9 15/16 x 5 13/16 in. (25.2 x 14.8 cm) trimmed Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       673   1
219001 17.3.3232 0 0 346512 11 13829 Two Tritons and a Swan, from Second Livre de Fontaines, plate 5         287 895 After François Boucher|Pierre Alexandre Aveline|Gabriel Huquier French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Paris 1702–1760 Paris|French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris   22216 103 1703 |1702 |1695 1770 |1760 |1772 ca. 1720–36 1720 1736 6712 Sheet: 13 3/16 x 9 7/16 in. (33.5 x 24 cm) Plate: 10 7/16 x 6 1/2 in. (26.5 x 16.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       673   1
219002 17.3.3234 0 0 346513 11 13829 Neptune, from Second Livre de Fontaines (Second Book of Fountains), plate 2         287 895 After François Boucher|Pierre Alexandre Aveline|Gabriel Huquier French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Paris 1702–1760 Paris|French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris   22216 103 1703 |1702 |1695 1770 |1760 |1772 ca. 1720–36 1715 1736 6712 Sheet: 13 1/16 x 9 1/2 in. (33.2 x 24.2 cm) Plate: 10 5/16 x 6 7/16 in. (26.2 x 16.4 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       673   1
219003 17.3.3255 0 0 346514 11 13829 Satyr, Naiad, and River God, from Second Livre de Fontaines (Second Book of Fountains), plate 6         287 895 After François Boucher|Pierre Alexandre Aveline|Gabriel Huquier French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Paris 1702–1760 Paris|French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris   22216 103 1703 |1702 |1695 1770 |1760 |1772 ca. 1720–36 1720 1736 6712 Sheet: 13 3/16 x 9 7/16 in. (33.5 x 24 cm) Plate: 10 7/16 x 6 9/16 in. (26.5 x 16.6 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       673   1
219004 59.570.550(2) 0 0 346515 11 13829 Naiads, Tritons, and Priapus, from Second Livre de Fontaines (Second Book of Fountains), plate 4         287 895 After François Boucher|Pierre Alexandre Aveline|Gabriel Huquier French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Paris 1702–1760 Paris|French, Orléans 1695–1772 Paris   22216 103 1703 |1702 |1695 1770 |1760 |1772 ca. 1720–36 1720 1736 6712 Sheet: 11 15/16 x 8 3/8 in. (30.4 x 21.2 cm) Plate: 10 1/4 x 6 1/2 in. (26 x 16.5 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1959                       673   1
219005 49.108.2(41-46) 0 0 346516 11 13829 Suite de Figures Chinoises. . .Tiré du Cabinet de Mr. d'Azaincourt         288 895 After|Published by François Boucher|Jean Pierre Louis Laurent Hoüel|Gilles Demarteau French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Rouen 1735–1813 Paris|French, Liège 1722–1776 Paris   22217 103 1703 |1735 |1722 1770 |1813 |1776 mid-18th century 1750 1776 6712 Overall: 14 9/16 x 10 11/16 x 3/16 in. (37 x 27.2 x 0.4 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       695   1
219006 53.600.1017(1-6) 0 1 346517 11 1119 Suite de Figures Chinoises. . . Tiré du Cabinet de Mr. d'Azaincourt           895 After|Published by François Boucher|Jean Pierre Louis Laurent Hoüel|Gilles Demarteau French, Paris 1703–1770 Paris|French, Rouen 1735–1813 Paris|French, Liège 1722–1776 Paris   22217 103 1703 |1735 |1722 1770 |1813 |1776 mid-18th century 1750 1776 6712 Overall: 14 9/16 x 10 11/16 x 3/16 in. (37 x 27.2 x 0.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       462   1
219345 1991.1073.38 0 0 346865 11 13868 Collection "Décors et Couleurs" Album No. 2: Soixante-Dix Motifs Décoratifs en Dix-Huit Planches           895 Rep. artist|Published by Jean Burkhalter|Jean Saudé|Éditions Albert Lévy French , Paris 22501 21     [ca. 1930] 1925 1935 30782 Overall: 16 x 13 1/4 x 9/16 in. (40.7 x 33.6 x 1.4 cm) Rogers Fund, 1931, transferred from the Library (1991.1073.38)   27                   679   1
219556 49.45 0 0 347076 11 97 Urbis Venetiarum           895 After|Published by Antonio Maria Visentini|Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)|Giambattista Pasquali Italian, Venice 1688–1782 Venice|Italian, Venice 1697–1768 Venice|active 1730–90 , Venice 22640 145 1688 |1697 |1730 1782 |1768 |1790 1735–42 1735 1742 29786 Overall: 13 3/16 x 19 5/16 x 13/16 in. (33.5 x 49 x 2 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       442   1
219876 57.567 0 1 347403 11 97 Beschryving der nieuwlijks uitgevonden en geoctrojeerde slang-brand-spuiten           895 Published by Jan van der Heyden|Jan van der Heyden de jonge|Jan Rieuwertsz Dutch, Gorinchem 1637–1712 Amsterdam , Amsterdam 22895 828 1637 1712 1690 1690 1690 34573 Overall: 18 x 10 3/4 x 2 1/2in. (45.7 x 27.3 x 6.4cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1957                       442   1
220118 1980.1015.1 0 1 347649 11 97 Observations sur les antiquités de la ville d'Herculanum avec quelques reflexions sur la Peinture & la Sculpture des Anciens & une courte description de quelques Antiquités des environs de Naples           895 Published by Charles Nicolas Cochin II|Jérôme Charles Bellicard|Charles Antoine Jombert French, Paris 1715–1790 Paris|French, Paris 1726–1786 Paris|French, 1712–1784 , Paris 23074 103 1715 |1726 |1712 1790 |1786 |1784 1754 1754 1754   Overall: 6 5/8 x 4 1/8 x 13/16 in. (16.8 x 10.5 x 2 cm) A. Hyatt Mayor Purchase Fund, Marjorie Phelps Starr Bequest, 1980   27                   442   1
220669 49.26.5 0 0 348205 11 97 David Custos, Icones Operum Misericordiac           895 Published by David Custos|Crispijn de Passe the Elder|Marcus Sadeler German, active Augsburg ca. 1600|Netherlandish, Arnemuiden 1564–1637 Utrecht|German, Munich before 1614–in or after 1650   23435 1465 1600 |1564 |1590 1600 |1637 |1660 1591 1591 1591     The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       442   1
220765 17.3.2887 0 1 348302 11 731 The Skeleton Re-Animated, Title Page to the Grave, a Poem by Robert Blair           895 After Luigi Schiavonetti|William Blake|Rudolph Ackermann, London Italian, Bassano del Grappa 1765–1810 London|British, London 1757–1827 London|active 1794–1829   23487 1105 1765 |1757 |1764 1810 |1827 |1834 March 1, 1813 1813 1813 7208 plate: 14 x 10 1/2 in. (35.6 x 26.7 cm) sheet: 14 5/16 x 10 7/8 in. (36.4 x 27.6 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       13   1
220767 17.3.2394 0 1 348304 11 731 Death of the Strong Wicked Man, from The Grave, a Poem by Robert Blair           895 After Luigi Schiavonetti|William Blake|Rudolph Ackermann, London Italian, Bassano del Grappa 1765–1810 London|British, London 1757–1827 London|active 1794–1829   23487 1105 1765 |1757 |1764 1810 |1827 |1834 March 1, 1813 1813 1813 7208 plate: 8 3/16 x 10 3/16 in. (20.8 x 25.9 cm) sheet: 9 7/16 x 11 in. (24 x 27.9 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       13   1
220890 49.97.466 0 0 348429 11 731 The Dispute on the Holy Sacrament; the Holy Trinity in the upper centre surrounded by the Virgin Mary and Saint John, saints, patriarchs and angels; below them an altar with the Holy Sacrament, ecclesiastics and doctors of the Church debating its nature; after Raphael's fresco in the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican Palace           895 After Giorgio Ghisi|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Hieronymus Cock Italian, Mantua ca. 1520–1582 Mantua|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   23577 974 1515 |1483 |1510 1582 |1520 |1570 1552 1552 1552 34801 sheet: 20 1/4 x 32 5/8 in. (51.5 x 82.8 cm) platemark The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
221076 29.88.9(16) 0 1 348617 11 731 Around the Council Fire, The Young Brave's Speech (Harper's Weekly, May 10, 1873)           895 After Edwin Austin Abbey|Theodore Russell Davis|Harper's Weekly American, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1852–1911 London|American, 1840–1894|American, 1857–1916   23700 101 1852 |1840 |1857 1911 |1894 |1916 May 10, 1873 1873 1873 29001 Image: 9 1/8 × 13 9/16 in. (23.1 × 34.5 cm) Sheet: 10 1/16 × 14 3/8 in. (25.6 × 36.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1929                       13   1
221240 29.88.9(17) 0 0 348784 11 731 Tracking Rabbits (Harper's Weekly, December 20,1873)           895 After W. H. Lagarde|Edwin Austin Abbey|Harper's Weekly American, active 1873–74|American, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1852–1911 London|American, 1857–1916   23828 101 1850 |1852 |1857 1900 |1911 |1916 December 20, 1873 1873 1873 29001   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1929                       13   1
222294 28.40.1 0 1 349854 11 97 Recueil de Decorations Intérieures           895   Pierre François Léonard Fontaine|Charles Percier|Pierre Didot l'ainé French, Pontoise 1762–1853 Paris|French, Paris 1764–1838 Paris|French, 1761–1853   24552 103 1762 |1764 |1761 1853 |1838 |1853 1812 1812 1812 29296 19 5/16 × 13 × 1 3/16 in. (49 × 33 × 3 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928   27                   442   1
222894 49.95.1110-1227 0 0 350463 11 731 Waffenhandlung von den Rören Musquetten undt Spiessen / Wapenhandelinghe van Roers Musquetten Ende Spiessen (The Exercise of Arms)         328 895 after|Workshop of|possibly by Jacques de Gheyn II|Jacques de Gheyn II|Robert Willemsz de Baudous Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, 1574/5–1659   25037 787 1565 |1565 |1574 1629 |1629 |1659 published 1608 1608 1608 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
223690 41.57.31 0 1 351273 11 731 Frontispiece to the Bible           895 After|Published by Claude Mellan|Nicolas Poussin|L'Imprimerie Royale French, Abbeville 1598–1688 Paris|French, Les Andelys 1594–1665 Rome   25655 103 1598 |1594 1688 |1665 1642 1642 1642 35273 sheet: 16 7/16 x 10 9/16 in. (41.7 x 26.9 cm) plate: 16 1/4 x 10 5/16 in. (41.3 x 26.2 cm) Purchase, Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1941                       13   1
224602 41.72(2.151) 0 1 352196 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: A Triton Carrying off a Nymph         159 895 After Marco Dente|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Antonio Salamanca Italian, Ravenna, active by 1515–died 1527 Rome|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Salamanca 1478–1562 Rome   19966 93 1515 |1483 |1478 1527 |1520 |1562 16th century 1515 1527 7208 sheet: 4 1/2 x 6 7/8 in. (11.4 x 17.4 cm) trimmed to platemark mount: 17 5/16 x 10 5/8 in. (44 x 27 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
227612 1970.565.207 0 0 355232 11 97 Fragments Antiques de Sculptures           895 Published by Charles Percier|Pierre François Léonard Fontaine|A. Morel French, Paris 1764–1838 Paris|French, Pontoise 1762–1853 Paris , Paris 28496 103 1764 |1762 1838 |1853 1862 1862 1862     Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1970                       442   1
227777 32.130.60-65 0 0 355399 11 97 Fueilliages Moderne faicts au Chateau Royal de Fontainebleau           895 After|Published by D. Antoine Pierretz|Francesco Primaticcio|Pierre Mariette le fils French, active 1647|Italian, Bologna 1504/5–1570 Paris|French, Paris 1634–1716 Paris , Paris 28620 273 1600 |1504 |1634 1700 |1570 |1716 n.d. [ca. 1647] 1642 1652 26137 Overall: 15 9/16 x 8 1/4 x 3/16 in. (39.5 x 21 x 0.5 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1932   27                   442   1
228231 53.544 0 1 355864 11 97 Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel ou sont contenues plusieurs figures de l'invention de maitre François Rabelais           895 Attributed to|Published by François Rabelais|François Desprez|Richard Breton French, 1494?–1553|French, active 16th century|French, 1525–1571 Paris , Paris 28907 103 1494 |1500 |1525 1553 |1600 |1571 [1565] 1565 1565 35931 Overall: 6 1/16 x 4 3/16 x 9/16 in. (15.4 x 10.6 x 1.5 cm) Double-page spread: 5 7/8 x 7 1/2 in. (15 x 19 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1953                       442   1
228401 1991.1335.2 0 0 356035 11 731 A Tea Garden           895 Designed by George Morland|François David Soiron|P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. British, London 1763–1804 London|Geneva 1764–after 1793, active Britain   28997 295 1763 |1764 |1760 1804 |1793 |9999 June 1793 1793 1793 35948 image and text: 17 3/8 x 23 3/4 in. (44.2 x 60.3 cm) image: 16 3/8 x 23 3/4 in. (41.6 x 60.3 cm) Gift of Bruce B. Grynbaum in memory of his parents Gertrude and Maurycy Grynbaum, 1991                       13   1
228606 49.95.992 0 1 356242 11 731 Wild Boar Hunt with Spears, from Hunting Scenes in Ornamental Frames           895 Formerly attributed to|After|Published by Harmen Jansz. Muller|Jan van der Straet, called Stradanus|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Amsterdam ca. 1540–1617 Amsterdam|Netherlandish, Bruges 1523–1605 Florence|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   29142 787 1540 |1523 |1510 1617 |1605 |1570 1570 1570 1570 7208 Sheet: 17 5/8 x 12 7/8 in. (44.8 x 32.7 cm) The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
229374 41.72(1.93) 0 1 357028 11 731 Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Ornithon Sive Aviarum         159 895 After Pirro Ligorio|Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla|Claudio Duchetti Italian, Naples ca. 1512/13–1583 Ferrara|Italian, active Rome, 1575–99|Italian, active Venice and Rome, ca. 1565–died ca. 1585   29708 145 1512 |1575 |1565 1583 |1599 |1585 1581 1581 1581 26137 sheet: 18 1/4 x 14 1/8 in. (46.4 x 35.9 cm) Rogers Fund, Transferred from the Library, 1941                       13   1
229464 54.90.601 0 1 357126 11 731 Palisades (No. 19, Hudson River Portfolio)         205 895 After John Hill|William Guy Wall|Henry J. Megarey American (born England), London 1770–1850 Clarksville, New York|Irish, Dublin 1792–after 1864 Ireland (active America)|American, 1818–1845 New York   29743 2242 1770 |1792 |1818 1850 |1864 |1845 1823–24 1823 1824 36142 image: 14 1/2 x 21 7/16 in. (36.9 x 54.5 cm) plate: 17 15/16 x 24 1/4 in. (45.6 x 61.6 cm) sheet: 20 5/16 x 27 3/4 in. (51.7 x 70.5 cm) The Edward W. C. Arnold Collection of New York Prints, Maps and Pictures, Bequest of Edward W. C. Arnold, 1954                       13   1
229962 34.30(10) 0 1 357631 11 731 New Inventions of Modern Times [Nova Reperta], The Invention of Stirrups, plate 9           895 After Jan van der Straet, called Stradanus|Jan Collaert I|Philips Galle Netherlandish, Bruges 1523–1605 Florence|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1530–1581 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Haarlem 1537–1612 Antwerp   30082 787 1523 |1530 |1537 1605 |1581 |1612 ca. 1600 1595 1605 7208 sheet: 10 5/8 x 7 7/8 in. (27 x 20 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1934                       13   1
230424 17.50.16-135 0 1 358113 11 731 The Academy of Baccio Bandinelli           895 After|Published by Enea Vico|Baccio Bandinelli|Pietro Paolo Palumbo Italian, Parma 1523–1567 Ferrara|Italian, Gaiole in Chianti 1493–1560 Florence|Italian, active Rome, 1563–?1586   30381 145 1523 |1493 |1563 1567 |1560 |1586 ca. 1544 1543 1546 30370 sheet: 12 1/16 x 17 1/4 in. (30.6 x 43.8 cm) Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1917                       13   1
230906 31.67.9 0 1 358601 11 13811 Architectur oder Bawmeisterschaft...           895 After Hans Vredeman de Vries|Hendrick Hondius I|Johannes Janssonius Netherlandish, Leeuwarden 1527–1606 (?) Antwerp (?)|Netherlandish, Duffel 1573–1650 Amsterdam , Amsterdam 30660 1138 1527 |1573 1606 |1650 1628 1628 1628 29021 12 3/16 × 8 5/16 × 1 7/8 in. (30.9 × 21.1 × 4.7 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1931   201                   665   1
231292 35.93.2bis 0 0 359024 11 13811 Pugin's Gothic Furniture           895 Attributed to|Attributed to Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin|Auguste Charles Pugin|Ackermann & Co., London British, London 1812–1852 Ramsgate|British (born France), Paris 1768/69–1832 London|British, active 1829–55   30804 2348 1812 |1768 |1829 1852 |1832 |1855 ca. 1850 1845 1855 28996 10 11/16 x 8 9/16 x 11/16 in. (27.2 x 21.7 x 1.7 cm) Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1935                       665   1
231384 57.650.622(1) 0 0 359120 11 731 Analysis of Thought         419 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 August 1832 1832 1832 29142 sheet: 13 3/8 x 19 in. (34 x 48.2 cm) image: 8 3/8 x 12 3/8 in. (21.2 x 31.5 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231387 57.650.622(4) 0 0 359123 11 731 The Great Vintage of the Budget         422 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 December 1832 1832 1832 29142 sheet: 14 3/16 x 21 1/8 in. (36 x 53.6 cm) image: 9 3/8 x 15 5/16 in. (23.8 x 38.9 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231388 57.650.623(5) 0 0 359124 11 731 Hay Making         423 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 December 1832 1832 1832 14948 sheet: 14 7/16 x 21 9/16 in. (36.6 x 54.8 cm) image: 10 13/16 x 14 13/16 in. (27.4 x 37.6 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231390 57.650.623(7) 0 0 359126 11 731 The Granary of Abundance         425 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 February 1833 1833 1833 31088 sheet: 14 5/8 x 20 1/16 in. (37.1 x 51 cm) image: 10 13/16 x 15 11/16 in. (27.4 x 39.8 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231391 57.650.623(8) 0 0 359127 11 731 Republican Soirée Given in the Salons of the Liberty of the Press         426 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 April 1833 1833 1833 29142 sheet: 12 5/8 x 19 3/4 in. (32 x 50.2 cm) image: 7 1/16 x 12 1/4 in. (18 x 31.1 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231392 57.650.623(9) 0 0 359128 11 731 Louis-Philippe's Ball         427 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 April 1833 1833 1833 31088 sheet: 14 1/2 x 21 3/4 in. (36.8 x 55.2 cm) image: 7 3/16 x 12 3/8 in. (18.3 x 31.5 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231406 57.650.623(11) 0 0 359142 11 731 The People Delivered to the Vampire Taxes         428 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Raffet|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, Paris 1804–1860 Gênes|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30830 103 1803 |1804 |1800 1847 |1860 |1862 May 1833 1833 1833 29142 sheet: 13 9/16 x 19 3/16 in. (34.4 x 48.7 cm) image: 9 1/8 x 13 5/16 in. (23.2 x 33.8 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231407 57.650.623(12) 0 0 359143 11 731 Elevation of the Pear (Élévation de la Poire)         429 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Desperret|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, died 1865|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30845 103 1803 |1865 |1800 1847 |1865 |1862 June 1833 1833 1833 31088 sheet: 14 7/16 x 21 9/16 in. (36.7 x 54.7 cm) image: 11 1/16 x 17 5/16 in. (28.1 x 44 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
231408 57.650.623(13) 0 0 359144 11 731 How the Chevalier of the Free Press Defeated, in Single Combat, the Chevalier of the Sad Countenance Who Wished to Rob Him of His Liberty         430 895 Published by J. J. Grandville|Auguste Desperret|Charles Philipon French, Nancy 1803–1847 Vanves|French, died 1865|French, Lyons 1800–1862 Paris   30845 103 1803 |1865 |1800 1847 |1865 |1862 July 1833 1833 1833 29142 sheet: 14 5/16 x 21 9/16 in. (36.3 x 54.7 cm) image: 11 1/16 x 17 5/16 in. (28.1 x 44 cm) Bequest of Edwin De T. Bechtel, 1957                       13   1
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