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rowidObject NumberIs HighlightIs Public DomainObject IDDepartmentObject NameTitleCulturePeriodDynastyReignPortfolioArtist RoleArtist PrefixArtist Display NameArtist Display BioArtist SuffixArtist Alpha SortArtist NationalityArtist Begin DateArtist End DateObject DateObject Begin DateObject End DateMediumDimensionsCredit LineGeography TypeCityStateCountyCountryRegionSubregionLocaleLocusExcavationRiverClassificationRights and ReproductionLink ResourceRepository
218089 1991.1073.86 0 1 345590 11 97 Admiranda romananum antiquitatum ac veteris sculpturae vestigia           895 After Pietro Santi Bartoli|Giovanni Pietro Bellori|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Italian, Perugia 1615–1700 Rome|Italian, Rome 1613–1696 Rome|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   21631 145 1615 |1613 |1627 1700 |1696 |1691 1693 1693 1693     Rogers Fund, 1905, transferred from the Library (1991.1073.86)   571                   442   1
218949 48.11 0 0 346459 11 97 Album de la Société des Aqua-fortistes           895   Amédée de Boret|Émile Ulm|Cadart & Luquet French, Jussey 1837–1916 Raincourt|French, 19th century   22176 103 1837 |1800 |1800 1916 |1900 |1900 1865–66 1865 1866 28944   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1948                       442   1
220669 49.26.5 0 0 348205 11 97 David Custos, Icones Operum Misericordiac           895 Published by David Custos|Crispijn de Passe the Elder|Marcus Sadeler German, active Augsburg ca. 1600|Netherlandish, Arnemuiden 1564–1637 Utrecht|German, Munich before 1614–in or after 1650   23435 1465 1600 |1564 |1590 1600 |1637 |1660 1591 1591 1591     The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       442   1
221240 29.88.9(17) 0 0 348784 11 731 Tracking Rabbits (Harper's Weekly, December 20,1873)           895 After W. H. Lagarde|Edwin Austin Abbey|Harper's Weekly American, active 1873–74|American, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1852–1911 London|American, 1857–1916   23828 101 1850 |1852 |1857 1900 |1911 |1916 December 20, 1873 1873 1873 29001   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1929                       13   1
222894 49.95.1110-1227 0 0 350463 11 731 Waffenhandlung von den Rören Musquetten undt Spiessen / Wapenhandelinghe van Roers Musquetten Ende Spiessen (The Exercise of Arms)         328 895 after|Workshop of|possibly by Jacques de Gheyn II|Jacques de Gheyn II|Robert Willemsz de Baudous Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1565–1629 The Hague|Netherlandish, 1574/5–1659   25037 787 1565 |1565 |1574 1629 |1629 |1659 published 1608 1608 1608 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
227612 1970.565.207 0 0 355232 11 97 Fragments Antiques de Sculptures           895 Published by Charles Percier|Pierre François Léonard Fontaine|A. Morel French, Paris 1764–1838 Paris|French, Pontoise 1762–1853 Paris , Paris 28496 103 1764 |1762 1838 |1853 1862 1862 1862     Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1970                       442   1
231781 21.91.361 0 1 359522 11 731 The Delights of Winter (Les Plaisirs de l'Hiver)           895 After|Etched by|Published by Jean Pillement|Pierre Charles Canot|Esnauts et Rapilly French, Lyons 1728–1808 Lyons|French, Paris 1710–1777 Kentish Town, London (active England) , Paris 31024 103 1728 |1710 1808 |1777 1759 1759 1759 26137   Rogers Fund, 1921   1287                   13   1
236629 21.91.358 0 1 364551 11 731 The Pleasures of Summer (Les Agréments de Été)           895 After|Etched by|Published by Jean Pillement|Pierre Charles Canot|Esnauts et Rapilly French, Lyons 1728–1808 Lyons|French, Paris 1710–1777 Kentish Town, London (active England) , Paris 31024 103 1728 |1710 1808 |1777 1759 1759 1759 26137   Rogers Fund, 1921   565                   13   1
245749 66.628.12 0 0 374011 11 731 Blind Fortune Distributing her Presents (incomplete image,left sheet only)           895   Cornelis Cornelisz van Haarlem|Jan Muller|Harmen Jansz. Muller Netherlandish, Haarlem 1562–1638 Haarlem|Netherlandish, Amsterdam 1571–1628 Amsterdam|Netherlandish, Amsterdam ca. 1540–1617 Amsterdam   34621 787 1562 |1571 |1540 1638 |1628 |1617 ca. 1605 1603 1607 7208   Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1966                       13   1
248685 53.601.169 0 0 377053 11 731 Landscape, "Solea così nel secolo dell'oro..."           895 After|Published by Francesco Bartolozzi|Francesco Zuccarelli|Joseph Wagner Italian, Florence 1728–1815 Lisbon|Italian, Pitigliano 1702–1788 Florence|Italian, Thalendorf 1706–1780 Venice , Venice 35135 93 1728 |1702 |1706 1815 |1788 |1780 1762 1762 1762 39704   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
253396 23.22.1(24) 0 0 381925 11 731 Soldier on Horseback Holding his Musket         1079 895 Designed by|Engraved by|Published by Stefano della Bella|Claude Goyrand|Israël Henriet Italian, Florence 1610–1664 Florence|French, Sens 1620–1662 Paris|French, Nancy ca. 1590–1661 Paris   36184 180 1610 |1620 |1590 1664 |1662 |1661 1642 1642 1642 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1923                       13   1
253397 23.22.1(25) 0 0 381926 11 731 Two Pikemen Walking         1080 895 Designed by|Engraved by|Published by Stefano della Bella|Claude Goyrand|Israël Henriet Italian, Florence 1610–1664 Florence|French, Sens 1620–1662 Paris|French, Nancy ca. 1590–1661 Paris   36184 180 1610 |1620 |1590 1664 |1662 |1661 1642 1642 1642 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1923                       13   1
253996 37.10.2(3) 0 0 382577 11 731 A Well-dressed Male Dwarf Approaches an Old, Well-dressed Female Dwarf         1171 895 Designed by|Etched by|Published by Stefano della Bella|François Collignon|François Collignon Italian, Florence 1610–1664 Florence|French, Nancy ca. 1610–1687 Rome|French, Nancy ca. 1610–1687 Rome   36303 180 1610 |1605 |1605 1664 |1687 |1687 ca. 1643 1638 1648 26137   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1937                       13   1
254453 53.685.262 0 0 383059 11 731 Dissolute Household           895 Engraved by|Possibly after|Published by Anonymous, Netherlandish, 16th century|Pieter Balten|Aux Quatre Vents Netherlandish, Antwerp 1526/27–1584 Antwerp   36426 787 1500 |1526 1600 |1584 16th century 1500 1599 7208   Gift of Eugene L. Garbaty, 1958                       13   1
254472 69.670.25 0 0 383078 11 731 Design for a Rococo Altar           895 Designed by|Engraved by|Published by Christian Friedrich Rudolph|Johann Gottlieb Thelot|Heirs of Jeremias Wolff German, 1692–after 1754|German, active Augsburg, 1708–1760|German, active Augsburg after 1724   36430 80 1692 |1708 1760 |1760 ca. 1727–60 1722 1765 7208   Rogers Fund, 1969                       13   1
256486 53.600.270(13) 0 1 385163 11 731 St. Basil the Great           895 After|Published by Conrad Lauwers|Laurent de La Hyre|Herman Weyen Flemish, Antwerp, 1632–ca. 1685|French, Paris 1606–1656 Paris|Flemish, died Paris, 1672   36925 2949 1632 |1606 |1600 1685 |1656 |1672   1632 1685 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
270663 67.574.4 0 0 399792 11 731 The Patron Saints of the Crotta Family           895 After Anonymous, 18th century|Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo|Teodoro Viero Italian, Venice 1727–1804 Venice|Italian, 1740–1819   40197 93 1700 |1727 |1740 1800 |1804 |1819   1750 1800 26137   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1969                       13   1
277308 41.24.7(1-4) 0 0 406490 11 13829 Designs for Lids of Tobacco Boxes           895   Elias Baeck|Elias Baeck|Albrecht Schmidt German, Laybach 1679–1747 Augsburg|German, Laybach 1679–1747 Augsburg|German, active in Augsburg, 18th century (first half)   40725 80 1679 |1679 |1700 1747 |1747 |1750 ca. 1710–30 1700 1750 26137   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund 1941                       673   1
277329 49.20.30(1-9) 0 0 406511 11 13829 Designs for the Lids or Insides of Tobacco Boxes           895   Elias Baeck|Gottfried Pfautz|Albrecht Schmidt German, Laybach 1679–1747 Augsburg|German, Ulm 1687/88–1760 Augsburg|German, active in Augsburg, 18th century (first half)   40728 80 1679 |1687 |1700 1747 |1760 |1750 ca. 1710–30 1700 1750 29198   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund 1949                       673   1
286389 53.601.336(67) 0 0 415699 11 731 Upper Half: The Sale of Esau's Birthright from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
286392 53.601.336(68) 0 0 415702 11 731 Lower Half: The Birth of Esau and Jacob from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
286395 53.601.336(69) 0 0 415705 11 731 Upper Half: Jacob Receiving Isaac's Blessing from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
286397 53.601.336(70) 0 0 415707 11 731 Lower Half: The Marriage of Jacob and Lea, with Lea Giving Birth from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
286399 53.601.336(71) 0 0 415709 11 731 Upper Half: The Return of Jacob to Canaan from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
286400 53.601.336(72) 0 0 415710 11 731 Lower Half: Jacob Meeting Rachel at the Well from the Story of Jacob           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
287386 59.570.44(1) 0 0 416697 11 731 The Adoration of the Magi           895 After Cornelis Cort|Giulio Clovio|Antonio Lafreri Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Brizane 1498–1578 Rome|French, Orgelet, Franche-Comte ca. 1512–1577 Rome   41463 3214 1533 |1498 |1507 1578 |1578 |1577 1566 1566 1566 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1959                       13   1
287393 59.570.44(2) 0 0 416704 11 731 The Adoration of the Magi           895 After Cornelis Cort|Giulio Clovio|Antonio Lafreri Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Brizane 1498–1578 Rome|French, Orgelet, Franche-Comte ca. 1512–1577 Rome   41463 3214 1533 |1498 |1507 1578 |1578 |1577 1566 1566 1566 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1959                       13   1
287430 53.601.18(93) 0 0 416741 11 731 The Holy Family with St Elisabeth and St John the Baptist           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Frans Snyders Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Flemish, Antwerp 1579–1657 Antwerp   41469 1049 1533 |1519 |1579 1578 |1570 |1657   1533 1578 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
287454 64.563.77 0 0 416765 11 731 The Creation of Eve           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Zuccaro (Zuccari)|Johann Sadeler I Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Sant'Angelo in Vado 1540/42–1609 Ancona|Netherlandish, Brussels 1550–1600/1601 Venice   41473 2857 1533 |1540 |1550 1578 |1609 |1601 1572 1572 1572 7208   Gift of Mrs. Carolyn R. Vietor, 1964                       13   1
287458 53.60.17(39) 0 0 416769 11 731 The Creation of Eve           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Zuccaro (Zuccari)|Johann Sadeler I Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Sant'Angelo in Vado 1540/42–1609 Ancona|Netherlandish, Brussels 1550–1600/1601 Venice   41473 2857 1533 |1540 |1550 1578 |1609 |1601 1572 1572 1572 7208   Gift of Mrs. Carolyn R. Vietor, 1964                       13   1
287515 17.50.18-6 0 1 416827 11 731 The Rest on the Return from Egypt           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Barocci|Lorenzo Vaccari Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Urbino ca. 1535–1612 Urbino|Italian, active Rome, ca. 1575–1608   41494 978 1533 |1535 |1575 1578 |1612 |1608 1575 1575 1575 7208   Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1917                       13   1
287526 26.70.3(12) 0 1 416840 11 731 The Rest on the Return from Egypt           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Barocci|Lorenzo Vaccari Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Urbino ca. 1535–1612 Urbino|Italian, active Rome, ca. 1575–1608   41494 978 1533 |1535 |1575 1578 |1612 |1608 1575 1575 1575 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926                       13   1
288784 60.637.9 0 0 418103 11 731 The Lamentation           895 After Cornelis Cort|Giulio Clovio|Antonio Lafreri Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Brizane 1498–1578 Rome|French, Orgelet, Franche-Comte ca. 1512–1577 Rome   41463 3214 1533 |1498 |1507 1578 |1578 |1577 1566 1566 1566 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1960                       13   1
288804 51.501.5720 0 0 418123 11 731 Noli me tangere           895 After Cornelis Cort|Giulio Clovio|Sadeler (unspecified member of the Sadeler family) Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Brizane 1498–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, mid-16th century–mid-17th century   41613 2857 1533 |1498 |1550 1578 |1578 |1650 1567 1567 1567 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951                       13   1
288814 17.50.16-165 0 1 418133 11 731 The Pentecost           895 After Cornelis Cort|Giorgio Vasari|Antonio Lafreri Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Arezzo 1511–1574 Florence|French, Orgelet, Franche-Comte ca. 1512–1577 Rome   41615 3214 1533 |1511 |1507 1578 |1574 |1577 1574 1574 1574 7208   Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1917                       13   1
289115 53.600.2532 0 1 418440 11 731 St Francis Penitent in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1575 1575 1575 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289116 53.600.2533 0 1 418442 11 731 St John the Baptist in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1533–78 1533 1578 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289120 53.600.2534 0 1 418447 11 731 St Jerome Penitent in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1573 1573 1573 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289122 42.65.140 0 1 418449 11 731 St Jerome Penitent in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1573 1573 1573 7208   Gift of George Hellman, 1942                       13   1
289124 53.600.2535 0 1 418451 11 731 St Jerome Translating the Bible in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1573 1573 1573 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289126 19.56.120 0 1 418453 11 731 Mary Magdalen Repentant in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1573 1573 1573 7208   Gift of Mrs. Algernon S. Sullivan, 1919                       13   1
289127 53.600.2536 0 1 418454 11 731 Mary Magdalen Repentant in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1573 1573 1573 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289129 53.600.2537 0 1 418456 11 731 St Onuphrius in the Wilderness           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Bonifazio Breggio Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, 1566–died before 1582   41654 978 1533 |1528 |1566 1578 |1592 |1582 1574 1574 1574 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
289590 62.602.552 0 1 418918 11 731 St Francis Receives the Stigmata           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Antonio Lafreri Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|French, Orgelet, Franche-Comte ca. 1512–1577 Rome   41724 3214 1533 |1528 |1507 1578 |1592 |1577 1567 1567 1567 7208   Rogers Fund, 1962                       13   1
289592 53.600.25.39 0 0 418920 11 731 St Francis Receives the Stigmata           895 After Cornelis Cort|Girolamo Muziano|Giovanni Orlandi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Acquafredda, Brescia 1528–1592 Rome|Italian, active Rome, then Naples, from ca. 1590–1613, died 1640   41570 978 1533 |1528 |1590 1578 |1592 |1640 1567 1567 1567 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
291613 53.601.13(213) 0 0 420945 11 731 St Jerome Penitent in a Grotto           895 After Gillis Mostaert the Elder|Cornelis Cort|Johann Sadeler I Netherlandish, Hulst 1528–1598 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Brussels 1550–1600/1601 Venice   41790 787 1528 |1533 |1550 1598 |1578 |1601 1533–78 1533 1578 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
291998 53.601.337(66) 0 0 421330 11 731 Aristaeus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   41817 787 1533 |1519 |1558 1578 |1570 |1617 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
292002 53.601.337(67) 0 0 421334 11 731 Autumnus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   41817 787 1533 |1519 |1558 1578 |1570 |1617 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
292003 28.4(64) 0 0 421335 11 731 Cyparissus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292004 28.4(61) 0 0 421336 11 731 Sylvanus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292005 53.601.337(68) 0 0 421337 11 731 Sylvanus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   41817 787 1533 |1519 |1558 1578 |1570 |1617 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
292034 28.4(65) 0 0 421366 11 731 Triptolemus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292036 53.601.337(69) 0 0 421368 11 731 Triptolemus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   41817 787 1533 |1519 |1558 1578 |1570 |1617 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
292038 28.4(60) 0 0 421370 11 731 Vertumnus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292039 53.601.337(70) 0 0 421371 11 731 Vertumnus from The Pastoral Gods           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hendrick Goltzius Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Mühlbracht 1558–1617 Haarlem   41817 787 1533 |1519 |1558 1578 |1570 |1617 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
292040 28.4(66) 0 0 421372 11 731 Hercules Prevents the Centaurs from Abducting Hippodamia from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292042 28.4(67) 0 0 421374 11 731 Hercules Slays the Nemean Lion from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292043 28.4(68) 0 0 421375 11 731 Hercules Casts Cerberus into Chains from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292044 28.4(69) 0 0 421376 11 731 Hercules Slays the Dragon Ladon from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292046 28.4(70) 0 0 421378 11 731 Hercules Defeats the Hydra of Lerna from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292047 28.4(71) 0 0 421379 11 731 Hercules Struggles with Achelous, in the Shape of a Bull from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292062 28.4(72) 0 0 421394 11 731 Hercules Feeds Diomedes to His Own Mares and Hercules Slays Cacus from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292063 28.4(73) 0 0 421395 11 731 Hercules Slays Geryon and Hercules Captures the Caledonian Boar from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292065 28.4(74) 0 0 421397 11 731 Hercules Defeats Antaeus from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
292066 28.4(75) 0 0 421398 11 731 Hercules Supports the World on Behalf of Atlas from The Labours of Hercules           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1563 1563 1563 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293170 52.519.182(2.59) 0 0 422506 11 731 The Tomb of Pietro and Giovanni de' Medici from the Tombs of the Medici           895 After Cornelis Cort|Andrea del Verrocchio|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Florence 1435–1488 Venice|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   41913 978 1533 |1435 |1627 1578 |1488 |1691 1570 1570 1570 7208   Rogers Fund, 1952                       13   1
293177 52.519.182(2.60) 0 0 422513 11 731 The Tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici from the Tombs of the Medici           895 After Cornelis Cort|Michelangelo Buonarroti|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Caprese 1475–1564 Rome|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   41916 978 1533 |1475 |1627 1578 |1564 |1691 1570 1570 1570 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1952                       13   1
293180 52.519.182(2.61) 0 0 422516 11 731 The Tomb of Giuliano de' Medici from the Tombs of the Medici           895 After Cornelis Cort|Michelangelo Buonarroti|Giovanni Giacomo De Rossi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Caprese 1475–1564 Rome|Italian, Rome 1627–1691 Rome   41916 978 1533 |1475 |1627 1578 |1564 |1691 1570 1570 1570 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1952                       13   1
293433 47.100.466 0 1 422773 11 731 The Calumny of Apelles           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Zuccaro (Zuccari)|Giovanni Orlandi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Sant'Angelo in Vado 1540/42–1609 Ancona|Italian, active Rome, then Naples, from ca. 1590–1613, died 1640   41356 978 1533 |1540 |1590 1578 |1609 |1640 1602 1602 1602 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947                       13   1
293434 51.501.3322 0 1 422774 11 731 The Calumny of Apelles           895 After Cornelis Cort|Federico Zuccaro (Zuccari)|Giovanni Orlandi Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Italian, Sant'Angelo in Vado 1540/42–1609 Ancona|Italian, active Rome, then Naples, from ca. 1590–1613, died 1640   41356 978 1533 |1540 |1590 1578 |1609 |1640 1602 1602 1602 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951                       13   1
293435 67.797.10 0 1 422775 11 731 The Immortal Rewards of Virtue           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1564 1564 1564 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1967                       13   1
293448 28.4(50) 0 0 422788 11 731 Grammar from the Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293450 1973.507.16 0 0 422790 11 731 Grammar from the Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293451 28.4(49) 0 0 422791 11 731 Arithmetic from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293454 28.4(48) 0 0 422794 11 731 Dialect from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293455 69.514.1 0 0 422795 11 731 Dialect from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Rogers Fund, 1969                       13   1
293458 28.4(52) 0 0 422798 11 731 Music from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293460 28.4(53) 0 0 422800 11 731 Geometry from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293461 28.4(54) 0 0 422801 11 731 Astronomy from The Seven Liberal Arts           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1565 1565 1565 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293463 28.4(58) 0 0 422803 11 731 Sight from The Five Senses           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1561 1561 1561 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293465 28.4(56) 0 0 422805 11 731 Hearing from The Five Senses           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1561 1561 1561 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293467 28.4(59) 0 0 422807 11 731 Touch from The Five Senses           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1561 1561 1561 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293468 28.4(57) 0 1 422808 11 731 Taste from The Five Senses           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1561 1561 1561 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928                       13   1
293471 66.555.55 0 0 422811 11 731 Patience from The Virtues           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1560 1560 1560 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1956                       13   1
293479 66.555.56 0 0 422819 11 731 Concord from The Virtues           895 After Cornelis Cort|Frans Floris I|Hieronymus Cock Netherlandish, Hoorn ca. 1533–1578 Rome|Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1510–1570 Antwerp   17559 787 1533 |1519 |1510 1578 |1570 |1570 1560 1560 1560 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1956                       13   1
304309 53.600.127 0 0 434167 11 731 The Queen of Sheba Bringing Gifts to Solomon           895 After Gabriel Smith|Le Sueur|John Boydell British, London 1724–1783 London|British, Shropshire 1720–1804 London   43248 9 1724 |1720 1783 |1804 1766 1766 1766 30869   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
378429 49.95.2072 0 1 623629 11 731 Big Fishes Eat Small Ones           895 After Maerten de Vos|Anonymous, Netherlandish, late 16th century|Johannes Baptista Vrints Netherlandish, Antwerp 1532–1603 Antwerp|Netherlandish, active Antwerp, ca. 1575—1610   48610 787 1532 |1550 |1570 1603 |1600 |1610 late 16th Century 1580 1600 30370   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
391814 24.63.843 0 0 643807 11 731 The Virgin with the Child seated near the cradle           895 After Peter Paul Rubens|Anonymous, 17th century|Pieter de Jode I Flemish, Siegen 1577–1640 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634   49911 378 1577 |1600 |1572 1640 |1700 |1634 17th century 1600 1699 36997   Gift of Georgiana W. Sargent, in memory of John Osborne Sargent, 1924                       13   1
391921 51.501.6727 0 0 643980 11 5846 Jesus with Nicodemus           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Adam van Noort|Widow of Gerard de Jode Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Antwerp 1561–1641 Antwerp|Netherlandish   49926 787 1572 |1561 1634 |1641 1600–1634 1600 1634 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951                       13   1
391997 53.601.14(177) 0 0 644089 11 5846 St. Anthony of Padua           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Jean-Baptiste Barbé|Theodoor Galle Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Antwerp 1578–1649 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   49936 787 1572 |1578 |1571 1634 |1649 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
392008 53.601.15(47) 0 0 644101 11 5846 St. Matthew           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Egbert Van Panderen|Theodoor Galle Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Haarlem 1590–1637 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   49940 787 1572 |1590 |1571 1634 |1637 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
392010 53.601.15(48) 0 0 644103 11 5846 St. Marc           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Egbert Van Panderen|Theodoor Galle Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Haarlem 1590–1637 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   49940 787 1572 |1590 |1571 1634 |1637 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
392011 53.601.15(49) 0 0 644104 11 5846 St. Luke           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Egbert Van Panderen|Theodoor Galle Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Haarlem 1590–1637 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   49940 787 1572 |1590 |1571 1634 |1637 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
392012 53.601.15(50) 0 0 644105 11 5846 St. John           895 After Pieter de Jode I|Egbert Van Panderen|Theodoor Galle Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Flemish, Haarlem 1590–1637 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   49940 787 1572 |1590 |1571 1634 |1637 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1953                       13   1
393537 42.119.237 0 0 646163 11 5846 Henriette Mary, Queen of England           895 After Anthony van Dyck|Pieter de Jode II|Matheus Antonius Flemish, Antwerp 1599–1641 London|Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Flemish, 1630–1650   50109 368 1599 |1606 |1630 1641 |1674 |1650 17th century 1600 1699 29124   Gertrude and Thomas Jefferson Mumford Collection, Gift of Dorothy Quick Mayer, 1942                       13   1
393602 17.3.756–304 0 0 646229 11 731 Pieter van Lint           895 After Pieter de Jode II|Peter van Lint, Flemish|Johannes Meyssens Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Antwerp 1609–1690 Antwerp|Flemish, Brussels 1612–1670 Antwerp   50126 368 1606 |1609 |1612 1674 |1690 |1670 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       13   1
393612 17.3.756–389 0 0 646239 11 5846 Paulus Pontius           895 After Pieter de Jode II|Jan Lievens|Johannes Meyssens Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Dutch, Leiden 1607–1674 Amsterdam|Flemish, Brussels 1612–1670 Antwerp   50135 2529 1606 |1607 |1612 1674 |1674 |1670 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917                       13   1
394040 49.95.2465 0 0 646813 11 731 The Christ with St. Francis, St. Catherine of Siena and an Angel           895 After Egbert Van Panderen|Pieter de Jode I|Theodoor Galle Flemish, Haarlem 1590–1637 Antwerp|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1570–Antwerp 1634|Netherlandish, Antwerp 1571–1633 Antwerp   50190 787 1590 |1572 |1571 1637 |1634 |1633 17th century 1600 1699 58692   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1949                       13   1
394045 24.63.1559 0 0 646818 11 5846 The Virgin, the Child, St. John the Baptist and an Angel           895 After Pieter de Jode II|Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)|Anthony Bonenfant Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Italian, Pieve di Cadore ca. 1485/90?–1576 Venice|Flemish, active by 1598–died 1644 Paris   50104 1377 1606 |1485 |1598 1674 |1576 |1644 17th century 1600 1699 7208   Gift of Georgiana W. Sargent, in Memory of John Osborne Sargent, 1924                       13   1
394168 51.501.1623 0 0 647029 11 5846 Ecce Homo           895 After Abraham van Diepenbeeck|Pieter de Jode II|Gillis Hendricx Flemish, 's Hertogenbosch 1596–1675 Antwerp|Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Flemish, active 1640–1677   50206 368 1596 |1606 |1640 1675 |1674 |1677 17th century 1600 1699 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951                       13   1
394217 51.501.1367 0 0 647078 11 5846 Mary Magdalen with Two Child Angels and Instruments of the Passion           895 After Pieter van Avont|Pieter de Jode II|Pieter van Avont Flemish, 1599–1652|Flemish, 1606–ca. 1674|Flemish, 1599–1652   50214 368 1599 |1606 |1599 1652 |1674 |1652 1620–74 1620 1674 7208   The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951                       13   1
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