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rowidObject NumberIs HighlightIs Public DomainObject IDDepartmentObject NameTitleCulturePeriodDynastyReignPortfolioArtist RoleArtist PrefixArtist Display NameArtist Display BioArtist SuffixArtist Alpha SortArtist NationalityArtist Begin DateArtist End DateObject DateObject Begin DateObject End DateMediumDimensionsCredit LineGeography TypeCityStateCountyCountryRegionSubregionLocaleLocusExcavationRiverClassificationRights and ReproductionLink ResourceRepository
66435 1996.118.3 0 0 78960 8 4399 Jacket 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1940–49 1940 1949 15104   Purchase, Irene Lewisohn Bequest, 1996                           1
67172 1995.184.1a, b 0 0 79779 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1944 1944 1944 3340   Purchase, Irene Lewisohn Trust Gift and Irene Lewisohn and Alice L. Crowley Bequests and Various Donors Fund, 1995                           1
67173 1995.184.2a, b 0 0 79780 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1940s 1940 1949 15104   Purchase, Irene Lewisohn Trust Gift and Irene Lewisohn and Alice L. Crowley Bequests and Various Donors Fund, 1995                           1
67470 1995.468.2a–c 0 0 80148 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1940s 1940 1949 15104   Purchase, The New School for Social Research Fund and Irene Lewisohn Bequest, 1995                           1
68827 C.I.60.7a, b 0 0 81685 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1948 1948 1948 15161   Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1960                           1
68832 C.I.58.25a–c 1 0 81692 8 5879 Evening ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1945 1945 1945 15101   Gift of Eleanor Lambert, 1958                           1
68901 1974.177.2 0 0 81773 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1950 1945 1955 15101   Gift of Harry K. Lowe, in memory of Reeva Zenker Lowe, 1974                           1
69543 1979.432.1 0 0 83090 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1944 1944 1944 15114   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69545 1979.342.1a, b 0 0 83102 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1939 1949 15104   Gift of Joe Simms, 1979                           1
69546 1979.342.2 0 0 83103 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1945 1940 1950 15101   Gift of Joe Simms, 1979                           1
69547 1984.139 0 0 83104 8 5874 "Shades of Picasso" 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1945 1945 1945 15103   Purchase, Louise Moore Van Vleck Gift, in memory of Eve Arden Stolk, 1984                           1
69548 1984.602 0 0 83105 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1946 1941 1951 15101   Gift of Mrs. Raul Sanchez-Elia, 1984                           1
69549 1979.432.4 0 0 83106 8 5042 "Plymouth Rock" 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1946 1946 1946 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69550 C.I.X.62.6.1a, b 0 0 83107 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1947 1947 1947 15935   Gift of Mrs. Carel Goldschmidt, 1962                           1
69551 C.I.X.62.6.2a, b 0 0 83108 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1947 1947 1947 15714   Gift of Mrs. Carel Goldschmidt, 1962                           1
69553 1979.432.5a–c 0 0 83110 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1948 1948 1948 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69554 1979.432.6a, b 0 0 83111 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1949–51 1949 1951 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69555 1975.222 0 0 83112 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5 Attributed to Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 late 1940s 1945 1949 15101   Gift of David Walker Campbell                           1
69556 1977.120.5a, b 0 0 83113 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 late 1940s 1945 1949 15936   Gift of Stephen de Pietri, 1977                           1
69557 1980.195 0 0 83114 8 5920 Evening coat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950 1950 1950 15937   Gift of Joseph Simms, 1980                           1
69558 1980.446.3 0 0 83115 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950 1950 1950 15938   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1980                           1
69559 1978.122a, b 0 0 83116 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 fall/winter 1950–51 1950 1951 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1978                           1
69560 1979.432.7a, b 0 0 83117 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950 1950 1950 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69561 1979.432.8a, b 0 0 83118 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 fall/winter 1950–51 1950 1951 15104   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69562 C.I.48.72 0 0 83119 8 5877 "Pennsylvania Dutch" 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1947 1947 1947 15114   Gift of Gilbert Adrian, 1948                           1
69563 C.I.45.94 0 0 83120 8 5877 "Roan Stallion" 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1945 1945 1945 15101   Gift of Gilbert Adrian, 1945                           1
69564 1974.177.1 0 0 83125 8 4399 Jacket 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950 1950 1950 15104   Gift of Harry K. Lowe, in memory of Reeva Zenker Lowe, 1974                           1
69565 1979.432.2 0 0 83126 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1944 1944 1944 15114   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69566 1979.432.3a–f 0 0 83127 8 5879 Evening ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1945 1945 1945 15939   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1979                           1
69567 1982.280 0 0 83128 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1945 1945 1945 15483   Gift of Maria Zondek, 1982                           1
69568 1974.177.4a, b 0 0 83129 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950–55 1950 1955 15122   Gift of Harry K. Lowe, in memory of Reeva Zenker Lowe, 1974                           1
69569 1982.422.2 0 0 83131 8 5953 Blouse 1         5 Attributed to Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 15114   Gift of Florence G. McAteer (Mrs. Howard W.), 1982                           1
69570 C.I.X.62.6.3a, b 0 0 83132 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1947 1947 1947 15714   Gift of Mrs. Carel Goldschmidt, 1962                           1
69571 1979.382a, b 0 0 83137 8 5879 Evening ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1949–50 1949 1950 15484   Purchase, Friends of The Costume Institute Gifts, 1979                           1
69572 1988.107.1a, b 0 0 83144 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1940s 1940 1949 15104   Gift of Mrs. Camille Perry in loving memory of Eugenia M. Hamby, 1988                           1
69573 1981.264.11a, b 0 0 83153 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1950 1950 1950 15104   Gift of Laurie Vance Johnson, 1981                           1
69580 1982.116.4 0 0 83164 8 1056 Hat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 mid-1940s 1943 1947 15940   Gift of Joseph S. Simms, 1982                           1
70900 2002.326.1 0 0 85011 8 1152 Skirt 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1946 1941 1951 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70901 2002.326.2a, b 0 0 85012 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1939 1949 15852   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, U.S.A., 2002                           1
70902 2002.326.3 0 0 85013 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1940 1935 1945 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, U.S.A., 2002                           1
70903 2002.326.4a, b 0 0 85014 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1948 1943 1953 15900   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70904 2002.326.5 0 0 85015 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70905 2002.326.6a, b 0 0 85016 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 16316   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70906 2002.326.7a, b 0 0 85017 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1939 1949 16317   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70907 2002.326.8a, b 0 0 85018 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1946 1941 1951 16317   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70908 2002.326.9a, b 0 0 85019 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1948 1943 1953 16317   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70909 2002.326.10a, b 0 0 85020 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1950 1945 1955 16318   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70910 2002.326.11a, b 0 0 85021 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 16319   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70911 2002.326.12a, b 0 0 85022 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1949 1944 1954 16320   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70912 2002.326.13a, b 0 0 85023 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1950 1945 1955 16317   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70913 2002.326.14a, b 0 0 85024 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1948 1943 1953 16321   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70914 2002.326.15a, b 0 0 85025 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1945 1940 1950 16322   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70915 2002.326.16a, b 0 0 85026 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1937 1947 16316   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70916 2002.326.17a, b 0 0 85027 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1949 1944 1954 16323   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70917 2002.326.18 0 0 85028 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1937 1947 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70918 2002.326.19a, b 0 0 85029 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 16316   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70919 2002.326.20 0 0 85030 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1937 1947 15136   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70920 2002.326.21a–e 0 0 85031 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1937 1947 16324   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70921 2002.326.22 0 0 85032 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1939 1949 15483   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70922 2002.326.23 0 0 85033 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1947 1947 1947 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70923 2002.326.24a, b 0 0 85034 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1939 1949 15114   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70924 2002.326.25 0 0 85035 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1951 1946 1956 15101   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70926 2002.326.27 0 0 85037 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1937 1947 15101   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70927 2002.326.28 0 0 85038 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1945 1940 1950 16326   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70928 2002.326.29a, b 0 0 85039 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1949 1944 1954 16317   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70929 2002.326.30a, b 0 0 85040 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1950 1945 1955 16320   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70930 2002.326.31 0 0 85041 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1940 1935 1945 16327   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70931 2002.326.32a, b 0 0 85042 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1952 1947 1957 16328   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
70932 2002.326.33 0 0 85043 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1947 1942 1952 15101   Gift of Jones Apparel Group, USA, 2002                           1
75997 2004.64.6 0 0 97637 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1948 1943 1953 15161   Gift of Robert Renfield, in memory of Beatrice Renfield, 2004                           1
79587 1972.28.10 0 0 106916 8 1163 Apron 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1949 1949 1949 15101   Gift of Mrs. Sidney Bernard in memory of Mrs. Arthur Cole, 1972                           1
88710 2017.317.1 0 0 137896 8 1056 Hat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267   1903 1959 ca. 1943 1942 1948 15933   Gift of Sandy Schreier, in honor of Harold Koda                           1
89992 2009.300.1298a, b 0 0 155997 8 6062 Dinner suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1940 1944 15101   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1963                           1
90618 2009.300.1863 0 0 156625 8 1056 Hat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1940 1940 1940 15141   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Arturo and Paul Peralta-Ramos, 1954                           1
91231 2009.300.2421a–c 0 0 157246 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1948 1946 1950 15169   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Arturo and Paul Peralta-Ramos, 1955                           1
91332 2009.300.2512a, b 0 0 157347 8 5874 Evening dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1942 1940 1944 15169   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1963                           1
92062 2009.300.319 0 0 158099 8 5907 Dinner dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1948–49 1948 1949 15101   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1963                           1
92074 2009.300.320 0 0 158111 8 5907 Dinner dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1942 1946 15101   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1963                           1
92250 2009.300.335a, b 0 0 158287 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1942 1946 3340   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Diana S. Field, 1964                           1
92680 2009.300.3913 0 0 158903 8 5874 "Shades of Picasso" 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1944–45 1944 1945 15169   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of The Roebling Society and H. Randolph Lever Fund, 1997                           1
96979 2009.300.7230a, b 0 0 174358 8 5876 Suit 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1945 1943 1947 2116   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Mrs. Harold Siegel, 1962                           1
96980 2009.300.7231a, b 0 0 174359 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 ca. 1944 1942 1946 2116   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Mrs. Harold Siegel, 1962                           1
97002 2009.300.7253 0 0 174381 8 5920 Evening coat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1951 1951 1951 13944   Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009; Gift of Janet Gaynor Adrian, 1963                           1
98406 2012.538.1 0 0 177239 8 4399 Jacket 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15101   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98407 2012.538.2a, b 0 0 177240 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 19759   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98408 2012.538.3a, b 0 0 177241 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15104   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98409 2012.538.4a, b 0 0 177242 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15268   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98410 2012.538.5a, b 0 0 177243 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15161   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98411 2012.538.6a, b 0 0 177244 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15118   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98412 2012.538.7a, b 0 0 177245 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 20432   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98413 2012.538.8a, b 0 0 177247 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15268   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98414 2012.538.9a, b 0 0 177248 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 19755   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98415 2012.538.10 0 0 177249 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15118   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98416 2012.538.11a, b 0 0 177250 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 19768   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98417 2012.538.12 0 0 177251 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15118   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98418 2012.538.13a, b 0 0 177252 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 19627   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98419 2012.538.14 0 0 177253 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15967   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98420 2012.538.15 0 0 177254 8 5877 Dress 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15118   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98421 2012.538.16a, b 0 0 177255 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 19768   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98422 2012.538.17a, b 0 0 177256 8 5875 Ensemble 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15118   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
98423 2012.538.18 0 0 177257 8 4973 Coat 1         5   Gilbert Adrian American, Naugatuck, Connecticut 1903–1959 Hollywood, California   5267 1 1903 1959 1942–52 1942 1952 15307   Gift of Patricia Pastor and Barry Friedman, 2012                           1
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