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192805 1978.412.1541 0 0 311973 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 4771                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 37 3/8 x W. 1 7/8 x D. 1 7/8 in. (94.9 x 4.8 x 4.8 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Purchase, Nelson A. Rockefeller Gift, 1968   814     143           38 519   1
192806 1978.412.1542 0 0 311974 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 4771                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 L. 1 1/2 in. (3.8 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cohen in memory of Doris C. Schaper, by exchange, 1968   814     143           38 519   1
192807 1978.412.1543 0 0 311975 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 4771                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 L. 1 3/4 in. (4.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cohen in memory of Doris C. Schaper, by exchange, 1968   814     143           38 519   1
192832 1978.412.1570 0 0 312001 10 13341 Bullroarer 4876                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 27163 H. 20 3/4 x W. 2 3/4 in. (52.7 x 7 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker, 1971       395 106           54 519   1
192958 1978.412.1708 0 0 312128 10 2181 Drum 4374                           late 19th–mid-20th century 1800 2000 4879 H x W x D: 42 x 8 1/4 x 9 1/4 in. (106.7 x 21 x 23.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marcus, 1962         106 33           519   1
192965 1978.434.2 0 0 312135 10 1196 Figurative Harp 4886                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27168 H. 17 1/2 in. Gift of Ernst Anspach, 1978         93             519   1
193037 1979.206.35 0 0 312207 10 744 Rattle: Face 4567                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27191 H. 10 1/2 x W. 6 1/8 x D. 4 1/8 in. (26.7 x 15.5 x 10.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         93             519   1
193066 1979.206.439 0 0 312236 10 744 Raven Rattle 4629                           19th century 1800 1900 4879 H. 12 x W. 2 11/16 x D.4 3/4 in. (30.6 x 6.8 x 12.1 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       386 3             519   1
193093 1979.206.60 0 0 312264 10 1196 Figurative Harp 4741                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27210 H. 29 1/4 x W. 7 x D. 23 1/4 in. (74.3 x 17.8 x 59.1 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         173             519   1
193179 1979.206.137 0 0 312352 10 2181 Drum (Mukupela) 4637                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27238 H. 21 5/8 x W. 12 3/4 in. (55 x 32.4 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         174             519   1
193376 1979.206.361 0 1 312583 10 2181 Drum (Teponaztli) 4364                           15th–16th century 1400 1600 27286 H. 18 5/16 x W. 6 x D. 5 11/16 in. (46.6 x 15.2 x 14.4 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         1 34           519   1
193437 1979.206.442 0 0 312657 10 744 Rattle 4663                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 4879 H. 7 15/16 x W. 3 9/16 x D. 4 in. (20.2 x 9.1 x 10.2 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       399 10             519   1
193439 1979.206.444 0 1 312659 10 744 Raven Rattle 4627                           ca. 1840 1840 1840 4200 H. 8 5/8 x W. 5 in. (22.1 x 12.7 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       399 10             519   1
194312 1979.206.1422 0 0 313611 10 2181 Drum 4858                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 27411 H. 19 x W. 6 3/4 in. (48.3 x 17.2 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       395 106           131 519   1
194353 1979.206.1467 0 0 313655 10 13217 Slit Gong 5030                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 27163 H. 12 5/8 x W. 42 1/2 in. (32 x 108 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         143           53 519   1
194361 1979.206.1477 0 0 313665 10 2181 Friction Drum (Lunet or Livika) 4772                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 22600 H. 9 1/4 x W. 20 x D. 8 1/4 in. (23.5 x 50.8 x 21 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       401 143             519   1
194418 1979.206.1537 0 0 313726 10 13341 Bullroarer 5044                           19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 20 x W. 2 3/4 x D. 5/16 in. (50.8 x 7 x 0.8 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       421 155 128           519   1
194457 1982.495.1 0 0 313765 10 2181 Male Drum 4710                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27446 Height: 58 3/4 in. Diameter: 20 1/4 in. Gift of Robert H. and Ruth S. Smith, 1982         187             519   1
194458 1982.495.2 0 0 313766 10 2181 Female Drum 4710                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27446 L. 58 1/2 × Diam. 20 1/4 in. (148.6 × 51.4 cm) Gift of Robert H. and Ruth S. Smith, 1982         187             519   1
194460 1979.206.1545 0 0 313768 10 13341 Bullroarer (Imunu Viki [?]) 5010                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 27163 H. 36 x W. 4 13/16 in. (91.4 x 12.3 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       433 143           7 519   1
194480 1979.206.1571 0 0 313790 10 13289 Finial from a Slit Gong (Atingting Kon) 4787                           early to mid-20th century 1800 2000 4879 H. 61 5/8 x W. 19 1/4 x D. 18 1/2 in. (156.5 x 48.9 x 47 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         164 75           519   1
194485 1979.206.1576 0 0 313795 10 6840 Horn 4572                           late 19th–early 20th century 1900 2000 3967 L. 13 1/4 x Diam. 2 5/16 in. (33.7 x 5.9 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       395 106             519   1
194504 1979.206.1595 0 0 313814 10 2181 Drum 4572                           mid-20th century 1900 2000 27463 H. 8 1/8 x W. 34 7/8 x D. 13 in. (20.6 x 88.6 x 33 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       395 106             519   1
194508 1979.206.1599 0 1 313818 10 5809 Flute (Putorino) 4799                           ca. 1800–1820 1800 1800 26966 H. 1 1/2 x W. 17 1/8 x D.1 in. (3.8 x 43.5 x 2.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         199           89 519   1
194526 1979.206.1618 0 0 313837 10 2181 Drum 4572                           mid-20th century 1900 2000 27468 H. 46 x W. 8 3/4 x D. 7 3/4 in. (116.8 x 22.2 x 19.7 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       395 106             519   1
194527 1979.206.1619 0 0 313838 10 2181 Drum 4572                           mid-20th century 1900 2000 27059 H. 32 1/4 x W. 10 1/8 in. (81.9 x 25.7 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       395 106           162 519   1
194535 1979.206.1627 0 0 313846 10 2181 Water Drum 4771         2   Djiki     17203       19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 26966 H. 53 1/4 x Diam. 12 in. (135.3 x 30.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   790     143           48 519   1
194593 1979.206.1702 0 0 313916 10 5809 Flute 4817                           early to mid-20th century 1800 2000 27080 D. 8 x H. 73 x Diam. 2 in. (20.3 x 185.4 x 5.1 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         143 132         44 519   1
194594 1979.206.1703 0 0 313917 10 5809 Flute 4817                           early to mid-20th century 1800 2000 27080 H. 72 1/2 x W. 8 1/2 x Diam. 2 in. (184.2 x 21.6 x 5.1 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         143 132         44 519   1
194651 1979.206.1760 0 0 313974 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 4771                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 1 1/2 x W. 32 3/4 in. (3.8 x 83.2 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   812     143 216         38 519   1
194652 1979.206.1761 0 0 313975 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 4771                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H.1 x W. 32 in. (2.5 x 81.3 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   812     143 216         38 519   1
194654 1979.206.1764a, b 0 0 313978 10 13424 Slit Gong and Beater 4869                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 110 x W. 12 in. (279.4 x 30.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   936     143           134 519   1
194656 1979.206.1766 0 0 313980 10 6840 Horn 5074                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 Diam. 3 x L. 29 in. (7.6 x 73.7 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   937     143           15 519   1
194658 1979.206.1768 0 0 313982 10 2181 Drum 4792                           early to mid-20th century 1800 2000 27488 H.11 1/2 x W. 3 in. (29.2 x 7.6 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979       422 143 113           519   1
194683 1979.206.1795 0 0 314009 10 13339 Slit Gong Beater 5084                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 L. 14 1/2 x Diam. 2 in. (36.8 x 5.1 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979         143           53 519   1
194692 1979.206.1806 0 0 314020 10 2181 Drum 5088                           mid-20th century 1800 2000 27493 H. 34 1/8 x Diam. 4 9/16 in. (86.7 x 11.5 cm) The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Bequest of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1979   941   432 143           15 519   1
194760 1979.529.2 0 0 314092 10 13427 String Instrument: Head (Kalumbeti) 4597                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 26966 H. 8 1/16 x W. 21 1/8 in. (20.5 x 53.7cm) Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Scharfman, 1979         93             519   1
194825 1980.7 0 0 314159 10 963 Whistle: Seated and Reclining Figures (Nsiba) 4567                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27531 H. 6 3/8 in. (16.2 cm) Purchase, Buckeye Trust Gift, 1980         93             519   1
194885 1980.262 0 0 314220 10 6840 Horn 5114                           late 19th–early 20th century 1900 2000 27532 H. 23 3/4 x W. 3 1/2 in. (60.3 x 8.9 cm) Purchase, Rogers Fund and Martin Wright Gift, 1980         143           184 519   1
194946 1980.556.3 0 0 314281 10 13341 Bullroarer: Figure 4470                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 4880 H. 21 5/8 x W. 4 x D. 3 3/4 in. (54.9 x 10.2 x 9.5 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Leyden, 1980         83             519   1
194987 1983.603.1 0 0 314322 10 13217 Slit Gong-Rasp 4703                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H x W x D: 37 x 7 x 6 1/2in. (94 x 17.8 x 16.5cm) Gift of Martin L. Schulman, M.D., 1983         83             519   1
194988 1983.603.2 0 0 314323 10 13217 Slit Gong-Rasp 4703                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H x W x D: 33 3/4 x 7 1/2 x 7 3/4in. (85.7 x 19.1 x 19.7cm) Gift of Martin L. Schulman, M.D., 1983         83             519   1
194989 1983.603.3 0 0 314324 10 13217 Slit Gong-Rasp 4703                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H x W x D: 36 3/4 x 6 7/8 x 7 1/4in. (93.3 x 17.5 x 18.4cm) Gift of Martin L. Schulman, M.D., 1983         83             519   1
194990 1983.603.4 0 0 314325 10 2181 Slit Gong-Rasp 4703                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H x W x D: 35 1/4 x 5 1/4 x 6 3/8in. (89.5 x 13.3 x 16.2cm) Gift of Martin L. Schulman, M.D., 1983         83             519   1
195000 1985.414.1 0 0 314335 10 13438 Thumb Piano (Mbira) 4637                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27552 H. 4 1/4 x W. 7 1/2 x D. 1 in. (10.8 x 19.1 x 2.5 cm) Gift of Drs. Noble and Jean Endicott, 1985         174             519   1
195229 1982.485.2 0 0 314565 10 963 Whistle 4613                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H x W: 9 5/8 x 2 1/4in. (24.4 x 5.7cm) The Bryce Holcombe Collection of African Decorative Art, Gift of Bryce Holcombe, 1982         70             519   1
195260 1983.142.4 0 0 314596 10 2931 Trumpet: Figurative Finial 4487                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 3956 H x W: 38 1/2 x 4 5/8in. (97.8 x 11.8cm) The Bryce Holcombe Collection of African Decorative Art, Gift of Bryce Holcombe, 1983         70 65         31 519   1
195423 1983.604.17 0 0 314759 10 2181 Drum (Gama [?]) 5167                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 26991 H x W: 39 5/8 x 5in. (100.6 x 12.7cm) Gift of Evelyn A. J. Hall and John A. Friede, 1983       373 143           193 519   1
195424 1983.604.18 0 0 314760 10 2181 Drum (Gama [?]) 5166                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 27654 H x W: 33 5/8 x 6 1/4in. (85.4 x 15.9cm) Gift of Evelyn A. J. Hall and John A. Friede, 1983       464 143           192 519   1
195425 1983.604.19 0 0 314761 10 2181 Drum (Gama [?]) 4831                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 4879 H x W: 34 x 4 1/2in. (86.4 x 11.4cm) Gift of Evelyn A. J. Hall and John A. Friede, 1983       433 143             519   1
195426 1983.604.20 0 0 314762 10 2181 Drum (Gama [?]) 5166                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 4879 height 43-3/4 in. Gift of Evelyn A. J. Hall and John A. Friede, 1983       464 143           192 519   1
195531 1986.478.20 0 0 314867 10 64 Bell 5191                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27690 H. 5 3/4 x W. 6 3/4 in. (14.6 x 17.2 cm) The Bryce Holcombe Collection of African Decorative Art, Bequest of Bryce Holcombe, 1984         91             519   1
196397 1989.386.1 0 0 315738 10 2181 Drum 4744                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27691 Height 43-3/4 in. Gift of Drs. John and Nicole Dintenfass, 1989         93           78 519   1
196516 1987.446.10 0 0 315858 10 13438 Thumb Piano (Mbira) 4516                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27798 H x W x D: 15 3/8 x 6 1/8 x 2 5/8in. (39.1 x 15.5 x 6.7cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Douglas III, 1984         98             519   1
196712 1988.143.50 0 0 316058 10 13479 Lute (Hasapi) 4374                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 26966 Height 28 in. Gift of Fred and Rita Richman, 1988         106 33           519   1
196765 1988.143.111 0 0 316120 10 13483 Finial from a Lute (Hasapi) 4374                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 Height 7 in. Gift of Fred and Rita Richman, 1988         106 33           519   1
196972 1989.390 0 0 316331 10 13496 Slit Gong-Rasp (Nkenye) 4514                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 20 1/2 x W. 3 1/8 x D. 3 1/8 in. (52.1 x 7.9 x 7.9 cm) Gift of Drs. Herbert F. and Teruko S. Neuwalder, 1989         157             519   1
196974 1991.450 0 0 316333 10 2181 Drum 4536                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27868 Height 29-1/2 in. Gift of Charles and Harriet Edwards, 1991         93           43 519   1
197435 1993.383.1 0 0 316797 10 13509 Gong Mallet (Lawle) 4550                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27926 Length 10-3/8 in. Gift of Drs. Herbert F. and Teruko S. Neuwalder, 1993         159 79           519   1
198245 1995.64.7 0 0 317608 10 1196 Figurative Harp (Domu) 4565                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 27966 Length 31 in. From the Collection of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft, Bequest of Nina Bunshaft, 1994         93             519   1
198247 1995.64.9 0 0 317610 10 2181 Drum (Fokwe) 4691                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 26706 H: 64in. (162.6cm) x Circ. 34 1/2in. (87.6cm) From the Collection of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft, Bequest of Nina Bunshaft, 1994         159 98           519   1
198248 1995.64.10 0 0 317611 10 2181 Drum (Fokwe) 4691                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 26706 H: 65 1/2in. (166.4cm) x Circ. 35in. (88.9cm) From the Collection of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft, Bequest of Nina Bunshaft, 1994         159 98           519   1
198495 1997.444.14 0 0 317860 10 5809 Flute (Mpiru) 4595                           20th century 1900 2000 26966 Height 4 in. Gift of Thomas G.B. Wheelock, 1997         81           35 519   1
198496 1997.444.15 0 0 317861 10 5809 Flute (Mpiru) 4763                           20th century 1900 2000 28008 Height 10 in. Gift of Thomas G.B. Wheelock, 1997         81           35 519   1
198497 1997.444.16 0 0 317862 10 5809 Flute (Mpiru) 5376                           20th century 1900 2000 6120 Height 12-3/4 in. Gift of Thomas G.B. Wheelock, 1997         81           35 519   1
198498 1997.444.17 0 0 317863 10 5809 Flute (Mpiru) 5376                           20th century 1900 2000 25 H. 10 x W. 2 7/8 x D. 1 1/4in. (25.4 x 7.3 x 3.2cm) Gift of Thomas G.B. Wheelock, 1997         81           35 519   1
198612 1999.47.44 0 0 317978 10 13479 Lute (Hasapi) 4374                           late 19th–early 20th century 1800 1950 28034 H. 30 1/2 x W. 3 1/2 in. (77.5 x 8.9 cm) Bequest of John B. Elliott, 1997         106 33           519   1
199008 2013.603 0 0 318422 10 13217 Slit Gong 5431                           19th–early 20th century 1800 2000 25 H. 18 1/2 x L. 51 9/16 x D. 28 in. (47 x 131 x 71.1 cm) Gift of Lynda Ridgway Cunningham, 2013         143           85 519   1
199279 2001.646 0 0 318893 10 5809 Flute (Mpiru) 4595                           early 20th century 1875 1950 3958 L. 15 in. (38.1 cm) Gift of Monah and Alan Gettner in honor of Douglas Newton, 2001         81           35 519   1
199582 2002.578.1 0 0 319230 10 5809 Ceremonial flute 5053                           late 1950s 1950 1960 3967 L. 25 in. (63.5 cm) Gift of Paula Brown Glick, 2002         143 154           519   1
199710 2011.11.9 0 0 319553 10 1196 Figurative Harp (Domu) 4565                           19th–20th century 1801 1999 27691 H. 20 1/2 x W, 19 in. (52.1 x 48.3 cm) Gift of James J. Ross, 2011         93             519   1
200140 Armory-1915-12 0 0 321035 10 13618 Short-necked Lute (Sarinda or Saroz) 5635                             0 0 25 Overall: 24 3/16 x 7 x 5 in. (61.47 x 17.78 x 12.7 cm) Lute: The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (1668.143956) Photograph: Charles Sheeler, 1918, Gelatin silver print, plate XI from the album African Negro Wood Scupture. Archives de Zayas, Seville.         294             519   1
200162 SL.20.2012.9.5 0 0 321139 10 13619 Bow-Harp: Female Figure 4886                           19th - early 20th century (before 1926) 1800 1926 28397 H. x W. x D.: 34 13/16 x 4 7/16 x 2 15/16 in. (88.5 x 11.25 x 7.5 cm) Art and Artifacts Division of the Schomburg Collections, New York Public Library         93 327           519   1
380383 SL.7.2015.32.2 0 0 626777 10 744 Peyote Rattle 5499         2   Albert Hensley Native American, Winnebago, born ca. 1875   48884 736 1865 1965 ca. 1900 1890 1910 57823 Length: 29 1/2 in. (74.9 cm) Width: 2 1/2 in. (6.4 cm) Height: 2 1/2 in. (6.4 cm) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln (226)       508 3             519   1
388927 SL.7.2015.30.3 0 0 639479 10 5809 Courting Flute 6844                           ca. 1870 1860 1880 58348 Length: 23 7/8 in. (60.6 cm) The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, Purchase: the Donald D. Jones Fund for American Indian Art (2005.5.3)       1061 3             519   1
389267 SL.7.2015.12.3 0 0 639869 10 2181 Ghost Dance Drum 6855         2   George Beaver Native American, Pawnee, active late 19th century   49673 736 1860 1900 1891–1892 1891 1892 28187 Diameter: 23 in. (58.4 cm) Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (71856.1)       400 3             519   1
390157 SL.7.2015.7.2 0 0 641118 10 963 Courting Whistle 6852                           ca. 1830 1825 1835 58432 Length: 36 1/2 in. (92.7 cm) Brooklyn Museum, New York, Henry L. Batterman Fund and the Frank Sherman Benson Fund (50.67.91)       497 3             519   1
417074 2015.547.2 0 0 688826 10 963 Whistle 4634                           Late 19th – early 20th century 1860 1930 25 H. 5 1/4 × W. 1 1/2 × D.1 3/4 in. (13.3 × 3.8 × 4.4 cm) Gift of the Estate of Marian Papp, 2015         277             519   1
417127 2015.615 0 0 688886 10 5809 Flute 6963                           19th–20th century 1800 2000 25 L. 11 7/16 in. (29 cm) Gift of Tao Kerefoff, 2015         70 82           519   1
432216 L.2017.57.18 0 0 717583 1 27105 Rattle 4629         2   Unrecorded Tlingit artist     55148       1850–80 1850 1880 61370 H. 10 1/4 × W. 6 1/4 × D. 2 in. (26 × 15.9 × 5.1 cm) The Charles and Valerie Diker Collection of Native American Art, Promised Gift of Valerie-Charles Diker Fund 23       3             519 Image © Charles and Valerie Diker Collection/Photo: Dirk Bakker 1
432219 AW.Diker_664.2017 0 0 717586 1 27105 Rattle 4661         2   Unrecorded Tsimshian Artist     55151       ca. 1780 1780 1780 61373 H. 14 5/8 × W. 7 7/8 × D. 5 5/8 in. (37.1 × 20 × 14.3 cm) Collection of Charles and Valerie Diker (664) 23       10             519 Image © Charles and Valerie Diker Collection/Photo: Dirk Bakker 1
436645 L.2017.54.5 0 0 726658 10 744 Rattle 4627         2   Unrecorded Haida artist     55535       ca. 1800–30 1795 1835 61636 H. 10 1/4 × W. 5 × D. 4 3/4 in. (26 × 12.7 × 12.1 cm) Thaw Collection of American Indian Art, Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY       399 10 774           519   1
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