
Data license: CC0 · Data source: metmuseum/openaccess

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rowidObject NumberIs HighlightIs Public DomainObject IDDepartmentObject NameTitleCulturePeriodDynastyReignPortfolioArtist RoleArtist PrefixArtist Display NameArtist Display BioArtist SuffixArtist Alpha SortArtist NationalityArtist Begin DateArtist End DateObject DateObject Begin DateObject End DateMediumDimensionsCredit LineGeography TypeCityStateCountyCountryRegionSubregionLocaleLocusExcavationRiverClassificationRights and ReproductionLink ResourceRepository
356311 22.2.29 0 1 549245 19 20500 Shabti of Paser, the Vizier of Seti I and Ramesses II   New Kingdom, Ramesside 45     626   Paser vizier under Seti I and Ramesses II   48509   -1279 -1213 ca. 1294–1213 B.C. -1294 -1213 781 H. 15 cm (5 7/8 in.); W. 4.9 cm (1 15/16 in.); D. 3 cm (1 3/16 in.) Rogers Fund, 1922 19       104                 1
373401 05.3.274 0 1 569711 19 25565 Amuletic plaque of Paser, the Vizier of Seti I and Ramesses II   New Kingdom, Ramesside 45     626   Paser vizier under Seti I and Ramesses II   48509   -1279 -1213 ca. 1294–1213 B.C. -1294 -1213 55768 H. 1.7 cm (11/16 in.); W. 1.1 cm (7/16 in.); D. 0.7 cm (1/4 in.) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905 19       104                 1
373404 10.130.322 0 1 569714 19 25567 Amuletic plaque of Paser, the Vizier of Seti I and Ramesses II   New Kingdom, Ramesside 45     626   Paser vizier under Seti I and Ramesses II   48509   -1279 -1213 ca. 1294–1213 B.C. -1294 -1213 55680 H. 2 cm (13/16 in.); W. 1.4 cm (9/16 in.); D. 0.6 cm (1/4 in.) Gift of Helen Miller Gould, 1910 19       104                 1
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