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104046 11.10 0 1 191632 3 5 Bacchante with lowered eyes 114         2   Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, Valenciennes 1827–1875 Courbevoie   8726 2 1827 1875 1872 1872 1872 160 Overall (with base): 16 1/2 × 9 × 8 in. (41.9 × 22.9 × 20.3 cm); Height (without base): 14 in. (35.6 cm) Rogers Fund, 1911                       12   1
104230 12.11.1 1 1 191843 3 5 Honoré de Balzac 7         2   Auguste Rodin French, Paris 1840–1917 Meudon   8157 2 1840 1917 ca. 1891 1886 1896 160 Height (wt. on block, confirmed): 9 1/4 in., 14.4 lb. (23.5 cm, 6.6 kg) Rogers Fund, 1912                       12   1
104231 12.11.2 0 1 191844 3 3937 Triton and Nereid 7         2   Auguste Rodin French, Paris 1840–1917 Meudon   8157 2 1840 1917 ca. 1886–93 1881 1898 160 Height (wt. on marble base, confirmed): 16 in., 33.7 lb. (40.6 cm, 15.3 kg) Rogers Fund, 1912                       12   1
104250 12.13.1 0 1 191863 3 4047 Torso (A Study for Ariane without Arms) 7         2   Auguste Rodin French, Paris 1840–1917 Meudon   8157 2 1840 1917 ca. 1900–1905 1875 1910 160 Overall (without base): 7 × 11 5/8 × 4 1/4 in. (17.8 × 29.5 × 10.8 cm); Overall (mounted to block, wt. confirmed): 9 1/4 × 11 5/8 × 5 3/8 in., 9.6 lb. (23.5 × 29.5 × 13.7 cm, 4.4 kg); Overall (block only): 2 × 8 × 5 3/8 in. (5.1 × 20.3 × 13.7 cm) Gift of Auguste Rodin, 1912                       12   1
105051 14.40.679 0 1 192720 3 3937 Bacchus and a Nymph with a Child and Grapes 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1790–1800 1785 1805 160 Height: 18 1/2 in. (47 cm) Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913                       12   1
105058 14.40.687 1 1 192727 3 3937 The Intoxication of Wine 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1780–90 1775 1795 160 Overall (confirmed): H. 23 x W. 16 7/8 x D. 11 1/4 in. (58.4 x 42.9 x 28.6 cm) Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913                       12   1
105598 17.120.7 0 1 193420 3 14 Girl holding fruit 7         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 probably after model of 1780s 1780 1789 160 Height: 15 3/4 in. (40 cm) Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917                       12   1
107728 27.43 0 0 195736 3 3890 Ephebe 7         2   Louis-Aimé Lejeune French, Livet-sur-Authou 1884–1969   9651 2 1884 1969 1921 1921 1921 160 Height: 74 1/2 in. (189.2 cm) Fletcher Fund, 1927                       12   1
108993 32.100.159 0 1 197037 3 7371 The Bather 7         2 By or after Jean Antoine Houdon French, Versailles 1741–1828 Paris   8607 2 1741 1828 ca. 1780 or 19th–early 20th century 1780 1920 160 8 1/8 × 6 1/4 in. (20.6 × 15.9 cm) The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931                       12   1
110711 41.190.35 0 1 198912 3 5 Pierre François Basan (1723–1797) 7         2 Imitator of Augustin Pajou French, Paris 1730–1809 Paris   8507 2 1730 1809 20th century, after 18th century model 1900 1941 160 Height (with socle): 29 in. (73.7 cm) Bequest of George Blumenthal, 1941                       12   1
110840 42.38.1 0 1 199055 3 3937 Bacchante 7         2 Imitator of Augustin Pajou French, Paris 1730–1809 Paris   8507 2 1730 1809 19th century (?), after a model of 1774 1800 1899 160 Height: 23 7/8 in. (60.6 cm) Bequest of Caroline Lucy Morgan, in memory of her parents, 1942                       12   1
111185 44.21a, b 1 1 199410 3 4595 Model for a Proposed Monument to Commemorate the Invention of the Balloon 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1784 1779 1789 160 Overall (confirmed): 43 1/8 x 24 3/4 x 20 3/8 in. (109.5 x 62.9 x 51.8 cm) Purchase, Rogers Fund and Anonymous Gift, 1944                       12   1
113942 59.87.1 0 1 202274 3 3917 Children and Satyr Children Sporting with a Goat 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1781 1776 1786 160 10 x 30 1/2 in. (25.4 x 77.5 cm.) Fletcher Fund, 1959                       12   1
113943 59.87.2 0 1 202275 3 3917 Children and Satyr Children with a Pantheress and Her Cubs 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1781 1776 1786 160 9 5/8 x 31 1/8 in. (24.4 x 79.1 cm.) Fletcher Fund, 1959                       12   1
114275 62.213.1 0 1 202695 3 3917 Music 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1780–90 1775 1795 160 8 3/4 x 15 1/4 in. (22.2 x 38.7 cm.) Gift of Mrs. Barbara Lowe Fallass, 1962                       12   1
114276 62.213.2 0 1 202696 3 3917 Architecture 114         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 ca. 1780–90 1775 1795 160 8 3/4 x 15 1/4 in. (22.2 x 38.7 cm.) Gift of Mrs. Barbara Lowe Fallass, 1962                       12   1
117438 1975.312.6 0 1 206339 3 14 Minerva 2514         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 1766 1766 1766 160 Height: 18 3/4 in. (47.6 cm) Purchase, Charles Ulrick and Josephine Bay Foundation Inc. Gift, 1975                       12   1
118375 1983.185.4 0 1 207379 3 3389 Bacchic group: satyr and bacchante with infant satyr 7         2   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 late 18th century 1785 1799 160 23 in. (58.4 cm); Base: 10 3/4 × 9 in. (27.3 × 22.9 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, 1983                       12   1
118579 1986.282 0 1 207593 3 3389 Fidelity, the Mother of Constant Love 114         2   Augustin Pajou French, Paris 1730–1809 Paris   8507 2 1730 1809 1799 1799 1799 160 15 1/2 x 7 1/2 x 8 in. (39.4 x 19.1 x 20.3 cm) Purchase, Gifts of J. Pierpont Morgan and Irwin Untermyer, by exchange, 1986                       12   1
118676 1987.179.1, .2 0 1 207693 3 8492 Pair of Standing Nude Male Figures Demonstrating the Principles of Contrapposto according to Michelangelo and Phidias 7         2   Auguste Rodin French, Paris 1840–1917 Meudon   8157 2 1840 1917 ca. 1911 1906 1916 160 Height (.1, wt. confirmed): 14 1/2 in., 6.6 lb. (36.8 cm, 3 kg) Height (.2, wt. confirmed): 14 1/2 in., 5.2 lb. (36.8 cm, 2.4 kg) Gift of Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation, 1987                       12   1
118782 1989.289.2 0 1 207804 3 8543 Impression of Amélie de Montfort 114         2   Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, Valenciennes 1827–1875 Courbevoie   8726 2 1827 1875 ca. 1867–69 1862 1874 160 Overall (confirmed): 7 5/8 × 3 1/4 × 3 1/2 in. (19.4 × 8.3 × 8.9 cm) Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Gifts, 1989                       12   1
119025 1992.49.1 0 1 208060 3 7852 Fame (one of a pair) 7         2   Pierre Jean David d'Angers French, Angers 1788–1856 Paris   679 2 1788 1856 ca. 1835 1830 1840 160 10 1/4 x 8 3/4 in. (26 x 22.2 cm) Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Gifts, 1992                       12   1
119026 1992.49.2 0 1 208061 3 7852 Fame (one of a pair) 7         2   Pierre Jean David d'Angers French, Angers 1788–1856 Paris   679 2 1788 1856 ca. 1835 1830 1840 160 10 3/8 x 9 1/8 in. (26.4 x 23.2 cm) Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Gifts, 1992                       12   1
119114 1993.334.1 0 1 208150 3 3389 Children with dead game 114         2 Attributed to Robert Joseph Auguste French, 1723–1805, master 1757   10459 2 1723 1805 ca. 1756 1751 1761 160 Height: 6 in. (15.2 cm) Purchase, Gift of The Hearst Foundation, by exchange; Gift in memory of Frederick P. Victoria; The Metropolitan Museum of Art Volunteer Anniversary Gift; Ralph and Frances DeJur Foundation Gift, 1993                       12   1
119115 1993.334.2 0 1 208151 3 3389 Children with shellfish and vegetables 114         2 Attributed to Robert Joseph Auguste French, 1723–1805, master 1757   10459 2 1723 1805 ca. 1756 1751 1761 160 Height: 6 3/4 in. (17.1 cm) Purchase, Gift of The Hearst Foundation, by exchange; Gift in memory of Frederick P. Victoria; The Metropolitan Museum of Art Volunteer Anniversary Gift; Ralph and Frances DeJur Foundation Gift, 1993                       12   1
121195 2001.199 0 1 210774 3 3389 Pietà 114         2   Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, Valenciennes 1827–1875 Courbevoie   8726 2 1827 1875 1864 1864 1864 160 Overall: 11 7/16 x 7 1/16 x 5 15/16 in. (29.1 x 17.9 x 15.1 cm) Purchase, Assunta Sommella Peluso, Ada Peluso, and Romano I. Peluso Gift, in memory of Ignazio Peluso, 2001                       12   1
121685 2001.773.3 0 1 211354 3 3389 Woman with two children 7         2   Pierre Jean David d'Angers French, Angers 1788–1856 Paris   679 2 1788 1856 ca. 1821–33 1816 1838 160 Overall: 4 7/8 × 4 3/8 × 3 1/8 in. (12.4 × 11.1 × 7.9 cm) Gift of David and Constance Yates in honor of Alexander Johnson and Roberta Olson, 2001                       12   1
139398 2007.179 0 1 232210 3 3389 Allegorical Victory of the Grand Condé 7         2   Robert Guillaume Dardel French, 1749–1821   12687 2 1749 1821 1786 1786 1786 160 9 × 6 × 4 in. (22.9 × 15.2 × 10.2 cm) Purchase, The Richardson Foundation Gift, 2007                       12   1
140006 2010.71 0 1 237745 3 14 Crouching Flora 114         1   Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, Valenciennes 1827–1875 Courbevoie   8726 2 1827 1875 ca. 1863 1858 1868 160 Overall: 8 1/2 x 3 3/4 x 4 1/4 in. (21.6 x 9.5 x 10.8 cm) Purchase, Assunta Sommella Peluso, Ignazio Peluso, Ada Peluso and Romano I. Peluso Gift, 2010                       12   1
140292 L.2012.22 0 0 238934 3 3917 Bacchante and Satyress Dancing with Children 7         1   Clodion (Claude Michel) French, Nancy 1738–1814 Paris   8515 2 1738 1814 1773 1768 1778 160 Other: 14 9/16 in. (37 cm) Framed: 19 7/8 x 19 7/8 in. (50.5 x 50.5 cm) Private Collection, Courtesy of Daniel Katz Gallery, London                       12   1
140314 2012.214 0 1 238972 3 3389 Le Trait d’Union 114         1   Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux French, Valenciennes 1827–1875 Courbevoie   8726 2 1827 1875 June 1872 1872 1872 160 Overall (confirmed): 7 15/16 x 3 11/16 x 3 9/16 in. (20.2 x 9.4 x 9 cm) Purchase, Assunta Sommella Peluso, Ignazio Peluso, Ada Peluso and Romano I. Peluso Gift, 2012                       12   1
140350 2012.452 0 1 239154 3 4586 Running Victory 114         1   Jean Guillaume Moitte French, Paris 1746–1810 Paris   12868 2 1746 1810 1789 1789 1789 160 Overall: 18 1/2 × 6 3/4 × 6 1/4 in. (47 × 17.1 × 15.9 cm) Wrightsman Fund, 2012                       12   1
140351 2012.453 0 1 239155 3 4586 Victory Writing on a Shield 114         1   Jean Guillaume Moitte French, Paris 1746–1810 Paris   12868 2 1746 1810 1789 1789 1789 160 Overall (confirmed): 18 7/16 × 6 1/16 × 6 1/4 in. (46.8 × 15.4 × 15.9 cm) Wrightsman Fund, 2012                       12   1
4802 93.7.2 0 1 5159 1 75 Plaque of Benjamin Franklin 7         1   Jean Martin Renaud French, Sarreguemines 1746–1821 Paris   123 2 1746 1821 ca. 1797 1794 1797 160 H. 4 1/16 in. (10.3 cm) Gift of George A. Lucas, 1893 1       9             5   1
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