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118972 1991.166.5 0 1 207998 3 110 Dish 666         617 Design attributed to Davis Collamore and Company|Albert-Louis Dammouse|Haviland & Co. French, Paris 1848–1926 Sèvres|American and French, 1864–1931 , New York 11831 351 1848 |1864 1926 |1931 ca. 1879 1874 1884 572 Overall: 1/16 x 8 x 8 in. (0.2 x 20.3 x 20.3 cm) Gift of Mrs. Alice Stern, 1991                       307   1
113350 53.225.66 0 1 201647 3 110 Dish with Diana, the Nymph of Fontainebleau 7         512 After an engraving by|Manner of|After an engraving by|After an original design by René Boyvin|Bernard Palissy|Pierre Milan|Rosso Fiorentino French, Angers ca. 1525–1598 or 1625/6 Angers|French, Agen, Lot-et-Garonne 1510–1590 Paris|French, active 1537–40|Italian, Florence 1494–1540 Fontainebleau   10746 2 1525 |1510 |1537 |1494 1598 |1590 |1540 |1540 late 16th–early 17th century 1585 1615 20492 Overall (confirmed): 2 11/16 × 11 7/8 × 10 1/8 in. (6.8 × 30.2 × 25.7 cm) Gift of Julia A. Berwind, 1953                       314   1
113320 53.225.36 0 1 201617 3 110 Dish with creation of Eve 7         511 After a woodcut published by|After a composition by|Manner of Jean Le Clerc|Jean Cousin the Younger|Bernard Palissy French, Nancy 1587–1632/33 Nancy|French, Sens ca. 1522–1594 Paris|French, Agen, Lot-et-Garonne 1510–1590 Paris   10742 2 1587 |1522 |1510 1632 |1594 |1590 17th century 1600 1699 20492 Overall: 1 3/4 × 9 5/8 × 7 3/4 in. (4.4 × 24.4 × 19.7 cm) Gift of Julia A. Berwind, 1953                       314   1
111607 48.165 0 1 199873 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2269         483 After a print by|After a print by|After a composition by Meissen Manufactory|Johann Leonhard Buggels|Wenceslaus Hollar|Francis Barlow German, 1710–present|Bohemian, Prague 1607–1677 London|British, Lincolnshire ca. 1626–1704 London   10321 320 1710 |1650 |1607 |1626 9999 |1750 |1677 |1704 model introduced 1738 1738 1738 572 H. 2-1/4 in. (5.7 cm.); Diam. 13-1/4 in. (33.7 cm.) Gift of Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., 1948                       307   1
111126 43.100.40 0 1 199350 3 110 Dish 2980         457 Decorated by the Hausmaler Vienna|Du Paquier period|Ignaz Bottengruber 1718–1744|active ca. 1720–ca. 1730, Breslau, ca. 1728–30   10226   1718 |1720 1744 |1730 ca. 1725–30 1720 1735 572 1 3/4 × 5 1/8 in. (4.4 × 13 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1943                       307   1
109172 32.100.369 0 1 197217 3 110 Dish with battle scene 2208         440 After an engraving by|After a design by Marco Dente|Giulio Romano|Painter of the Coal Mine Service Italian, Ravenna, active by 1515–died 1527 Rome|Italian, Rome 1499?–1546 Mantua|active mid-16th century   9826 6 1515 |1499 1527 |1546 ca. 1540–45 1535 1550 20530 Overall (confirmed): 2 1/4 × 16 5/16 in. (5.7 × 41.4 cm) The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931                       314   1
108510 59.208.25 0 1 196535 3 110 Dish 2269         430 Decoration attributed to|Decoration after a design by Meissen Manufactory|Ignaz Bottengruber|Gottfried Bernhard Goetz German, 1710–present|active ca. 1720–ca. 1730, Breslau, ca. 1728–30|German, Velehrad 1708–1774 Augsburg   9737 79 1710 |1720 |1708 9999 |1730 |1774 ca. 1740 1735 1745 572 2 11/16 × 15 3/8 in. (6.8 × 39.1 cm) Gift of Estate of James Hazen Hyde, 1959                       307   1
118974 1991.166.7 0 1 208000 3 110 Dish 666         420 Modeled by Édouard-Alexandre Dammouse|Haviland & Co. French, 1850–1903|American and French, 1864–1931   11833 351 1850 |1864 1903 |1931 ca. 1886 1881 1891 572 Length: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Gift of Mrs. Alice Stern, 1991                       307   1
119006 1991.323 0 1 208032 3 110 Dish 3417         415   W. Boulton|Copeland British, 1833–1970   11848   1800 |1833 1900 |1970 ca. 1880 1875 1885 21 Diameter: 14 1/2 in. (36.8 cm) Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Gifts, 1991                       314   1
118973 1991.166.6 0 1 207999 3 110 Dish 666         383 Design attributed to Albert-Louis Dammouse|Haviland & Co. French, Paris 1848–1926 Sèvres|American and French, 1864–1931   11832 351 1848 |1864 1926 |1931 ca. 1879 1874 1884 572 Overall: 1/16 × 8 × 8 in. (0.2 × 20.3 × 20.3 cm) Gift of Mrs. Alice Stern, 1991                       307   1
119121 1993.353.5 0 1 208157 3 110 Dish 666         383   Albert-Louis Dammouse|Haviland & Co. French, Paris 1848–1926 Sèvres|American and French, 1864–1931   11832 351 1848 |1864 1926 |1931 ca. 1880 1875 1885 572 Overall: 1/16 × 9 1/8 × 9 1/8 in. (0.2 × 23.2 × 23.2 cm) Gift of Mrs. Alice Stern, 1993                       307   1
112464 50.211.25 0 1 200746 3 110 Dish 3096         376 Decorated by the Hausmaler Ignaz Preissler|Meissen Manufactory 1676–1741|German, 1710–present   10627 10 1676 |1710 1741 |9999 ca. 1725–32 1720 1737 572 Overall: 1 3/4 × 3 × 4 in. (4.4 × 7.6 × 10.2 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       307   1
111090 43.100.1 0 1 199314 3 110 Fan-shaped dish 349         366   Vienna|Du Paquier period 1718–1744   8421   1718 1744 ca. 1725–30 1720 1735 20752 H. 2-3/8 in. (6.0 cm.); L. 11-1/8 in. (28.3 cm.); W. 8-1/8 in. (20.6 cm.) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1943                       307   1
112451 50.211.8 0 1 200733 3 110 Dish 349         366   Vienna|Du Paquier period 1718–1744   8421   1718 1744 1722/23 1722 1723 572 Diam. 15-1/4 in. (38.7 cm.) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       307   1
116771 1973.208 0 1 205517 3 110 Dish 1136         366   Doccia Porcelain Manufactory|Marchese Carlo Ginori Italian, 1737–1896   11384 6 1737 1896 ca. 1760–70 1755 1775 20799 10 3/4 × 7 5/8 in. (27.3 × 19.4 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1973                       307   1
119417 1995.268.280 0 1 208453 3 110 Dish with tree, flowers, and birds 349         366   Vienna|Du Paquier period 1718–1744   8421   1718 1744 ca. 1722–23 1717 1728 20752 Diameter: 12 in. (30.5 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119430 1995.268.293 0 1 208466 3 110 Dish 349         366   Vienna|Du Paquier period 1718–1744   8421   1718 1744 ca. 1735–40 1730 1745 572 Diam. 13-1/4 in. (33.7 cm.) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
110521 41.49.6 0 1 198704 3 110 Dish depicting The Death of Saul 1136         363 Based on a woodcut by Medici Porcelain Factory|Sebald Beham Italian, Florence, ca. 1575–ca. 1587|German, Nuremberg 1500–1550 Frankfurt   10135   1570 |1500 1592 |1550 ca. 1575–80 1570 1585 2061 Overall, irregular diameter (confirmed): 2 1/4 × 13 3/16 × 13 1/8 in. (5.7 × 33.5 × 33.3 cm) Samuel D. Lee Fund, 1941                       307   1
112504 50.211.76 0 1 200786 3 110 Dish 2582         363 After an engraving by Saint-Jean-du-Désert|Bernard Salomon French, ca. 1508–ca. 1561   10641   1508 1561 late 17th century 1685 1699 20668 Overall: 1 7/8 × 19 5/8 in. (4.8 × 49.8 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       314   1
105382 16.17 0 0 193198 3 110 Dish 2229         360 Period of Josiah Wedgwood and Sons|Josiah Wedgwood 1759–present|British, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent 1730–1795 Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent   8728 7 1759 |1730 9999 |1795 early 19th century 1800 1815 7419 Overall: 1 3/8 × 8 in. (3.5 × 20.3 cm) Rogers Fund, 1916                       314   1
108924 32.71.31 0 1 196966 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2383         360   Frankenthal Porcelain Manufactory|Karl Theodor period German|1762–1800   8332   1762 1800 ca. 1770 1765 1775 572 5 5/16 × 7 1/4 in. (13.5 × 18.4 cm) Gift of Walter T. Rosen, in memory of his mother, Mrs. Flora Tower Rosen, 1932                       307   1
114293 63.20 0 1 202715 3 110 Dish 2266         360 Period of De Porceleyne Fles Factory|Jacobus Harlees Dutch, died 1786   10960   1686 1786 ca. 1771–86 1766 1791 20668 1 × 6 9/16 in. (2.5 × 16.7 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1963                       314   1
113494 54.147.100 0 1 201795 3 110 Dish 2266         359   Lambertus van Eenhoorn|De Metaale Pot Factory Dutch, 1651–1721|Dutch, 1670–1771/75   8611 290 1651 |1670 1721 |1775 ca. 1712 1707 1717 20668 2 1/2 × 15 1/2 in. (6.4 × 39.4 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1954                       314   1
119756 1997.273 0 1 208825 3 110 Dish 2371         359   Jeffreyes Hammet O'Neale|Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory Irish, 1734–1801|British, 1745–1784   11966 39 1734 |1745 1801 |1784 1753–54 1753 1754 2061 Diameter: 7 1/8 in. (18.1 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1997                       307   1
116738 1972.221 0 1 205480 3 110 Dish 2976         357   John Turner|Longton Hall active 1762–86|British, Staffordshire, ca. 1749–1760   11375   1762 |1744 1786 |1760 ca. 1780–85 1775 1790 23194 3/4 × 7 3/4 in. (1.9 × 19.7 cm) Gift of Robert Sistrunk, 1972                       314   1
111546 47.132 0 1 199809 3 110 Dish 2300         331   World's End Pottery   , Dublin 10307       1735 1735 1735 22381 Overall: 1 3/4 × 12 in. (4.4 × 30.5 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1947                       314   1
110833 42.30.9 0 1 199047 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         330 Probably Worcester factory|Jeffreyes Hammet O'Neale British, 1751–2008|Irish, 1734–1801   10188 39 1751 |1734 2008 |1801 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Overall: 1 3/4 × 9 1/4 × 11 1/2 in. (4.4 × 23.5 × 29.2 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1942                       307   1
110834 42.30.10 0 1 199048 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         330 Probably Worcester factory|Jeffreyes Hammet O'Neale British, 1751–2008|Irish, 1734–1801   10188 39 1751 |1734 2008 |1801 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Overall: 1 3/4 × 9 1/4 × 11 1/2 in. (4.4 × 23.5 × 29.2 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1942                       307   1
110835 42.30.11 0 1 199049 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         330 Possibly Worcester factory|Jeffreyes Hammet O'Neale British, 1751–2008|Irish, 1734–1801   10188 39 1751 |1734 2008 |1801 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Overall: 1 3/4 × 7 5/8 × 7 7/8 in. (4.4 × 19.4 × 20 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1942                       307   1
110836 42.30.12 0 1 199050 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         330 Possibly Worcester factory|Jeffreyes Hammet O'Neale British, 1751–2008|Irish, 1734–1801   10188 39 1751 |1734 2008 |1801 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Overall: 1 3/4 × 7 5/8 × 7 7/8 in. (4.4 × 19.4 × 20 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1942                       307   1
110928 42.205.46 0 1 199149 3 110 Dish 2910         330 Decorated by workshop of the Hausmaler Meissen Manufactory|Bartholomäus Seuter German, 1710–present|Augsburg, died 1754   10202 10 1710 |1654 9999 |1754 ca. 1720–25, decorated ca. 1725–30 1715 1735 572 Overall: 1 7/8 × 3 × 4 1/8 in. (4.8 × 7.6 × 10.5 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
110930 42.205.48 0 1 199151 3 110 Dish 2910         330 Decorated by workshop of the Hausmaler Meissen Manufactory|Bartholomäus Seuter German, 1710–present|Augsburg, died 1754   10202 10 1710 |1654 9999 |1754 ca. 1720–25, decorated ca. 1725–30 1715 1735 572 Diameter: 6 1/2 in. (16.5 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
113100 51.187.9 0 1 201388 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2212         330 Gilded by Sèvres Manufactory|Jean-Louis Moyez French, 1740–present|French, active 1818–48   8328 2 1740 |1818 9999 |1848 1844 1844 1844 572 Diameter: 4 15/16 in. (12.5 cm) Gift of Miss Sylvia Such, 1951                       307   1
115119 64.101.781 0 1 203602 3 110 Dish 2267         330 Decorated in workshop of Worcester factory|James Giles British, 1751–2008|British, 1718–1780   11065   1751 |1718 2008 |1780 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061   Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
115812 64.174.39 0 1 204442 3 110 Round dish 2212         330   Sèvres Manufactory|Bertrand French, 1740–present|active 1757–75   9966 2 1740 |1757 9999 |1775 1771 1771 1771 2061 1 3/4 × 9 1/4 in. (4.4 × 23.5 cm) Gift of Mrs. William C. Breed, 1964                       307   1
100296 94.4.26a 0 1 187667 3 110 Dish 12         328 Imitation of Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209   1740 9999 18th–19th century 1700 1899 2061 Diameter: 9 in. (22.9 cm) Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1894                       307   1
100362 94.4.135 0 1 187760 3 110 Dish (compotier carré) 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 late 18th century 1785 1799 2061 Width: 9 3/4 in. (24.8 cm) Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1894                       307   1
100467 94.4.373 0 1 187874 3 110 Dish 2266         328   De Porceleyne Bijl     8193       ca. 1750–75 1745 1780 113 Diameter: 12 1/8 in. (30.8 cm) Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1894                       314   1
101117 02.6.36 0 1 188595 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770–80 1765 1785 2061 Length: 7 1/2 in. (19.1 cm) Gift of Alfred Duane Pell, 1902                       307   1
101499 06.373 0 1 189013 3 110 Dish 1136         328   Doccia Porcelain Manufactory Italian, 1737–1896   8138 6 1737 1896 ca. 1760–70 1755 1775 572 Diameter: 9 5/8 in. (24.4 cm) Rogers Fund, 1906                       307   1
105250 14.102.370 0 1 193030 3 110 Dish 2414         328   Alcora factory Spanish, 1727–1895   8408   1727 1895 late 18th century 1785 1799 113 Overall: 2 × 13 1/2 in. (5.1 × 34.3 cm) Bequest of Mary Mandeville Johnston, from the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. S. Johnston, 1914                       314   1
106640 17.203.23 0 1 194480 3 110 Dish 2280         328   Tournai Belgian, established ca. 1750   8179       ca. 1762–75 1757 1780 2061 Diameter: 12 1/2 in. (31.8 cm) Rogers Fund, 1917                       307   1
106769 20.177.3 0 1 194629 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770–75 1765 1780 2061 Diameter: 7 in. (17.8 cm) Cadwalader Fund, 1920                       307   1
107055 23.51.6 0 1 194978 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 late 18th century 1785 1799 572 2 3/4 × 7 1/4 × 9 7/8 in. (7 × 18.4 × 25.1 cm) Rogers Fund, 1923                       307   1
109590 35.80.75 0 1 197675 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1735 1730 1740 572 Diameter: 6 in. (15.2 cm) Bequest of Mary Strong Shattuck, 1935                       307   1
109591 35.80.76 0 1 197676 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1725–35 1720 1740 572 Diameter: 6 in. (15.2 cm) Bequest of Mary Strong Shattuck, 1935                       307   1
110331 39.140.71 0 1 198466 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1765–75 1760 1780 2061 H. 1 3/8 in. (3.5 cm.); Diam. 7 in. (17.8 cm.) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110332 39.140.72 0 1 198467 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1765–75 1760 1780 2061 Overall: 1 3/8 × 7 in. (3.5 × 17.8 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110349 39.140.98 0 1 198486 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Overall: 1 3/4 × 8 1/4 in. (4.4 × 21 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110350 39.140.102 0 1 198489 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770 1765 1775 2061 Diameter: 9 in. (22.9 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110357 39.140.120 0 1 198504 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770–75 1765 1780 2061 Overall: 1 7/8 × 9 3/4 in. (4.8 × 24.8 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110358 39.140.121 0 1 198505 3 110 Dish (one of a pair) 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770–75 1765 1780 2061 Overall: 1 7/8 × 9 3/4 in. (4.8 × 24.8 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110362 39.140.135 0 1 198515 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1770–75 1765 1780 2061 2 × 9 5/8 in. (5.1 × 24.4 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110365 39.140.153 0 1 198525 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1780 1775 1785 2061 Diameter: 8 1/2 in. (21.6 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110375 39.140.178 0 1 198543 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1775 1770 1780 2061 Diameter: 8 1/2 in. (21.6 cm) Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vincent Lockwood, 1939                       307   1
110971 42.205.115 0 1 199192 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1735 1730 1740 572 Overall: 1 1/2 × 9 3/8 × 6 1/4 in. (3.8 × 23.8 × 15.9 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
110978 42.205.124 0 1 199199 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1735 1730 1740 572 Greatest diameter: 13 3/4 in. (34.9 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
111014 42.205.187 0 1 199235 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1750 1745 1755 572 7 1/4 × 7 3/4 in. (18.4 × 19.7 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
111163 43.133.5 0 0 199387 3 110 Dish 2985         328   Herend     10243       19th century 1800 1899 572 1 1/4 × 4 1/4 in. (3.2 × 10.8 cm) Gift of Martin Birnbaum, 1943                       307   1
112540 50.211.116 0 1 200822 3 110 Dish 2381         328   Chantilly French   8330       ca. 1735–40 1730 1745 20798 2 3/8 × 5 3/8 in. (6 × 13.7 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       307   1
112585 50.211.176 0 0 200867 3 110 Dish 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 19th century 1800 1899 2061 Diameter: 9 in. (22.9 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       307   1
112681 50.211.277 0 1 200963 3 110 Dish 1230         328   Belvedere Factory     10696       ca. 1776 1771 1781 113 1 3/4 × 11 1/8 in. (4.4 × 28.3 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       314   1
113099 51.187.8 0 1 201387 3 110 Dish (part of a service) 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 1844 1844 1844 572 Diameter: 4 15/16 in. (12.5 cm) Gift of Miss Sylvia Such, 1951                       307   1
113495 54.147.101 0 1 201796 3 110 Dish 427         328   Royal Porcelain Manufactory, Naples     8169       ca. 1745 1740 1750 2061 Overall: 1 5/8 × 9 13/16 × 13 in. (4.1 × 24.9 × 33 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1954                       307   1
114261 62.165.35 0 1 202675 3 110 Dish 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 1804–13 1804 1813 572 Diameter: 9 15/16 in. (25.2 cm) Gift of Lewis Einstein, 1962                       307   1
114262 62.165.38 0 1 202678 3 110 Dish 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 1804–13 1804 1813 572 Diameter: 9 3/4 in. (24.8 cm) Gift of Lewis Einstein, 1962                       307   1
114263 62.165.40 0 1 202680 3 110 Dish 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 1804–13 1804 1813 572 Diameter: 9 7/8 in. (25.1 cm) Gift of Lewis Einstein, 1962                       307   1
114264 62.165.41 0 1 202681 3 110 Dish 2212         328   Sèvres Manufactory French, 1740–present   1209 2 1740 9999 1804–13 1804 1813 572 Diameter: 9 7/8 in. (25.1 cm) Gift of Lewis Einstein, 1962                       307   1
114868 64.101.441 0 1 203321 3 110 Dish (part of a set) 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1752–55 1747 1760 2061 L. 9 5/8 in. (24.5 cm.); W. 7 1/2 in. (19.1 cm.) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
114869 64.101.442 0 1 203322 3 110 Dish (part of a set) 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1752–55 1747 1760 2061 L. 9 5/8 in. (24.5 cm.); W. 7 1/2 in. (19.1 cm.) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
114870 64.101.443 0 1 203323 3 110 Dish (part of a set) 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1752–55 1747 1760 2061 L. 9-3/8 in. (23.9 cm.); W. 7-3/8 in. (18.7 cm.) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
114871 64.101.444 0 1 203324 3 110 Dish (part of a set) 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1752–55 1747 1760 2061 L. 9 1/2 in. (24.1 cm.); W. 7 1/2 in. (19.1 cm.) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
114892 64.101.482 0 1 203351 3 110 Dish 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784, Red Anchor Period, ca. 1753–58   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1752–56 1747 1761 2061 Overall: 12 3/4 × 9 3/4 in. (32.4 × 24.8 cm) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
116722 1972.182 0 1 205463 3 110 Dish 2266         328   De Witte Starre Factory     11371       1705–23 1705 1723 113 Overall: 1 1/2 × 10 in. (3.8 × 25.4 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1972                       314   1
117190 1974.356.501 0 1 206026 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1725 1720 1730 572 L. 9 1/16 in. (23.0 cm.); D. 6 1/16 in. (15.4 cm.) The Lesley and Emma Sheafer Collection, Bequest of Emma A. Sheafer, 1973                       307   1
117960 1981.454.5 0 0 206904 3 110 Dish 2229         328   Wedgwood and Co.     8700       1860 1860 1860 7419 Length: 13 9/16 in. (34.4 cm) Gift of Madame Lilliana Teruzzi, 1981                       314   1
118472 1984.121 0 1 207477 3 110 Dish 2380         328   Mennecy     8329       1760–65 1760 1765 2061 Overall (confirmed): 1 1/2 × 9 9/16 × 8 in. (3.8 × 24.3 × 20.3 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1984                       307   1
118858 1990.286.2 0 0 207884 3 110 Dish 3405         328   Zsolnay factory     11806       ca. 1900 1895 1905 21 Diameter: 12 1/2 in. (31.8 cm) Purchase, Friends of European Sculpture and Decorative Arts Gifts, 1990                       314   1
118860 1990.312 0 1 207886 3 110 Dish with stylized flowers 1136         328   Doccia Porcelain Manufactory Italian, 1737–1896   8138 6 1737 1896 ca. 1745–50 1740 1755 23685 Overall, irregular diameter (confirmed): 1 3/4 x 13 x 13 1/4 in. (4.4 x 33 x 33.7 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1990                       307   1
119148 1994.318.1 0 0 208184 3 110 Dish 2765         328   Rörstrand Factory Swedish   11896 31     ca. 1898 1893 1903 572 Gr. H. 2-1/2 in. (6.4 cm); Gr. diam. 5-3/4 in. (14.6 cm) Gift of Mrs. Alice Stern, 1994                       307   1
119193 1995.268.12 0 1 208229 3 110 Dish 2267         328   Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   8164   1751 2008 ca. 1760–70 1755 1775 2061 Diameter: 8 in. (20.3 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119194 1995.268.13 0 1 208230 3 110 Dish 2278         328   Bow Porcelain Factory British, 1744–1776   467 7 1744 1776 ca. 1760–65 1755 1770 2061 Diameter: 8 5/8 in. (21.9 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119278 1995.268.108 0 1 208314 3 110 Dish 349         328   Imperial Porcelain Manufactory Vienna, 1744–1864   8184   1744 1864 ca. 1765 (?) 1760 1770 572 Diameter: 8 3/8 in. (21.3 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119300 1995.268.132 0 1 208336 3 110 Dish 2381         328   Chantilly French   8330       1745–50 1745 1750 2061 Diameter: 5 1/4 in. (13.3 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119311 1995.268.144 0 1 208347 3 110 Dish with Japanese court woman and birds 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1750 1745 1755 20753 Length: 8 in. (20.3 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119331 1995.268.171 0 1 208367 3 110 Dish with the story of "Hob in the Well" 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1755 1750 1760 20753 Length: 8 in. (20.3 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119342 1995.268.183 0 1 208378 3 110 Dish 2371         328   Chelsea Porcelain Manufactory British, 1745–1784   8309   1745 1784 ca. 1755 1750 1760 2061 Width: 10 3/8 in. (26.4 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119345 1995.268.186 0 1 208381 3 110 Dish with dragons 2278         328   Bow Porcelain Factory British, 1744–1776   467 7 1744 1776 ca. 1755 1750 1760 20753 Diameter: 6 3/4 in. (17.1 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119387 1995.268.238 0 1 208423 3 110 Square dish 2557         328   Ansbach Pottery and Porcelain Factory German   10207       ca. 1780 1775 1785 572 9 3/4 × 9 3/4 in. (24.8 × 24.8 cm) The Hans Syz Collection, Gift of Stephan B. Syz and John D. Syz, 1995                       307   1
119499 1995.490 0 1 208535 3 110 Dish 2976         328   Longton Hall British, Staffordshire, ca. 1749–1760   10220   1744 1760 ca. 1755 1750 1760 2061 Overall, irregular diameter (confirmed): 1 3/8 × 8 1/4 × 8 1/4 in. (3.5 × 21 × 21 cm) The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund, 1995                       307   1
119938 42.205.188 0 1 209085 3 110 Dish 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1750 1745 1755 572 9 × 9 1/2 in. (22.9 × 24.1 cm) The George B. McClellan Collection, Gift of Mrs. George B. McClellan, 1941                       307   1
120111 1998.461 0 1 209301 3 110 Pickle dish 2583         328   William Ridgeway Son & Co.     12015       ca. 1838–48 1833 1853 23875 Length: 8 3/8 in. (21.3 cm) Bequest of Mary Tarzian, 1998                       314   1
120141 1999.133 0 1 209331 3 110 Dish 666         328   Société Gérard, Dufraisseix and Morel     12026       1881–90 1881 1890 572 6 7/8 × 6 7/8 in. (17.5 × 17.5 cm) Gift of Alice Stern, 1999                       307   1
121694 L.2001.68 0 0 211368 3 110 Dish 1136         328   Medici Porcelain Factory Italian, Florence, ca. 1575–ca. 1587   9375   1570 1592 ca. 1575–87 1570 1592 2061 Diameter: 14 1/2 in. (36.8 cm) Anonymous loan, 2001                       307   1
139174 64.101.205 0 1 231642 3 110 Leaf-shaped dish (part of a service) 2269         328   Meissen Manufactory German, 1710–present   981 10 1710 9999 ca. 1720 1715 1725 572 Width: 5 1/8 in. (13 cm) Gift of Irwin Untermyer, 1964                       307   1
100568 95.6.16 0 1 187983 3 110 Dish 2295         327   Bloor Period|Derby Porcelain Manufactory British, 1751–1785   8201   1751 1785 ca. 1815–30 1810 1835 2061 8 1/4 × 10 in. (21 × 25.4 cm) Gift of Miss Emilie Lazarus, 1895                       307   1
100569 95.6.18 0 1 187984 3 110 Dish 2295         327   Bloor Period|Derby Porcelain Manufactory British, 1751–1785   8201   1751 1785 ca. 1815–30 1810 1835 2061 9 1/2 × 12 in. (24.1 × 30.5 cm) Gift of Miss Emilie Lazarus, 1895                       307   1
115460 64.142.41 0 1 204043 3 110 Dish 2267         327   Dr. Wall Period|Worcester factory British, 1751–2008   11106   1751 2008 ca. 1760 1755 1765 2061   Gift of Mrs. Constance D. Stieglitz, in memory of her husband, Marcel H. Stieglitz, 1964                       307   1
110519 41.49.4 0 1 198702 3 110 Dish 2208         189 After an engraving by|Possibly after a composition by|or after a composition by|Painted in the manner of Marcantonio Raimondi|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Giulio Romano|Fra Xanto Avelli da Rovigo Italian, Argini (?) ca. 1480–before 1534 Bologna (?)|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Italian, Rome 1499?–1546 Mantua|ca. 1486–1582   10134 145 1475 |1483 |1499 |1486 1534 |1520 |1546 |1582 ca. 1530–35 1525 1540 20530 Overall (confirmed): 2 1/8 × 18 1/2 in. (5.4 × 47 cm) Samuel D. Lee Fund, 1941                       314   1
112667 50.211.261 0 1 200949 3 110 Dish 120         141 Decorator (obverse)|Decorator (reverse) Felice Clerici|Pasquale Rubati Italian, active Milan, 1745–88   10691   1745 |1700 1788 |1800 1763 1763 1763 113 H. 1 1/4 in. (3.2 cm), Diam. 13 1/2 in. (34.3 cm) Gift of R. Thornton Wilson, in memory of Florence Ellsworth Wilson, 1950                       314   1
106689 18.129.1 0 1 194540 3 110 Dish 2725         70 After a print by|After a painting by|Probably Marcantonio Raimondi|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Ferruccio Mengaroni Italian, Argini (?) ca. 1480–before 1534 Bologna (?)|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Italian, 1876–1925   9391 93 1475 |1483 |1876 1534 |1520 |1925 late 19th or early 20th century 1885 1915 20530 Overall (confirmed): 2 x 17 3/8 in. (5.1 x 44.1 cm) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1918                       314   1
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