{"id": 3044, "value": "\"Tegg's Caricatures\""} {"id": 3043, "value": "'Tegg's Caricatures'"} {"id": 3042, "value": "Caricature Magazine"} {"id": 3041, "value": "\"Surprising Adventures of the Renowned Baron Munchausen\""} {"id": 3040, "value": "Night Croquet Suite"} {"id": 3039, "value": "'Galerie du Palais Royal'"} {"id": 3038, "value": "21 Etchings and Poems\r\n"} {"id": 3037, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no.12"} {"id": 3036, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 9"} {"id": 3035, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 8"} {"id": 3034, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 7"} {"id": 3033, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 6"} {"id": 3032, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 5"} {"id": 3031, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 4"} {"id": 3030, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 3"} {"id": 3029, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), frontispiece"} {"id": 3028, "value": "Twelve Woodcuts in Black and Colors (The First Portfolio), no. 2"} {"id": 3027, "value": "L'Image"} {"id": 3026, "value": "'The Emperors and Empresses of Rome'"} {"id": 3025, "value": "Eight Studies of Soldiers"} {"id": 3024, "value": "Second Suite of Figures"} {"id": 3023, "value": "First Suite of Soldiers"} {"id": 3022, "value": "'Theatrum Pictorium'"} {"id": 3021, "value": "Academy for Grown Horsemen"} {"id": 3020, "value": "'Kriegsbilderbogen M\u00fcnchner K\u00fcnstler'"} {"id": 3019, "value": "'Magasin Pittoresque'"} {"id": 3018, "value": "'Lieder eines Malers mit Randzeichnungen seiner Freunde'"} {"id": 3017, "value": "Delineations of Nautical Characters"} {"id": 3016, "value": "Macklin's Shakespeare"} {"id": 3015, "value": "'Landscapes in the manner of Gaspar Dughet'"} {"id": 3014, "value": "Views of the Interior and Exterior of Windsor Castle"} {"id": 3013, "value": "Voyage de Sa Maj\u00e9st\u00e9 Louis-Philippe 1er, Roi des Fran\u00e7ais: au Ch\u00e2teau de Windsor"} {"id": 3012, "value": "'Ovid's Metamorphoses'"} {"id": 3011, "value": "'Views of Gardens' (Vedute de' Giardini)"} {"id": 3010, "value": "'Iconographia'"} {"id": 3009, "value": "11 Pop Artists, Volume I"} {"id": 3008, "value": "First Series: Some Poets"} {"id": 3007, "value": "Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria"} {"id": 3006, "value": "Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania, &c."} {"id": 3005, "value": "The English At Home, from Masks and Faces"} {"id": 3004, "value": "Raccolta di alcuni disegni del Barberi da Cento detto il Guercino \r\n"} {"id": 3003, "value": "'Spiralens Art Portfolio' (Spiralens Kunstmappe)"} {"id": 3002, "value": "'Pictures from my hand' (Bilder fr\u00e5n min hand)"} {"id": 3001, "value": "'Precarious Balance'"} {"id": 3000, "value": "'The New York Collection for Stockholm'"} {"id": 2999, "value": "'Linear Perspective, Applied to the Art of Painting'"} {"id": 2998, "value": "The Acclimatization Society (La Soc\u00e9t\u00e9 d'Acclimatization), pl. 2"} {"id": 2997, "value": "'Picturae Raphaelis Sanctij Urbinatis'"} {"id": 2996, "value": "'Loggie de Rafaele nel Vaticano'"} {"id": 2995, "value": "'The Triumph of Caesar' (Trionfo di Cesare)"} {"id": 2994, "value": "Self Portrait in Symbols"} {"id": 2993, "value": "'Roman Emperors on Horseback'"} {"id": 2992, "value": "'Six views of Venetian temples' (Prospetti sei di altrettanti Templi di Venezia)"} {"id": 2991, "value": "'Houghton Gallery'"} {"id": 2990, "value": "'The Most Capital Paintings in England'"} {"id": 2989, "value": "'Emperors, Caesars, dictators, their spouses, and their families' (Empereurs, C\u00e9sars, tyrans, leurs \u00e9pouses et leurs familles)"} {"id": 2988, "value": "Raccolta di 112 stampe di pitture della storia sacra"} {"id": 2987, "value": "The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi? in Hindostan"} {"id": 2986, "value": "Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders"} {"id": 2985, "value": "'Caricaturana'"} {"id": 2984, "value": "'The third rate actors' (Les cabotins)"} {"id": 2983, "value": "'Comic Review' (Revue Comique)"} {"id": 2982, "value": "'Rent issues' (Question des loyers)"} {"id": 2981, "value": "L'Album du Si\u00e8ge"} {"id": 2980, "value": "Recueil d'estampes d'apr\u00e8s les tableaux des peintres les plus c\u00e9l\u00e8bres d'Italie, des Pays-Bas et de France"} {"id": 2979, "value": "'At the Salon' (Au Salon)"} {"id": 2978, "value": "'Sketches' (Croquis par Daumier)"} {"id": 2977, "value": "'The fishing club' (Au propos du club des p\u00eacheurs a la ligne)"} {"id": 2976, "value": "'At the court of justice' (Au palais)"} {"id": 2975, "value": "'Pairisan habits' (Parisienneries)"} {"id": 2974, "value": "'Musical studies' (\u00c9tudes musicales)"} {"id": 2973, "value": "'The regeneration of man through gymnastics' (La r\u00e9gen\u00e9ration de l'homme par la gymnastique)"} {"id": 2972, "value": "'The spiritualists' (Les spirites)"} {"id": 2971, "value": "'Memories of the celebration at St. Cloud' (Souvenirs de la f\u00eate de Saint-Cloud"} {"id": 2970, "value": "'The joys of country life' (Les plaisirs de la campagne)"} {"id": 2969, "value": "'Autumn sketches' (Croquis d'automne)"} {"id": 2968, "value": "'Summer sketches' (Croquis d'\u00e9t\u00e9)"} {"id": 2967, "value": "'A celebration in the neighboring village' (La f\u00eate du village voisin)"} {"id": 2966, "value": "'Europe During the War' (Europa Durante La Guerra)"} {"id": 2965, "value": "'Sketches of the day' (Croquis du jour)"} {"id": 2964, "value": "'Paris in winter' (Paris l'hiver)"} {"id": 2963, "value": "'A sketch from the Salon' (Un croquis pris au Salon)"} {"id": 2962, "value": "'The winter countryside' (La campagne en hiver)"} {"id": 2961, "value": "'The countryside artists' (Les artistes a la campagne)"} {"id": 2960, "value": "'People on the train' (Physionomies prise au chemin de fer)"} {"id": 2959, "value": "'At the Louvre' (Au Mus\u00e9e du Louvre)"} {"id": 2958, "value": "'The coachmen of Paris' (Les cochers de Paris)"} {"id": 2957, "value": "'The winter landscape painters' (Les paysagistes en hiver)"} {"id": 2956, "value": "'The landscape painters' (Les paysagistes)"} {"id": 2955, "value": "'Hunting sketches' (Croquis de chasse)"} {"id": 2954, "value": "'Winter sketches' (Croquis d'hiver)"} {"id": 2953, "value": "'Hunting Sketches' (Croquis de chasse)"} {"id": 2952, "value": "'The bathers' (Les baigneurs)"} {"id": 2951, "value": "'The public at the exhibition' (Le public \u00e0 l'exposition)"} {"id": 2950, "value": "'On the train' (En chemin de fer)"} {"id": 2949, "value": "'Exhibition sketches' (Croquis pris \u00e0 l'exposition)"} {"id": 2948, "value": "'Types and features' (Types et physionomies)"} {"id": 2947, "value": "'Parisian sketches' (Croquis Parisiens)"} {"id": 2946, "value": "'The difficult moments of life' (Les moments difficiles de la vie)"} {"id": 2945, "value": "'Theater sketches' (Croquis pris au th\u00e9atre)"}