MetObjects: 228260

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rowid Object Number Is Highlight Is Public Domain Object ID Department Object Name Title Culture Period Dynasty Reign Portfolio Artist Role Artist Prefix Artist Display Name Artist Display Bio Artist Suffix Artist Alpha Sort Artist Nationality Artist Begin Date Artist End Date Object Date Object Begin Date Object End Date Medium Dimensions Credit Line Geography Type City State County Country Region Subregion Locale Locus Excavation River Classification Rights and Reproduction Link Resource Repository
228260 40.35 0 0 355894 11 97 The Little Ramblers. Spring Projecting Figures. Stereoscopic Or, New Model Book           16   Dean & Son London   23584 7 1830 1950 ca. 1860–65 1855 1870 29167 9 13/16 x 6 7/8 x 3/16 in. (25 x 17.4 x 0.5 cm) Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1940                       442   1
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