rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 127544,09.68.171,0,1,218114,3,8838,Sleeve trimming (Engageantes),122,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18th century,1700,1799,24315,L. 35 x W. 5 1/2 inches (88.9 x 14.0 cm),"Purchase by subscription, 1909",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134597,36.130.52,0,1,226072,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (one of a pair),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,early 18th century,1700,1815,24315,L. 24 x W. 4 3/8 inches (61.0 x 11.1 cm),"Gift of Ann Payne Blumenthal, 1936",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134598,36.130.53,0,0,226073,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,early 18th century,1700,1815,24315,L. 35 1/4 x W. 4 5/8 inches (89.5 x 11.7 cm),"Gift of Ann Payne Blumenthal, 1936",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134612,36.130.70,0,1,226090,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18th century,1700,1799,24322,"L. 45 1/2 x W. 6 inches 115.6 x 15.2 cm","Gift of Ann Payne Blumenthal, 1936",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134619,36.147,0,1,226097,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (Engageante),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18th century,1700,1799,21019,L. 30 x W. 2 1/4 inches (76.2 x 5.7 cm),"Rogers Fund, 1936",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134804,38.19.18d,0,1,226285,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (Engageante) (one of a pair),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1774–93,1774,1793,24322,"L. 33 x W. 5 1/2 inches 83.8 x 14.0 cm","Gift of Mrs. George Nichols, from the collection of her mother, Mrs. J.P. Morgan (1868-1925), 1938",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134805,38.19.18e,0,1,226286,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (Engageante) (one of a pair),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1774–93,1774,1793,24322,"L. 33 x W. 5 1/2 inches 83.8 x 14.0 cm","Gift of Mrs. George Nichols, from the collection of her mother, Mrs. J.P. Morgan (1868-1925), 1938",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134812,38.19.23,0,0,226293,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (one of two),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18th century,1700,1799,21019,L. 38 1/2 x W/ 3 in. (97.8 x 7.6 cm.),"Gift of Mrs. George Nichols, from the collection of her mother, Mrs. J.P. Morgan (1868-1925), 1938",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 134814,38.19.25,0,0,226295,3,8838,Sleeve ruffle (one of two),7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,18th century,1700,1799,21019,L. 36 1/4 x W. 2 7/8 inches (92.1 x 7.3 cm),"Gift of Mrs. George Nichols, from the collection of her mother, Mrs. J.P. Morgan (1868-1925), 1938",,,,,,,,,,,,296,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1