rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 20423,1993.234,0,1,24956,5,2307,Design for the Pommel Plate of a Saddle from a Garniture of Alessandro Farnese (1545–1592),384,,,,,5,,Andrea Casalini,"Italian, Parma, died 1597",,2929,6,1500 ,1597 ,ca. 1575–80,1575,1580,4393,"19 1/2 x 16 3/8 in. (49.5 x 39.2 cm) ","Purchase, Fletcher Fund and Gift of William H. Riggs, by exchange, 1993",,527,,,,,,,,,,129,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 217726,47.139.1,0,0,345221,11,97,"Il Favore degli Dei, Drama Fantastico Musicale",,,,,,1675,Printed by|Frontispice designed by|Designed by|Designed by|Etched by|Etched by|Etched by,Aurelio Aureli|Stampe Ducale|Carlo Virginio Draghi|Domenico Mauro|Francesco Galli Bibiena|Fra Antonio Lorenzini|Domenico Maria Bonavera|F. M. Francia,"Italian, 1652–1708|Italian, active 17th century|Italian, active 17th century|Italian, Bologna 1659–1739 Bologna|Italian, Bologna 1665–1740 Bologna|Italian, 1653–1731|Italian, active 17th century",", Parma",21420,1197,1652 |1600 |1600 |1600 |1659 |1665 |1653 |1600 ,1708 |1700 |1700 |1700 |1739 |1740 |1731 |1700 ,1690,1690,1690,26137,Overall: 8 3/8 x 6 7/8 x 1 15/16 in. (21.3 x 17.5 x 5 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 217847,48.43.5,0,0,345344,11,97,"Dimonstrazioni di giubilo, fatte dalla città di Parma per lo mezzo de'Sign Anziani e deputati del pubblico in occasione che si diede il solenne felice giuramento di fedelta da questo stato alla Sacra reale maestà cattolica di Elisabetta Franese di Borbone",,,,,,1665,Written by|Published by|Designed by|Engraved by,Abate Balastrieri|Giuseppe Rosati|Mauritius Lotici|Joseph Patrini,"Italian, active 18th century|Italian, active 18th century",", Parma",21517,315,1700 |1700 ,1800 |1800 ,1746,1746,1746,,Overall: 11 5/8 x 8 7/16 x 1 5/16 in. (29.5 x 21.5 x 3.4 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1948",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 218971,47.4,0,0,346481,11,97,"Raccolta di Teste, Pensieri, Trofei, e preve varie d'acqua forte",,,,,,2,,Benigno Bossi,"Italian, 1727–1792",,22191,6,1727 ,1792 ,1754–72,1754,1772,,,"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 219590,41.46,0,0,347110,11,97,Prose E Versi Per Onorare La Memoria Di Livia Doria Caraffa,,,,,,2031,About|Published by,Livia Doria Caraffa|Reale Stamperia|Raphael Morghen,"Italian, Naples 1758–1833 Florence",", Parma",22667,145,1758 ,1833 ,1784,1784,1784,,11 5/8 × 8 7/8 × 1 7/8 in. (29.5 × 22.5 × 4.7 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1941",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 221079,52.519.76,0,0,348620,11,97,Descrizione delle Feste Celebrate in Parma L'Anno MDCCLXIX. Per Le Auguste Nozze di Sua Altezza Reale L'Infante Don Ferdinando Colla Reale Arciduchessa Maria Amalia,,,,,,2255,Designs by|Published by|French text written by|Italian text written by|Designs by,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Stamperia Reale|Abbé Claude Francois Xavier Millot|Paolo Maria Paciaudi|Giovanni Volpato,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|French, 1726–1785|1710–1785|Italian, Bassano 1732–1803 Rome",", Parma",23703,1505,1727 |1726 |1710 |1732 ,1801 |1785 |1785 |1803 ,1769,1769,1769,32636,Overall: 21 5/8 x 17 5/16 x 1 9/16 in. (55 x 44 x 4 cm),"Rogers Fund, 1952",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 227661,40.59.1,0,1,355281,11,13815,Mascarade à la Grecque; Suite des Vases; and [Cheminées],,,,,,3240,Etched and published by|Dedicated to,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Benigno Bossi|Marquis de Felino,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|Italian, 1727–1792|Italian",,28540,211,1727 |1727 ,1801 |1792 ,"1771, 1764",1764,1771,26137,"Overall: 17 5/16 x 11 7/8 x 13/16 in. (43.9 x 30.1 x 2 cm) plate: 6 3/4 x 8 7/8 in. (17.2 x 22.5 cm)","Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1940",,527,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 227662,30.58.7,0,1,355282,11,97,Suite des Vases Tirée du Cabinet de Monsieur Du Tillot Marquis de Felino,,,,,,2068,Etched and published by|Dedicated to,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Benigno Bossi|Léon Guillaume Du Tillot,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|Italian, 1727–1792|French, Bayonne 1711–1774 Paris",,28541,273,1727 |1727 |1711 ,1801 |1792 |1774 ,[1771],1771,1771,26137,Book: 19 1/16 x 13 13/16 x 1/2 in. (48.4 x 35.1 x 1.2 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1930",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 227670,42.70.1,0,0,355290,11,97,Raisonnement sur La Perspective,,,,,,41,Written by,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma",,18290,2,1727 ,1801 ,1758,1758,1758,29332,Overall: 14 5/8 x 10 1/4 x 1/2 in. (37.1 x 26 x 1.3 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1942",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 227672,1985.1024,0,1,355292,11,97,Suite de Vases,,,,,,3242,Etched and published by,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Benigno Bossi|Léon Guillaume Du Tillot|J. H. Köch|A. Zingy,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|Italian, 1727–1792|French, Bayonne 1711–1774 Paris|active 1764|active 1764",,28550,2119,1727 |1727 |1711 |1700 |1700 ,1801 |1792 |1774 |1800 |1800 ,1764,1764,1764,26137,12 7/8 x 9 1/8 x 11/16 in. (32.7 x 23.2 x 1.8 cm),"Rogers Fund, 1944, transferred from the Library",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 245447,41.100.116,0,0,373661,11,13811,De partibus aedium libre primus [-secondus],,,,,,4186,Verses written by|Verses written by|Verses written by,Francesco Mario Grapaldi|Angelo Ugoleto|Orlando Pallavicino|Filippo Beroaldo|Giorgio Anselmo|Bernardino Saxoguidano,"Italian, 1465–1515|Italian|Italian|Italian, 1472–1518|Italian, 1459–1528",,34516,851,1465 |1472 |1459 ,1515 |1518 |1528 ,ca. 1494,1489,1499,33728,"8 3/8 x 6 3/16 x 1 9/16 in. (21.3 x 15.7 x 4 cm) Box: 9 5/8 x 7 5/16 x 2 7/16 in. (24.5 x 18.5 x 6.2 cm)","Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,527,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 245448,41.100.117,0,0,373662,11,13811,Francesci Marii Grapaldi De partibus aedium libellus cum additamentis emendatissimus,,,,,,4187,Verses written by|Verses written by,Francisco Ugoleto|Orlando Pallavicino|Francesco Mario Grapaldi|Filippo Beroaldo|Giorgio Anselmo,"Italian|Italian|Italian, 1465–1515|Italian, 1472–1518|Italian, 1459–1528",,34517,836,1465 |1472 |1459 ,1515 |1518 |1528 ,1501,1501,1501,33728,"8 1/8 x 6 1/4 x 1 5/16 in. (20.7 x 15.8 x 3.4 cm) Box: 8 9/16 x 6 3/4 x 1 3/4 in. (21.7 x 17.1 x 4.5 cm)","Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,527,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 245449,41.100.118,0,0,373663,11,13811,Francisci Marii Grapaldi De partibus aedium cum additamentis quod vides opusculum formis excussum,,,,,,4188,Verses written by|Verses written by,Francesco Mario Grapaldi|Francisco Ugoleto|Orlando Pallavicino|Filippo Beroaldo|Giorgio Anselmo,"Italian, 1465–1515|Italian|Italian|Italian, 1472–1518|Italian, 1459–1528",,34518,836,1465 |1472 |1459 ,1515 |1518 |1528 ,1506,1506,1506,33728,"7 15/16 x 5 15/16 x 1 7/16 in. (20.2 x 15.1 x 3.7 cm) Box: 8 1/2 x 6 9/16 x 1 3/4 in. (21.6 x 16.6 x 4.4 cm)","Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,527,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 248397,41.100.121,0,0,376699,11,13811,De partibus aedium. Addita modo verborum explicatione quae in eodem libro,,,,,,4239,Biography written by|Verses written by,Orlando Pallavicino|Francesco Mario Grapaldi|Ottaviano Salado & Francesco Ugoleto|Antonio Quinziano|Janus Andreas Albius|Filippo Beroaldo,"Italian|Italian, 1465–1515|Italian|Italian, active 1494–1525|Italian|Italian, 1472–1518",,35227,851,1465 |1494 |1472 ,1515 |1525 |1518 ,1516,1516,1516,39727,"8 7/16 x 6 5/16 x 1 7/16 in. (21.5 x 16 x 3.7 cm) Box: 8 15/16 x 6 3/4 x 1 7/8 in. (22.7 x 17.1 x 4.7 cm)","Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,527,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 252079,1991.1073.180,0,0,380575,11,97,Degli ornamenti d'architettura e delle loro simmetrie colle regole teorico-pratiche per ben profilare ogni genere di cornici,,,,,,41,Written and illustrated by,Carlo Randoni,"Italian, active Parma, early 18th century",,35653,6,,,1813,1813,1813,34401,,"Rogers Fund, 1991",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 252159,69.670.32,0,0,380657,11,97,[Suite des Vases],,,,,,1324,Etched and published by,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Benigno Bossi,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|Italian, 1727–1792",,35685,247,1727 |1727 ,1801 |1792 ,1765,1765,1765,26137,Overall: 17 5/16 x 11 7/8 x 13/16 in. (43.9 x 30.1 x 2 cm),"Rogers Fund, 1969",,527,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 252160,46.8.25,0,0,380658,11,731,[Suite de Vases],,,,,,13,Designed by|Etched by,Ennemond Alexandre Petitot|Benigno Bossi,"French, Lyons 1727–1801 Parma|Italian, 1727–1792",,35685,247,1727 |1727 ,1801 |1792 ,[1764],1764,1764,26137,plate: 8 1/16 x 6 5/16 in. (20.5 x 16 cm),Transferred from the Library (46.8.25),,527,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 429035,1980.1132.14,0,0,712074,11,731,"Design for the facade of the baths, Foro Bonaparte, Milan",,,,,,1309,,Giovanni Antonio Antolini|Filippo Antolini di Faenza,"Italian, Ravenna 1756–1841 Bologna|Italian, 1786–1859",,54684,,1756 |1786 ,1841 |1859 ,1806,1806,1806,36235,"Plate: 19 11/16 × 31 1/2 in. (50 × 80 cm) Sheet: 22 13/16 × 34 5/16 in. (58 × 87.2 cm)","Gift of Harvey Smith, 1980",,527,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 429041,1980.1132.10,0,0,712080,11,731,"Design for Foro Bonaparte, Milan",,,,,,5477,,Giovanni Antonio Antolini|Alessandro Sanquirico|Ferdinando Bonsignore,"Italian, Ravenna 1756–1841 Bologna|Italian, 1777–1849|Italian, Turin 1760–1843 Turin",,54687,,1756 |1777 |1760 ,1841 |1849 |1843 ,1806,1806,1806,36235,"Plate: 19 1/2 × 31 13/16 in. (49.5 × 80.8 cm) Sheet: 23 13/16 × 33 11/16 in. (60.5 × 85.5 cm)","Gift of Harvey Smith, 1980",,527,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 429043,1980.1132.12,0,0,712082,11,731,"Design for the baths, Foro Bonaparte, Milan",,,,,,1168,,Ferdinando Albertolli|Giovanni Antonio Antolini,"Italian, Bedano 1780–1844 Milan|Italian, Ravenna 1756–1841 Bologna",,54688,,1780 |1756 ,1844 |1841 ,1806,1806,1806,36235,"Plate: 19 5/8 × 31 11/16 in. (49.8 × 80.5 cm) Sheet: 23 3/4 × 34 1/16 in. (60.3 × 86.5 cm)","Gift of Harvey Smith, 1980",,527,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 429061,1980.1132.13,0,0,712100,11,731,"Section view of the design for the baths, Foro Bonaparte, Milan",,,,,,1168,,Luigi Rados|Giovanni Antonio Antolini,"Italian, Parma 1773–1840|Italian, Ravenna 1756–1841 Bologna",,54692,,1773 |1756 ,1773 |1841 ,1806,1806,1806,36235,"Plate: 19 7/8 × 32 7/16 in. (50.5 × 82.4 cm) Sheet: 22 13/16 × 33 7/8 in. (58 × 86 cm)","Gift of Harvey Smith, 1980",,527,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1