rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 216657,28.94.26,0,0,344120,11,97,I) De Sael van Orange II) Schoorsteen-Wercken,,,,,,1443,Printed by,Pieter Post|Jan Mathys|Frederick de Wit,"Dutch, 1608–1669|Dutch, active Amsterdam, died after 1667|Dutch, 1629/30–1706",,20737,789,1608 |1667 |1629 ,1669 |1667 |1706 ,ca. 1655,1650,1660,7208,14 x 10 1/2 x 3/8 in. (35.5 x 26.6 x 1 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1928",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 228081,61.601,0,0,355709,11,97,"Die durch Theorie erfundene Practic, oder Gründlichverfasste Regüln derer man sich als einer Anleitung zu berühmter Künstlere Zeichen-Werken bestens beidienen Kan",,,,,,1443,Engravings by|Printed by,Johann Daniel Preissler|Georg Martin Preissler|Andreas Bieling,"German, Nuremberg 1666–1737 Nuremberg|German, Nuremberg 1700–1754 Nuremberg",", Nuremberg",28801,80,1666 |1700 |1700 ,1737 |1754 |1799 ,1749–54,1749,1754,34934,14 3/8 x 9 in. (36.5 x 22.9 cm),"Administrative Fund, 1961",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 399985,35.53.18,0,0,654548,11,731,High Life,,,,,,1443,After,Sir Edwin Henry Landseer|Henry Beckwith|H. Wilkinson,"British, London 1802–1873 London|British, active 1830–1900|London",,50896,178,1802 |1830 |1850 ,1873 |1900 |1900 ,1849,1849,1849,43097,Chine: 13 1/8 × 9 9/16 in. (33.4 × 24.3 cm),"Gift of Walter H. Smith,1935",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 408556,47.95.29,0,0,668722,11,731,"The Tribute Money – ""Render therefore unto Cesar the things which are Cesar's; and unto God the things that are Gods."" – Matthew CCII.21",,,,,,1443,After,John Singleton Copley|Joseph Epenetus Coombs|Brooker & Harrison,"American, Boston, Massachusetts 1738–1815 London|British, 1805–1863|London",,51560,254,1738 |1805 |1837 ,1815 |1863 |1845 ,1830–40,1830,1840,29072,"Plate: 12 11/16 × 15 1/4 in. (32.3 × 38.7 cm) Sheet: 13 1/16 × 15 13/16 in. (33.2 × 40.2 cm)","Bequest of Mary Sheldon Lyon, 1947",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 412746,24.63.453,0,0,680700,11,731,Charles X of France,,,,,,1443,After,Sir Thomas Lawrence|Charles Turner|James Lahee,"British, Bristol 1769–1830 London|British, Woodstock, Oxfordshire 1774–1857 London|British, active 1801–1852 or later",,52007,178,1769 |1774 |1780 ,1830 |1857 |1852 ,"May 10, 1828",1828,1828,29072,"Plate: 31 7/8 × 21 3/8 in. (81 × 54.3 cm) Sheet: 33 7/8 × 23 3/8 in. (86 × 59.4 cm)","Gift of Georgiana W. Sargent, in memory of John Osborne Sargent, 1924",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 458607,47.100.1122,0,0,774878,11,731,Finding of the Body of Harold,,,,,,1443,After,William Hilton|Edward Richard Whitfield|George Virtue,"British, Lincoln 1786–1839 London|British, born 1817, active 1840–60|London",,58877,,1786 |1817 |1800 ,1839 |1917 |1899 ,ca. 1853,1848,1858,42750,"Image: 10 7/8 × 7 7/8 in. (27.6 × 20 cm) Plate: 14 3/16 × 10 9/16 in. (36 × 26.8 cm) Sheet: 18 5/8 × 13 7/16 in. (47.3 × 34.2 cm)","Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1