rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 135915,53.225.6,0,1,227724,3,1084,Venus in her Chariot from a set of Mythological Subjects after Raphael,114,,,,,669,Woven at the|Cartoon painted by|Woven in the workshop directed by|Designed after drawing previously attributed to|Designed after a drawing now attributed to|Possibly designed by,Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins|François Bonnemer|Jean Le Febvre the Elder|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Francesco Primaticcio|Antoine Coypel,"French, established 1662|French, 1638–1689|active 1662–1700|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Italian, Bologna 1504/5–1570 Paris|French, Paris 1661–1722 Paris",,12507,384,1662 |1638 |1662 |1483 |1504 |1661 ,1799 |1689 |1700 |1520 |1570 |1722 ,"designed 1686, woven 1689–92",1686,1692,24970,165 1/2 × 123 1/2 in. (420.4 × 313.7 cm),"Gift of Julia A. Berwind, 1953",,,,,,,,,,,,186,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 135916,53.225.7,0,1,227725,3,1084,Venus and Adonis from a set of Mythological Subjects after Raphael,114,,,,,669,Woven in the|Cartoon painted by|Woven in the workshop directed by|Designed after drawing previously attributed to|Designed after a drawing now attributed to|Possibly designed by,Manufacture Nationale des Gobelins|Pierre de Sève the Younger|Jean Jans the Younger|Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi)|Giulio Romano|Antoine Coypel,"French, established 1662|French, ca. 1623–1695|French, 1644–1723|Italian, Urbino 1483–1520 Rome|Italian, Rome 1499?–1546 Mantua|French, Paris 1661–1722 Paris",,12508,384,1662 |1623 |1644 |1483 |1499 |1661 ,1799 |1695 |1723 |1520 |1546 |1722 ,"designed 1686, woven 1686–90",1686,1690,24971,Overall: 143 1/4 × 134 1/2 in. (363.9 × 341.6 cm),"Gift of Julia A. Berwind, 1953",,,,,,,,,,,,186,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 394461,1994.220(3.8),0,0,647440,11,731,"Saint Andrew and an Bishop in Adoration before the Virgin and the Christ Child, bound in Monuments des Arts du Dessin, volume 3, plate 159",,,,,,5045,Written by|Published by|After|After|Edited by,Amaury Duval|Brunet|Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola)|Giuseppe Mazzuoli|Jules Dagneau|baron Dominique Vivant Denon,"French, 1760–1838|French, active 18th century|Italian, Parma 1503–1540 Casalmaggiore|Italian, Siena 1644–1725 Siena|French, Givry 1747–1825 Paris",", Paris",50258,384,1760 |1700 |1503 |1644 |1747 ,1838 |1800 |1540 |1725 |1825 ,1829,1829,1829,14948,"Sheet: 20 15/16 × 13 7/16 in. (53.2 × 34.2 cm) 20 7/8 x 14 3/16 x 1 15/16 in. (53 x 36 x 5 cm)","Transferred from the Library, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 394915,1994.220(3.34),0,0,647943,11,731,"Jesus Christ between two saints, bound in Monuments des Arts du Dessin, volume 3, plate 185",,,,,,5045,Written by|Published by|After|After|Edited by,Amaury Duval|Brunet|Ludovico Carracci|Jules Dagneau|Giorgio Vasari|baron Dominique Vivant Denon,"French, 1760–1838|French, active 18th century|Italian, Bologna 1555–1619 Bologna|Italian, Arezzo 1511–1574 Florence|French, Givry 1747–1825 Paris",", Paris",50328,384,1760 |1700 |1555 |1511 |1747 ,1838 |1800 |1619 |1574 |1825 ,1829,1829,1829,14948,"Sheet: 20 15/16 × 13 7/16 in. (53.2 × 34.2 cm) 20 7/8 x 14 3/16 x 1 15/16 in. (53 x 36 x 5 cm)","Transferred from the Library, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 395633,1994.220(3.63),0,0,648730,11,731,"Punishment imposed to a priest and his accomplice, bound in Monuments des Arts du Dessin, volume 3, plate 216",,,,,,5043,Written by|Published by|After|After|Edited by,Amaury Duval|Brunet|Salvator Rosa|Flaminio Torre (Torri)|baron Dominique Vivant Denon,"French, 1760–1838|French, active 18th century|Italian, Arenella (Naples) 1615–1673 Rome|Italian, Bologna 1620–1661 Modena|French, Givry 1747–1825 Paris",", Paris",50407,384,1760 |1700 |1615 |1620 |1747 ,1838 |1800 |1673 |1661 |1825 ,1829,1829,1829,14948,"Sheet: 20 15/16 × 13 7/16 in. (53.2 × 34.2 cm) 20 7/8 x 14 3/16 x 1 15/16 in. (53 x 36 x 5 cm)","Transferred from the Library, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1