id,value 277,"""Hatshepsut Hole"" (depression east of temple of Thutmose III)" 407,"""Hatshepsut Hole,"" Senenmut Quarry" 224,"""The Royal Tomb""" 496,17-18th Dynasty Cemetery 112,"2 frags. in ""Hatshepsut Hole""/ rest Senenmut Quarry" 629,Antef Cemetery (Intef) 462,Birabi 515,Birbriyeh No. 45 (Embalmers' cache II) 804,Birbriyeh No. 46 (Embalmers' cache II) 410,Birket Habu Mound A 18 125,Birket Habu Mound B 1 590,Boat pit 429,Building of Ramesses II 384,"Burial B 44, East of Pabasa" 215,"Burial B44, East of Pabasa" 219,Burial of Prince Amenemhat (MMA 1021) 240,Burial of Seni 531,Cell B 726,Cememtery D 26,Cemetery 369,Cemetery 1 534,Cemetery 1 723,Cemetery 1 ? 368,Cemetery 2 777,Cemetery 3 315,Cemetery 3100 598,Cemetery A 817,"Cemetery A, Tomb 116" 819,"Cemetery A, Tomb 72" 831,"Cemetery A, tomb 124" 62,Cemetery B 492,Cemetery C 164,Cemetery D 548,Cemetery G 313,Cemetery H 308,Cemetery R 314,Cemetery U 32,Cemetery V 606,Cemetery W 88,Cemetery Y 778,Cemetery b 21,Cemetery north of Djoser complex 577,Cemetery or late New Kingdom houses 677,Cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:4 east 812,Cemetery south of pyramid below House A3:1 254,Cemetery south of pyramid below house A2:2 225,"Cemetery south of pyramid, House A1" 602,Cemetery v 310,Cliff Site (Hk 11) 513,Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 365,Complex of Mentuhotep II 210,"Complex of Senwosret I, north of pyramid 2" 115,Courtyard CC 41 30,"Courtyard CC 41, Pit 1" 44,"Courtyard CC 41, Pit 2" 33,"Courtyard CC 41, Pit 3" 436,"Courtyard CC 41, Radim" 435,"Courtyard CC 41, Radim near Ptolemaic tomb" 305,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb (?)" 498,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb 24" 306,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb 47" 304,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb 62" 303,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb 64" 286,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 11" 287,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 12" 31,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 2" 289,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 3" 291,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 4" 290,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 5" 292,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 6" 293,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 7" 100,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 8" 285,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 9" 294,"Courtyard CC 41, north side" 116,"Courtyard CC 41, radim" 178,"Courtyard of CC 41, Pit Tomb 43" 692,"Courtyard, CC 41" 452,Crocodile mummy cave 789,"Deir el Bahri Cache, in or in front of" 350,Djeme 780,Djoser Pyramid 376,Djoser Pyramid Complex 15,Djoser Pyramid precinct 382,"Djoser Pyramid precinct, near" 14,"Djoser Pyramid, south precinct possibly" 343,"Djoser precinct, north of the Step Pyramid" 460,"Djoser precinct, north of the Step pyramid" 451,"Djoser pyramid, near" 242,Double Row of Pits 718,E. side of S. Village or Khor west of camp 214,East of Pabasa 509,East of Pabasa - radim 108,East of Pabasa and north of Padiamenemopet 209,"East of Pabasa, Radim" 418,East of the Step Pyramid 600,East side 17,Eastern Cemetery 527,Embalmer's Cache in the Temple of Hatshepsut 166,Embalming Cache of Tutankhamun (KV 54) 167,Embalming cache of Tutankhamun (KV 54) 248,Expedition House Area 212,Expedition House area 458,Factories 296,Foot of Hatshepsut's Causeway 335,Foot of Hatshepsut's causeway 736,Fort Cemetery 309,Fort Cemetery (Hk 27) 722,Found in Egypt 608,Found in surface debris 221,Graeco-Roman Cemetery 68,Grand tomb du Nord 592,Grand tomb du nord 145,Great Temple of the Aten 457,Green Buildings 762,H02W 441,Hadrian's Villa 27,Hatshepsut Causeway 194,Hatshepsut Hole 93,"Hatshepsut Hole, Senenmut Quarry" 506,"Hatshepsut Temple, Middle Terrace" 427,Hatshepsut Valley Temple 446,Heliopolis (Ain Shams) 763,Ho 1 W 756,Ho 2 W 764,Ho 3 W 124,Ho W1 749,Ho.2. W 745,Ho.2.W 748,Ho.3.W 750,Ho2W 755,Ho2w 760,Ho3W 752,HoB 754,House 1 W 465,House 2 W 757,House 3 126,House 3 W 470,House B 428,House O.47.16a (Sculptor's Workshop) 420,House O.47.20 (Sculptor's Worshop) 455,House T.35.10 431,House U. 35.2 486,House U. 36.47 430,House U.35.30 483,House debris east or north east of pyramid 56,House remains north of pyramid of Amenemhat I 464,Houses G-K 466,Houses G–K 412,IFAO Tomb 1437 758,III 488,Ibis Cemetery 324,"Jaw from ""Hatshepsut Hole""/rest from Senenmut Quarry" 161,KV 56 (Gold Tomb) 477,Khor west of camp or E. side of S. Village 704,King's House 147,King's House at Amarna 471,King's Palace 716,King's Palace (Harim) 67,Krokodilopolis temple 482,Late New Kingdom Settlement 123,Luxor Temple 530,M9-10 653,MMA Cemetery 800 397,MMA Pit 1013 614,MMA Pit 1017 533,MMA Tomb 601 532,MMA Tomb 610 332,Mandara 421,Maru-Aten 19,Mastaba of Akhtihotep 20,Mastaba of Akhtihotep (FS 3076) 790,"Mastaba of Tjauti, good name Resi" 800,Mastaba of Userkaefankh 798,Menkaure Quarry Cemetery 770,Meru-Aten 510,Middle Terrace Coffin Cache 782,Monastery of Cyriacus 767,Monastery of Epiphanios 691,Mortuary Temple of Tawosret 491,"N-S Pit, no. 511" 786,NW 591,NW of Tomb of Imhotep 245,NW of tomb of Imhotep 354,Near the obelisk 351,"Nile east bank, above Benisuef" 467,No exact location recorded 312,North Cemetery 388,North Palace 775,North of the Djoser pyramid complex 80,O.K. Hill Court no 1. 607,O.K. Hill Court no. 1 18,Old Kingdom Cemetery 192,Osiris Temple 528,Osiris Temple precinct 529,Osiris Temple temenos 318,Osiris temple 595,Outside brick enclosure wall 744,Palace 50,Palace of Amenhotep III 747,Palace of Amenhotep III area 743,"Palace of Amenhotep III, North Palace" 469,Palace of Amenhotpe III 340,Palace of Apries 159,Palace of Ramesses II 154,Palace of Ramesses III 281,Path from village to house 619,Pit MMA 1013 626,Pit MMA 1015 rubbish 621,Pit MMA 1016 612,Pit MMA 1017 120,Pit MMA 1019 620,Pit MMA 1106 rubbish 106,Pit MMA 1110 512,Pits 51–54 (Late Mummification Deposit #1) 105,Priests' Cemetery 610,"Priests' Cemetery, pit 213" 363,Priests' Houses 362,"Priests' Houses, near" 675,Priests' cemetery 364,"Priests' houses, near" 459,Private House B 440,Private houses in the town 149,Ptah Temple 461,Ptolemaic Cemetery (Birabi) 463,Ptolemaic vaulted graves (Birabi) 47,Pylon of Ramesses II 601,Pyramid 10,Pyramid Complex of Amenemhat I 12,Pyramid Complex of Khafre 712,Pyramid Complex of Khufu 23,Pyramid Complex of Menkaure 588,Pyramid Complex of Senwosret I 580,"Pyramid Slump, North side" 9,Pyramid Temple of Amenemhat I 65,"Pyramid Temple of Amenemhat I, east" 165,Pyramid Temple of King Ahmose 54,Pyramid Temple of Senwosret I 211,"Pyramid Temple of Senwosret I, Inner Court" 59,"Pyramid Temple of Senwosret I, Outer Court" 589,"Pyramid Temple of Senwosret I, South Court" 584,Pyramid Temple of Senwosret II 669,Pyramid complex of Amenemhat I 5,Pyramid complex of Pepi II probably 246,Pyramid complex of Senwosret I 609,Pyramid interior 784,Pyramid of King Pepi I 395,Pyramid of King Unis 374,Pyramid of King Unis area 487,Pyramid of Pepi II 599,Pyramid of Senwosret I 581,"Pyramid slump, North side" 24,Pyramid temple of Sahure 766,Pyramid temple of Senwosret I 450,Q.41.6 Service Buildings Further South of GAT 400,Radim below Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71 [B 2]) 399,Radim below Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71 [A 2]) 337,"Radim below entrance,Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71)" 404,"Radim, Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71) and below" 405,"Radim, Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71) or below" 414,Ramesses IV temple over Valley Temple of Hatshepsut 815,Ramesseum 631,Ramesside Temple 338,Ramesside Temple (originally valley temple?) 809,Roman Burial 2 792,Roman Burial XL 732,Roman Burial XL-B 795,Roman Burial XLII 794,Roman Burial XLIII 733,Roman Burial XLV 793,Roman Burial XXXIX 525,Roman Burial XXXIX-A 734,"Roman Burian 19, west of tomb B." 468,Roman Cemetery 735,Roman Houses 783,Rome 367,Royal Cache Valley 230,"Royal Cache, Tomb of Inhapi (TT 320)" 231,"Royal Cache, Tomb of Inhapy (TT 320)" 769,Royal Palace of Akhenaten 378,Royal Tombs 578,Royal Valley 761,Rubbish Mounds 753,Rubbish mounds 687,"S of Tomb of Senimeru (470) below House A2:1,south cemetery" 475,S. Magazines or Factories 474,S. magazines or Factories 476,S. magazines or factories 48,Sacred Animal Necropolis 796,"Sacred Animal Necropolis, Main Temple" 419,Sculptors' school in the town 130,Sculptors' workshop near south end of the town 131,Sculptors' workshops in the town 545,Seankhare Cemetery 357,Seankhkare Cemetery 110,Senenmut Quarry 113,Senenmut Quarry & Mentuhotep Causeway 406,Senenmut Quarry & temple courts 572,"Senenmut Quarry House, northern area" 347,"Senenmut Quarry and temple, lower court" 385,"Senenmut Quarry, lower court and north of temple" 773,Settlement A or B 772,Settlement north of pyramid 801,"Shuneh trench, south of gateway" 375,Small Aten Temple 810,South Giza Cemetery 433,South Khor tomb A 585,"South Khor,Tomb A" 596,South Pyramid cemetery 11,South Saqqara 127,South Village 594,South area 686,"South of the Tomb of Senimeru (470) below House A2:1,south cemetery" 247,South of the tomb of Imhotep 751,South village 551,TT 226 711,TT 277 696,TT 93 174,TT A 7 479,Temple 742,Temple Mentuhotep 122,Temple of Amun 150,Temple of Bastet 453,Temple of Coptos 478,Temple of Harendotes 434,Temple of Hathor 118,Temple of Hatshepsut 170,Temple of Hatshepsut Temenos area 394,"Temple of Hatshepsut, Forecourt" 330,"Temple of Hatshepsut, S.E. corner" 119,"Temple of Hatshepsut, forecourt" 741,Temple of Mentuhotep 41,Temple of Mentuhotep II 768,Temple of Mentuhotep II probably 472,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, Court" 195,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, North Triangular Court" 201,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, North Triangular Court," 133,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, Tomb of Aashyt (DB XI.17)" 202,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, Tomb of Myt (pit 18)" 345,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, forecourt" 104,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, south" 361,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, south side" 824,Temple of Mentuhotep Nebhepetre 802,Temple of Merenptah 121,Temple of Montu 416,Temple of Mut 820,Temple of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II 490,Temple of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep III 549,Temple of Nebhepetre Montuhotep 417,Temple of Nebhepetre Montuhotep II 781,Temple of Nebwenenef 829,Temple of Osiris 550,Temple of Ptah 352,Temple of Ramesses II 771,Temple of Ramesses III 117,Temple of Ramesses IV 153,"Temple of Ramesses IV, unfinished" 373,"Temple of Sety I, north of NE corner" 413,Temple of Tawosret 234,Temple of the Mnevis bulls 22,Teti Pyramid Cemetery 8,"Teti Pyramid Cemetery, NW" 7,"Teti Pyramid Cemetery, at NW corner of Teti Pyramid enclosure" 317,The precinct of the temple of Osiris 237,Theban Tomb 108 724,Tomb 432,Tomb 1348 814,Tomb 162 818,Tomb 181 321,Tomb 2104 322,Tomb 2316 319,Tomb 2322 320,Tomb 2322 (?) 323,Tomb 2347 251,Tomb 384 (Rehuerdjersen) 803,Tomb 414 605,Tomb 439 825,Tomb 477 791,Tomb 490 586,Tomb 5115 604,Tomb 512 222,Tomb 525 103,Tomb 6 603,Tomb 618 544,Tomb 801 541,Tomb 807 (Dagi) 186,Tomb 954 561,Tomb AN-B 311,Tomb B143 74,Tomb B3 of the nomarch Senbi II 239,Tomb B3 of the nomarch Senbi II 73,Tomb CC 24 43,Tomb CC 37 497,Tomb CC 37 Chamber A 114,"Tomb CC 37, Hall (C)" 495,Tomb CC 37/78 64,Tomb CC 4 (MMA 521) 288,Tomb CC 41 298,Tomb CC 43 109,Tomb CC 44 143,Tomb CC 45 300,Tomb CC 46 171,Tomb CC 46/3 297,Tomb CC 47 302,Tomb CC 47 (or 43?) 307,Tomb CC 47 in Courtyard CC 41 728,Tomb CC 51 299,Tomb CC 62 295,"Tomb CC 62, ""Big Tomb""" 168,"Tomb CC 62, tomb no. 64" 301,Tomb CC 64 641,Tomb CC 7 172,Tomb CC 9 576,Tomb D33 562,Tomb H4 392,"Tomb KV 51 ( ""The Animal Tomb"")" 148,Tomb KV 55 162,"Tomb KV 56 (""The Gold Tomb"")" 547,Tomb M107K 616,Tomb MMA 1007 158,Tomb MMA 1008 526,Tomb MMA 1008 (Pit 1016) 35,Tomb MMA 101 179,Tomb MMA 1013 623,Tomb MMA 1015 624,Tomb MMA 1016 665,Tomb MMA 104 86,Tomb MMA 106 659,Tomb MMA 109 438,Tomb MMA 110 662,Tomb MMA 111 615,Tomb MMA 1112 537,Tomb MMA 113 661,Tomb MMA 115 508,Tomb MMA 1151 522,"Tomb MMA 1151, Seankhkare Cemetery" 85,Tomb MMA 116 61,Tomb MMA 202 535,Tomb MMA 505 635,Tomb MMA 506 87,Tomb MMA 507 (The Slain Soldiers) 81,Tomb MMA 509a 70,Tomb MMA 511 95,Tomb MMA 512 493,Tomb MMA 514 325,Tomb MMA 515 636,Tomb MMA 519 640,Tomb MMA 520 358,Tomb MMA 56 359,Tomb MMA 57 275,Tomb MMA 60 355,"Tomb MMA 60, Burial of Gautsoshen" 501,Tomb MMA 601 71,Tomb MMA 602 216,Tomb MMA 604 632,Tomb MMA 608 630,Tomb MMA 700 Group 633,Tomb MMA 703 634,Tomb MMA 708 191,Tomb MMA 710 101,Tomb MMA 741 652,Tomb MMA 800 group 447,Tomb MMA 801 360,Tomb MMA 801 (Embalmers' cache) 628,Tomb MMA 804 91,Tomb MMA 804 (M04) 644,Tomb MMA 806 (M06) 651,Tomb MMA 809 (M09) 173,Tomb MMA 810 (M10) 650,Tomb MMA 811 518,Tomb MMA 812 645,Tomb MMA 813 334,Tomb MMA 815 69,Tomb MMA 816 648,Tomb MMA 817 647,Tomb MMA 818 655,Tomb MMA 819 571,Tomb MMA 820 713,Tomb MMA 821 654,Tomb MMA 822 646,Tomb MMA 824 448,Tomb MMA 825 94,Tomb MMA 826 657,Tomb MMA 828 (H 4) 656,Tomb MMA 828 (H4) 805,Tomb MMA 828 (MMA Ḫ 4) 806,Tomb MMA 828 (Ḫ 4) 807,"Tomb MMA 828 (Ḫ 4), or Tomb TT 200" 96,Tomb MMA 830 503,Tomb MMA 830-A 511,Tomb MMA 830-C 504,Tomb MMA 830-D 543,Tomb MMA 831 (TT 297) 524,Tomb MMA 832 658,Tomb MMA 839 37,Tomb MMA 840 649,Tomb MMA 850 559,Tomb MMA Ḫ 1 560,Tomb MMA Ḫ 1 A 720,Tomb MMA Ḫ 2 A 521,Tomb MMA Ḫ 3 701,Tomb Nakht (TT 52) 223,Tomb R50 664,Tomb TT 112 517,Tomb TT 113 519,Tomb TT 114 507,Tomb TT 117 660,Tomb TT 126 727,Tomb TT 150 probably 703,Tomb TT 226 520,Tomb TT 252 408,Tomb TT 27 730,Tomb TT 310 (MMA 505) 737,"Tomb TT 312, MMA 509" 638,Tomb TT 316 (MMA 518) 205,"Tomb complex of Ipy (TT 315, MMA 516)" 45,Tomb near the Ramesseum (?) 346,Tomb of Aafenmut (MMA 832) 523,"Tomb of Aafenmut (MMA 832), pit 1" 203,Tomb of Aashyt (DBXI.17) 516,Tomb of Ahmose (TT 121) 579,Tomb of Akhenaten 372,Tomb of Amenherkhepeshef (QV 55) 155,Tomb of Amenhotep 138,Tomb of Amenhotep (TT 73) 377,Tomb of Amenhotep II (KV 35) 383,Tomb of Amenhotep II (KV 35) probably 52,Tomb of Amenhotep III (WV 22) 389,Tomb of Anen (TT 120) 90,Tomb of Ankhef (Tomb 9) 256,"Tomb of Antefiker (400), west" 540,Tomb of Dagi (MMA 807) 542,Tomb of Dagi (MMA 807) and Tomb TT 66 42,"Tomb of Dagi (TT 103, MMA 807)" 721,"Tomb of Dagi (TT103, MMA 807)" 134,"Tomb of Djar (TT 366, MMA 820)" 667,Tomb of Djehuty (TT 110) (Cupbearer) 695,Tomb of Djehuty / Djehutyemhab (TT 45) 823,Tomb of Djehutyhotep (Tomb 2) 169,Tomb of Djehutynefer (A6) 386,Tomb of Djeserkaraseneb (TT 38) 698,Tomb of Djeserkareseneb (TT 38) 235,Tomb of Duaerneheh (TT 125) 89,Tomb of Hapiankhtifi 241,Tomb of Hapiankhtifi or Ukhhotep 705,Tomb of Haremhab (KV 57) 710,Tomb of Haremhab (TT 207) 107,Tomb of Haremkhauef 738,Tomb of Harhotep (MMA 513) 208,Tomb of Harhotep (TT 314) 207,"Tomb of Harhotep (TT 314, MMA 513)" 353,Tomb of Harkhebit 193,Tomb of Hatnefer and Ramose 4,Tomb of Hatnefer and Ramose (below TT 71) 566,Tomb of Hatshepsut (KV 20) 341,"Tomb of Henenu (TT 313, MMA 510)" 356,Tomb of Henettawy F (MMA 59) 233,Tomb of Heri (TT 12) 326,Tomb of Hesem (TT 516) 539,Tomb of Huynefer 830,Tomb of Ibu (no. 8) 494,Tomb of Idu II 342,Tomb of Ipuy (TT 217) 327,Tomb of Ipy (TT 315) 740,"Tomb of Ipy (TT 315, MMA 516)" 206,"Tomb of Ipy (TT 315, MMA 516B)" 66,Tomb of Iuy (MMA 61) 387,Tomb of Kaaper 97,Tomb of Kay 391,Tomb of Kenamun (TT 93) 706,"Tomb of Kener, usurped from Huy (TT 54)" 699,Tomb of Kha (TT 8) 663,Tomb of Khaemopet (TT 105) 135,Tomb of Kheti (Tomb 17) 46,"Tomb of Khety (TT 311, MMA 508)" 136,Tomb of Khnumhotep (Tomb 3) 53,"Tomb of Meketre (TT 280, MMA 1101)" 694,Tomb of Menkheperreseneb (TT 79) 379,Tomb of Menna (TT 69) 228,Tomb of Mentuemhat (TT 34) 141,Tomb of Mentuherkhepeshef (TT 20) 40,Tomb of Mereri 175,"Tomb of Meritamun (TT 358, MMA 65)" 454,"Tomb of Meritamun (TT 358, MMA 65); burial of Nany" 411,Tomb of Merneptah (KV 8) 6,Tomb of Merti 536,Tomb of Meryneith 554,Tomb of Merytre-Hatshepsut (KV 42) 393,Tomb of Merytre-Hatshepsut or Sennefer (KV 42) 16,Tomb of Metjetji 58,"Tomb of Myt, Temple of Mentuhotep II" 236,Tomb of Nakht (493) 76,"Tomb of Nakht (493), brick building east" 255,"Tomb of Nakht (493), inside enclosure" 249,"Tomb of Nakht (493), outside NE corner" 264,"Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery" 683,"Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery, House 5" 268,"Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery, below House A4:1" 258,"Tomb of Nakht (493), southeast cemetery" 380,Tomb of Nakht (TT 52) 390,"Tomb of Nakht (TT 52), chapel" 163,Tomb of Nakhtamun (TT 335) 709,Tomb of Nakhtamun (TT 341) 556,Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky (TT 181) 813,Tomb of Nebit 565,"Tomb of Neferhotep (TT 316, MMA 516)" 639,"Tomb of Neferhotep (TT 316, MMA 518)" 637,Tomb of Neferhotep (TT 316; MMA 518) 409,Tomb of Neferkhawet (MMA 729) 144,"Tomb of Neferkhawet (MMA 729), east chamber" 401,"Tomb of Neferkhawet (MMA 729), west chamber B" 336,"Tomb of Neferkhawet (MMA 729), west chamber A" 197,"Tomb of Neferkhawet (MMA 729), west chamber B" 132,Tomb of Nefermaat and Itet 370,Tomb of Nefertari (QV 66) 816,Tomb of Neferu 98,"Tomb of Neferu (TT 319, MMA 31)" 739,"Tomb of Neferu or Khety (TT 319/311, MMA 31/508)" 157,"Tomb of Nespakashuty (TT 312, MMA 509a)" 182,"Tomb of Nespekashuty (TT 312, MMA 509)" 702,Tomb of Pairy (TT 139) 708,Tomb of Panehsy (TT 16) 260,Tomb of Pay and Raia 25,Tomb of Perneb 442,Tomb of Petamenophis (TT 33) probably 204,Tomb of Ptahirdis 140,Tomb of Puyemre 139,Tomb of Puyemre (TT 39) 424,Tomb of Qen (TT 4) 697,Tomb of Qenamun (TT 93) 715,Tomb of Ramesses II (KV 7) 396,Tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11) 371,Tomb of Ramesses IV (KV 2) 439,Tomb of Ramesses VI (KV 9) 226,Tomb of Raneb 252,Tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 142,Tomb of Rekhmire (TT 100) 505,Tomb of Roma (TT MMA 835) 797,Tomb of Roy (TT 255) 177,Tomb of Sebekhotep (TT 63) 643,Tomb of Sebeknakht (MMA 808) 176,Tomb of Senenmut (TT 353) 381,Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71) 402,Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71) and hillside below 403,"Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71), below" 425,"Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71), below entrance" 278,Tomb of Senimen (TT 252) 678,"Tomb of Senimeru (470), south cemetery" 151,Tomb of Sennedjem (TT 1) 55,Tomb of Senwosret (758) 60,"Tomb of Senwosret (758), inside" 244,Tomb of Senwosretankh 587,"Tomb of Senwosretankh, Outer Court North" 243,"Tomb of Senwosretankh, west outer court" 160,Tomb of Seti I (KV 17) 729,Tomb of Shepenwepet (MMA 56) 156,Tomb of Siese 152,Tomb of Siptah (KV 47) 34,Tomb of Sithathoryunet (BSA Tomb 8) 538,"Tomb of Sobeknakht (MMA 808, east of Daga)" 555,"Tomb of Sobeknakht (MMA Tomb 808, east of Daga)" 137,Tomb of Tetiky (TT 15) 499,"Tomb of Tetiky (TT 15), near" 129,Tomb of Thutmose IV (KV 43) 719,"Tomb of Tjanefer (TT 297, MMA 831, MMA Ḫ5)" 700,Tomb of Tjeneny (TT 74) 49,Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62) 666,Tomb of Tutnefer (TT 104) 82,Tomb of Ukhhotep 84,Tomb of Ukhhotep or Hapiankhtifi 83,Tomb of Ukhhotep or Hapiankhtifi|Tomb of Ukhhotep or Hapiankhtifi 284,"Tomb of User, south of the tomb of Senwosretankh" 573,Tomb of Userhat (TT 150) 707,Tomb of Userhat (TT 51) 339,Tomb of Usermontu (TT 382) 582,Tomb of Vizier Mentuhotep 75,Tomb of Wah (MMA 1102) 443,Tomb of Wedjahor 480,Tomb of Wennefer 423,Tomb of Wereshnefer 546,Tomb of Wesi (MMA 834) [Usi] 128,Tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu (KV 46) 181,Tomb of a Mnevis bull 28,Tomb of the 3 Foreign Wives of Thutmose III 333,"Tomb of the 3 Foreign Wives of Thutmose III (Wadi D, Tomb 1)" 426,"Tomb of the Three Foreign Wives of Thutmose III (Wadi D, Tomb 1)" 822,Tombs 307 and 360 514,"Tombs 51-54, Embalmers' cache I" 445,Tombs 811-840 557,Tombs TT 65 and TT 66 146,Town 799,Town buildings 449,Town manufactories 316,Umm el-Qaab 627,Unfinished Temple Area 502,Unfinished Temple Site 398,Valley north of the Temple of Hatshepsut 456,Various houses in the town 489,W and NW of Christian necropolis 349,West bank of the Nile River 185,West of tomb 954 (location not recorded) 227,Western Cemebery 13,Western Cemetery 693,Winlock Tomb 5 437,Workmen's Huts between KV 18 and KV 21 198,Workmen's Huts near KV 55 (site 18) or between KV 18 and KV 21 415,Workmens' Huts between KV 6 and KV 21 422,a tomb of Pashedu (TT 3 or TT 326) 485,along the road between the Fayum and the Giza pyramids 611,approach to Hathor temple 232,area around Cook's Rest House 366,area of Ramesside temple 552,area of the Coptic Monastery of Cyriacus 553,area of the monastery of Epiphanius 344,"around Unas complex, Mastaba of Idut (Seseshet), taken over from Ihy" 29,below the Tomb of Senenmut (TT 71) 331,beside Hatshepsut Hole 567,beside n. causeway wall near Hatshesput temple 563,beside n. causeway wall opposite Pabasa Pylon 808,burial of Prince Amenemhat below Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 218,burial of Prince Amenemhat ear Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 217,burial of Prince Amenemhat near Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 92,cemetery 199,"cemetery (slope above ""faience factory"", House A1:2-5)" 714,"cemetery 300, Ptolemaic vaulted tomb, Pit 1" 828,"cemetery A, tomb 124" 827,"cemetery E, tomb 11" 668,cemetery around the tomb of Senwosret (758) 681,cemetery east of Senwosret (758) 72,cemetery east of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 189,cemetery far south of the Tomb of Senwosret (758) 188,cemetery far south of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 279,cemetery north of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 688,cemetery north or west of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 642,cemetery on north side 272,cemetery south of Rehuerdjersen (384) 785,cemetery south of Senwosret (758) 725,cemetery south of pyramid 265,cemetery south of pyramid (location not recorded) 679,cemetery south of pyramid House A3.1 670,cemetery south of pyramid House area A3:1 79,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:3 266,cemetery south of pyramid below House 4:2 77,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:1 274,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:2 689,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:3 78,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:4 674,cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:1 250,cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:2 267,cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:3 200,cemetery south of pyramid below House A3.1 811,cemetery south of pyramid below house A1:4 673,cemetery south of pyramid between Houses A2:2 & A2:1 183,cemetery south of pyramid corner Houses A1:2 & A1:3 283,cemetery south of pyramid south of House A1:2 63,cemetery south of pyramid south of House A1:4 190,cemetery south of pyramid south of Houses A1:2 & A2:4 187,cemetery south of pyramid south of houses 261,"cemetery south of pyramid, House A1:4" 680,"cemetery south of pyramid, House A3:1" 257,"cemetery south of pyramid, below House A2:4" 220,"cemetery south of pyramid, below House A3:1" 682,"cemetery south of pyramid, below House A4:2" 671,"cemetery south of pyramid, between Houses A1:1 & A2:3" 263,"cemetery south of pyramid, between Houses A1:2 & A2:4" 684,"cemetery south of pyramid, between Houses A3:2 and A3:3" 685,"cemetery south of pyramid, gap south of pyramid" 259,"cemetery south of pyramid, south of house A3:1" 262,"cemetery south of pyramid, southeast corner platform" 273,cemetery south of the tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 51,cemetery south of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 229,cemetery south-west of pyramid 271,cemetery southwest of Senwosret (758) 270,cemetery west of North Pyramid 276,cemetery west of Senwosret (758) 282,cemetery west of pyramid 238,cemetery west of pyramid of Amenemhat I 57,cemetery west of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 269,"cemetery, slope southwest of Senwosret (758)" 597,debris 774,debris east and northeast of pyramid 39,"double row of pits, west of pyramid" 672,"east of pyramid (so-called ""railway cut"")" 213,east of the tomb of Pabasa (TT 279) 111,"face from ""Hatshepsut Hole""/rest from Senenmut Quarry" 575,foot of Hatshepsut's causeway 348,found near the Tomb of Pabasa (TT 279) 779,house west of pyramid 788,irrigation 613,near Pit MMA 1015 500,near Priests' houses 328,near pit 219 787,near site N 570,near the Tomb of Dagi (MMA 807) 569,"near the Tomb of Dagi (TT 103, MMA 807)" 473,near the Tomb of Dedi (TT 200) 558,near the Tomb of Nebamun and Ipuky (TT 181) 481,near the Tomb of Pabasa (TT 279) 568,north of Senenmut Quarry house 826,"north of cemetery A, tomb 211" 3,pit tomb CC 25 280,pits west of pyramid 2,"probably Tomb CC 64, burial 9" 583,pyramid temple of Senwosret I 180,radim near Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 617,rubbish around Royal Cache (TT 320) 618,rubbish around TT 320 (royal cache) 625,rubbish from temple platfor 622,rubbish from temple platform 746,rubbish mounds 759,rubbish mounds ? 329,rubbish outside Pit MMA 1013 564,slope above Merneptah (KV 8) 102,"south of Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery" 690,south of pyramid 444,south of the Step Pyramid 484,south part of the necropolis 776,southern slope 574,surface find 821,temple of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II 593,"tomb B (Djehuty), South Area" 1,tomb of Imhotep 253,tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 36,tomb of Sehetepibreankh 38,tomb of Senwosretankh 765,tomb of a sacred ram 196,tomb west of the tomb of Senwosretankh 717,various 731,vicinity of the Tomb of Haremhab (KV 57) 184,west of northeast tomb (956) 676,west of pyramid 99,west of tomb of Senwosretankh