rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 217431,52.546.12,0,0,344924,11,97,Anatomische Abbildungen zur Mechanik der menschlichen Gehwerkzeuge,,,,,,796,Written by|Written by,W. E. Weber|E. F. Weber,German|German,,21180,79,,,1836,1836,1836,,,"Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1952",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 225731,46.46.543,0,0,353333,11,97,"Llanto de la Fama Reales Exequias..da Maria Amalia de Saxonia, Reyna de las Españas, Celebradas en la Santa Iglesia Cathedral, de la Imperial Corte Mexicana",,,,,,796,Written by|Written by,Felix Venancio Malo|Joseph Rodriguez del Toro,,,27165,1947,,,[1761],1761,1761,,8 1/4 x 6 in. (21 x 15.2 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1946",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 229177,40.68,0,0,356822,11,97,Manuscript Weaving Book,,,,,,796,Written by|Written by,Georg Adam Schneider|Johann Jacob Schneider,,,29544,79,,,"1761, 1768",1761,1768,,Overall: 7 1/2 x 9 1/16 in. (19 x 23 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1940",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 217030,63.609.2,0,0,344520,11,97,Mythologia ethica: or three centuries of Aesopian Fables,,,,,,796,,Aesop|Philip Ayres,"Greek, ca. 620–560 B.C.|British, 1638–1712",,20892,1068,-0620 |1638 ,-0560 |1712 ,1702,1702,1702,28943,7 3/16 x 4 1/2 in. (18.3 x 11.5 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1963",,14,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 219749,65.506.6,0,0,347271,11,97,Zaczarowana Zagroda,,,,,,796,Written by|Written by,Alina Centikiewiczowie|Czeslaw Centikiewiczowie,"Polish, 20th century|Polish, 20th century",,22790,1332,0020 |0020 ,0020 |0020 ,1963,1963,1963,,,"Gift of Mrs. Joseph Y. Smith, 1965",,686,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 221860,1998.443.1–.12,0,0,349419,11,97,"Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris 1925, Rapport General, Vols. 1-12",,,,,,796,,Paul Léon|Fernand David,"French, 19th–20th century|French, 19th–20th century",,24224,21,0019 |0019 ,0020 |0020 ,1927–31,1927,1931,34987,11 5/16 x 9 1/4 in. (28.8 x 23.5 cm),"Rogers Fund, transferred from the Library, 1998",,27,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 230227,66.676.1,0,0,357913,11,97,Dell'Imitatione di Cristo,,,,,,796,Written by|Dedication signed by,Thomas à Kempis|Giovanni Palazzi,"German, 1380–1471",,30269,348,1380 ,1471 ,[ca. 1600],1595,1605,,,"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1966",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 226050,37.37.23,0,1,353655,11,97,Le Sorti...intitolate giardino di pensieri,,,,,,796,Written and published by|Rhyming responses written by,Francesco Marcolini da Forli|Lodovico Dolce,"Italian, Forli ca. 1500–after 1559 Venice|Italian, Venice 1508–1568 Venice",", Venice",27391,93,1500 |1508 ,1559 |1568 ,October 1540,1540,1540,33944,12 3/16 x 8 11/16 x 7/8 in. (31 x 22 x 2.3 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1937",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 305520,2014.98(1–25),0,1,435401,11,14077,Specimen historiae plantarum,,,,,,796,,Paul de Reneaulme|Jacques-August de Thou,"French, 1560–1624|French, 1553–1617",,43361,21,1560 |1553 ,1624 |1617 ,1611,1611,1611,44466,Overall: 9 × 6 5/8 in. (22.8 × 16.9 cm),"Purchase, Daniel Ergmann Gift, 2014",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 229755,32.80.2,0,1,357423,11,13815,A Treatise of Japanning and Varnishing...,,,,,,796,Written and published by|Written and published by,John Stalker|George Parker,"British, 17th century|British, 17th century",,29991,9,1600 |1600 ,1700 |1700 ,1688,1688,1688,29021,14 3/4 x 9 5/8 x 11/16 in. (37.5 x 24.5 x 1.8 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1932",,14,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 206725,41.100.208(1),0,1,334069,11,13814,"Vitruvius Britannicus or The British Architect, The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, in Great Britain,...",,,,,,796,,Colen Campbell|John Woolfe,"British (born Scotland), 1676–1729 London|Irish, Kildaire 1673–1793 London",,17389,762,1676 |1693 ,1729 |1793 ,1715,1715,1715,29021,20 1/16 × 14 9/16 × 1 3/8 in. (51 × 37 × 3.5 cm),"Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 206726,41.100.208(2),0,0,334070,11,13814,"Vitruvius Britannicus or the British Architect, the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, in Great Britain,...",,,,,,796,,Colen Campbell|John Woolfe,"British (born Scotland), 1676–1729 London|Irish, Kildaire 1673–1793 London",,17389,762,1676 |1693 ,1729 |1793 ,1715,1715,1715,29021,20 1/16 × 14 3/8 × 1 3/8 in. (51 × 36.5 × 3.5 cm),"Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 411889,PA6558 .A5 1726,1,1,679476,20,,"Histoire secrette de Neron, ov, Le festin de Trimalcion, traduit de Petrone, avec des notes historiques par M. Lavaur ...",,,,,,796,,M. (Guillaume de) Lavaur|Petronius Arbiter,"French, 1653–1730",,51973,2,1653 ,1730 ,1726,1726,1726,,"2 volumes bound in 1 (2 pages, leaf, lxxij, 192 pages; 1 leaf, 193-447, 3 pages), Height: 6 5/16 in. (16 cm)","Gift of Jayne Wrightsman, 2009",,27,,,9,,,,,,,259,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 229301,42.44,0,0,356954,11,97,A Plan of Mr. Pope's Garden,,,,,,796,Written and designed by|Poem written by,John Serle|Alexander Pope,"British, active 18th century|British, 1688–1744",,29642,9,1700 |1688 ,1800 |1744 ,1745,1745,1745,33938,10 11/16 x 8 3/8 x 5/16 in. (27.1 x 21.3 x 0.8 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1942",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 206728,41.100.208(4),0,0,334072,11,13814,"Vitruvius Britannicus or the British Architect, the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, in Great Britain,...",,,,,,796,,James Gandon|John Woolfe,"British, London 1742/43–1823 Lucan, Ireland|Irish, Kildaire 1673–1793 London",,17391,314,1742 |1693 ,1823 |1793 ,1767,1767,1767,28942,20 1/16 × 14 3/8 × 1 3/8 in. (51 × 36.5 × 3.5 cm),"Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 206729,41.100.208(5),0,0,334073,11,13814,"Vitruvius Britannicus or the British Architect, the Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Regular Buildings, both Publick and Private, in Great Britain,...",,,,,,796,,James Gandon|John Woolfe,"British, London 1742/43–1823 Lucan, Ireland|Irish, Kildaire 1673–1793 London",,17391,314,1742 |1693 ,1823 |1793 ,1771,1771,1771,28942,20 1/16 × 14 3/8 × 1 3/8 in. (51 × 36.5 × 3.5 cm),"Bequest of W. Gedney Beatty, 1941",,,,,,,,,,,,665,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 423577,24.66.121,0,0,702711,11,97,"Catalogue of a Splendid Collection of Ancient and Modern Engravings and Etchings, Just imported by Mssrs. Barker & Co. , Print Sellers and Publishers of London...The Whole of Which Will be Sold Without Reservation by George W. Lord, at His Long Room, 183 Broadway, On Monday, October 26, and Following Day",,,,,,796,,"Mssrs. Barker & Co., London|George W. Lord, New York",,,54053,,1800 |1800 ,1850 |1830 ,1829,1829,1829,34144,8 15/16 × 5 1/2 in. (22.7 × 14 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1924",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 225366,42.26.3,0,0,352961,11,97,The Taylor's Instructor,,,,,,796,,William Lapsley|James Queen,"American, active early 19th century|American, active early 19th century",,26900,5,1800 |1800 ,1850 |1900 ,1809,1809,1809,,9 × 5 3/4 in. (22.9 × 14.6 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1942",,1,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174098,1994.265.221,0,0,276426,13,4693,"The Goncourt Journals, 1851-1870",,,,,,796,,Jules de Goncourt|Edmond de Goncourt,"French, Paris 1830–1870 Paris|French, Paris 1822–1896 Paris",,15368,21,1830 |1822 ,1870 |1896 ,1937,1937,1937,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 224638,24.66.1875,0,0,352232,11,97,"Plain Instructions To Prepare and Preserve From The Rust, Wrought & Cast Iron & Steel...",,,,,,796,Written by|Style of,George William Johnson|W. B. & T. Smith,"American, 1802–1886|New York, NY",,26403,5,1802 |1800 ,1886 |1900 ,1842,1842,1842,,,"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1924",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 217735,35.107.1,0,0,345230,11,97,Our Lace Sampler. First Series,,,,,,796,,Miss Austin|Cornelia Mee,"British, active 1880–89|British, active Bath from 1845",,21425,9,1880 |1840 ,1889 |1900 ,1880–89,1880,1889,29016,8 7/8 x 12 3/16 in. (22.5 x 31 cm),"Gift of Bella C. Landauer, 1925",,14,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 218736,1970.565.115,0,0,346244,11,97,"Trattato della Composizione e dell'Ornamento de' Giardini, Con N. 112 tavole...Opera Tradotta dal Francese",,,,,,796,Written by|Pirated from,Giovanni Magazzari|Pierre Boitard,"Italian, 19th century|French, 1789?–1859",,22083,148,1800 |1789 ,1899 |1859 ,1841,1841,1841,34309,8 1/2 x 11 3/4 in. (21.6 x 29.8 cm),"Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1970",,27,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 219405,57.623.2,0,0,346925,11,97,"Catalogue, Winter '73 & '74",,,,,,796,Local vendor,E. Butterick and Co.|Mrs. Tucker,"New York, NY",,22546,1,1850 ,1900 ,1873,1873,1873,34070,8 1/2 × 5 3/8 in. (21.6 × 13.7 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1957",,3,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 220917,1977.595.30,0,0,348456,11,97,"Recueil de Dessins pour l'Art et l'Industrie, 2 Vols.",,,,,,796,,Adalbert de Beaumont|Eugène Collinot,"French, 19th century|French, 19th century",,23594,2,1850 ,1900 ,1859–80,1859,1880,,,"Gift of Harvey Smith, 1977 ",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 239927,43.26.3,0,0,368013,11,97,"The Taylors' Instructor, or a Comprehensive Analysis, of the Elements of Cutting Garments, of Every King.",,,,,,796,Written and printed by|Written and printed by,James Queen|William Lapsley,"American, active early 19th century|American, active early 19th century",,33221,5,1800 |1800 ,1900 |1850 ,1809,1809,1809,28942,9 1/16 x 5 1/2 x 9/16 in. (23 x 14 x 1.5 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, by exchange, 1943",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 252612,54.90.1098,0,0,381115,11,731,"Under the Metropolitan Hotel, New York",,,,,,796,,"William Gale, Jr. & Co.|Brown & Spaulding","New York, NY|New York, NY",,35937,5,1800 |1830 ,1900 |1880 ,ca. 1852,1847,1857,14948,"image: 6 7/16 x 10 1/16 in. (16.3 x 25.5 cm) sheet: 9 1/2 x 11 1/2 in. (24.1 x 29.2 cm)","The Edward W. C. Arnold Collection of New York Prints, Maps and Pictures, Bequest of Edward W. C. Arnold, 1954",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 217359,45.13.11,0,0,344851,11,97,The American Ladies' Memorial,,,,,,796,,H. B. Skinner|J. B. Hall,"American, active 19th century|American, 19th century",,21125,5,1800 |1800 ,1900 |1900 ,1850,1850,1850,28942,6 1/8 x 3 15/16 in. (15.5 x 10 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1945",,8,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 218930,37.16.1,0,0,346440,11,97,Griffin's Book of Trades or Circle of The Useful Arts,,,,,,796,,Richard Griffin and Co.|John Griffin and Co.,London and Glasgow|London,,22158,9,1800 |1800 ,1900 |1900 ,1852,1852,1852,33938,5 11/16 x 4 1/2 x 1 1/4 in. (14.5 x 11.5 x 3.2 cm),"Gift of Bella C. Landauer, 1925",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 219395,65.595.10,0,0,346915,11,97,"Catalogue, Spring",,,,,,796,,E. Butterick and Co.|M. Oppenheimer,"New York, NY|Milton, Pennsylvania",Agent for the manufacturer,22542,5,1850 |1850 ,1900 |1900 ,1878,1878,1878,,,"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1965",,3,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 219396,62.514.1,0,0,346916,11,97,"Catalogue of Patterns for Spring, 1870",,,,,,796,Agent in Syracuse,E. Butterick and Co.|D. McCarthy & Co.,"New York, NY|American, active 1870",,22543,1,1850 |1850 ,1900 |1900 ,1870,1870,1870,28946,8 7/8 × 5 1/2 in. (22.5 × 14 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1962",,3,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 239959,47.33,0,0,368045,11,97,Manuscript book of weaving patterns and farm accounts,,,,,,796,Written and designed by|Written and designed by,Frederick Henry|I. Struble,"American, active 19th century|American, active 19th century",,33230,5,1800 |1800 ,1900 |1900 ,ca. 1840,1835,1845,38283,9 13/16 x 7 1/2 x 1/2 in. (25 x 19 x 1.2 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1947",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 261916,Museum Accession.1957.1,0,0,390824,11,97,"Catalogue of Household be Sold at Public Auction, Tuesday, September 26, 1882...upon the Premises of the Yeatman Homestead, Lower River Road, Riverside",,,,,,796,,"Ezekiel & Bernheim, Auctioneers|Este & Schmidt","Cincinnati, Ohio|Cincinnati, Ohio",,38122,5,1850 |1850 ,1900 |1900 ,1882,1882,1882,26071,10 1/16 x 6 11/16 in. (25.6 x 17 cm),"Gift of A. Hyatt Mayor, 1957",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 444719,57.511.33,0,0,742711,11,97,Grand Succès de la Faucheuse Royale de Gazon la Studley – Pamphlet advertising lawn-mowers,,,,,,796,"Company agent,",G. Hadfield|William Parkinson,"French, late 19th century|British, late 19th century",,56625,,1850 |1850 ,1900 |1900 ,1877,1877,1877,29001,Sheet: 9 13/16 × 7 3/8 in. (25 × 18.8 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1957",,27,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 377871,543.1N48 M97 Q,1,1,591850,20,,"A Descriptive Atlas of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriote Antiquities in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1885–1903)",6803,,,,,796,Introduction by,Ernst Curtius|Luigi Palma di Cesnola,,,48545,1,1832 ,1904 ,1885–1904,1885,1904,11174,3 vols.; H: 17 3/8 in. (44 cm),Presented by General L. P. di Cesnola,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 222243,67.625,0,0,349803,11,97,Souvenir album of Floradora,,,,,,796,Music by,Owen Hall|Leslie Stuart,"American, 1853–1907|American, 1864–1928",,24513,5,1853 |1864 ,1907 |1928 ,1900,1900,1900,,,"Gift of Miss. Linda Boyer, 1967",,3,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174088,1994.265.215,0,0,276416,13,4693,Henry James & H.G. Wells: A Record of their Friendship,,,,,,796,,Henry James|H. G. Wells,"American, 1843–1916|British, Bromley, Kent 1866–1946 London",,15364,28,1843 |1866 ,1916 |1946 ,1959,1959,1959,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 377881,216.7 T71,1,1,591860,20,,The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle from the book of Saint Albans,6810,,,,,796,Introduction by:,William Loring Andrews|Juliana Berners,"American, 1837–1920|British, b. 1388",,48551,28,1837 |1388 ,1920 |1388 ,1903,1903,1903,11174,H: 7 7/8 in. (20 cm),Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dean Adams,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 220873,51.602.48,0,0,348412,11,97,"Aluminous and Ornamental Building Paper, Oil Cloth, and Carpeting",,,,,,796,,"F. N. Davis and Co.|Barrett, Arnold and Kimball","Benoit, Wisconsin|Chicago, Illinois",,23562,5,1880 |1880 ,1920 |1920 ,late 19th century,1850,1900,28996,4 3/4 x 3 1/4 in. (12 x 8.2 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1951",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 421438,2015.400.374,0,0,698177,13,97,Der männliche Körper in Linien und Licht,,,,,,796,,Magnus Weidemann|Bruno Wiehr,"German|German, active 1910s–20s",,53608,,1910 ,1929 ,1922,1922,1922,26100,,"Bequest of Herbert Mitchell, 2008",,,,,,,,,,,,448,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 223046,59.541.1,0,0,350616,11,97,"New York Slate Roofing Co., Catalogue of Slate Mantels, Roof-cresting, etc.",,,,,,796,,Glines Patent Slate Roofing Paint|New York Slate Roofing Company,"New York, NY",,25154,5,1830 |1800 ,1930 |1900 ,ca. 1876,1871,1881,28996,8 15/16 x 5 13/16 in. (22.7 x 14.7 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1959",,3,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 377884,146.8 M821 Q,1,1,591863,20,,"Catalogue of the Collection of Jewels and Precious Works of Art, the Property of J. Pierpont Morgan",6812,,,,,796,,George Charles Williamson|J. Pierpont Morgan,"British, 1858–1942",,48554,33,1858 |1837 ,1942 |1913 ,1910,1910,1910,57673,H: 15 3/4 in. (39 cm),Presented by J. Pierpont Morgan,,,,,,,,,,,,259,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 264826,Ref.1,0,0,393793,11,731,"Announcement, King Eight, Model E, Sixty Horse Power",,,,,,796,,Gustav Stickley|King Motor Car Company,"American, Osceola, Wisconsin 1858–1942 Syracuse, New York|Detroit, Michigan",,38713,5,1858 |1900 ,1942 |1930 ,ca. 1915,1910,1920,35448,sheet: 9 7/16 x 6 15/16 in. (24 x 17.7 cm),"Transfered from the Secretary's Office, MMA",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 230594,43.103.1,0,0,358283,11,97,"The Message of the Bells, Or, What Happened To Us On Christmas Eve",,,,,,796,Written and illustrated by|Music by,Hendrik Willem Van Loon|Grace Castagnetta,"American, 1882–1944|American, born 1912",,30509,5,1882 |1912 ,1944 |2012 ,1942,1942,1942,33371,6 3/4 x 4 1/8 in. (17.1 x 10.5 cm),"Gift of Bella C. Landauer, 1925",,1421,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 254550,55.643.2,0,0,383169,11,97,"Illustrated Catalogue ofl glassware, from factories J-M-N-R",,,,,,796,,United States Glass Co.|Columbia Glass Co.,"Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania|Findley, Ohio",,36457,5,1891 |1800 ,1950 |1900 ,1873–77,1873,1877,33879,9 x 12 in. (22.9 x 30.5 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1955",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 266242,42.103.3,0,0,395219,11,97,Excelsior Lawn Mower for Horse or Hand Power,,,,,,796,Sold by,Chadborn & Coldwell Mfg. Co.|Vanderbilt Brothers,"Newburgh, New York|New York, NY",,39197,5,1850 |1880 ,1950 |1900 ,1880–1900,1880,1900,31854,sheet: 6 3/4 x 6 in. (17.2 x 15.2 cm),Harris Brisbane Dick Fund 1942,,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 220727,1971.507.1,0,0,348263,11,97,"Catalogue B. No. 11, Electrical Novelties, Experimental Apparatus, Dynamo and Motors, etc.",,,,,,796,Dealer,Seth W. Fuller & Co.|Carlisle & Finch Co.,"Boston, Massachusetts|Cincinnati, Ohio",,23458,5,1880 |1890 ,1950 |1930 ,1907,1907,1907,34756,7 1/2 x 4 1/2 in. (19.1 x 11.4 cm),"Purchase, Jefferson R. Burdick Bequest, 1971",,41,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 226718,61.559.6,0,0,354332,11,97,Manufacturers of Sideboards in Plain and Quartered Oak Only,,,,,,796,,"West York Furniture Mfg. Co.|Mount Wolf Furniture Co., Ltd.","York, Pennsylvania|Mount Wolf, Pennsylvania",,27902,5,1850 |1850 ,1950 |1950 ,1908,1908,1908,33879,7 3/16 x 10 in. (18.2 x 25.4 cm),"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1961",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 228237,60.510.3(1-9),0,0,355871,11,97,"Price list of electro plated hollow ware, plated nickel silver tableware, knives, etc.",,,,,,796,,Racine Silver Plate Company|Rockford Silver Plate Company,"Racine, Wisconsin|Rockford, Illinois",,28913,5,1850 |1850 ,1950 |1950 ,1885–90,1885,1890,,,"The Elisha Whittelsey Collection, The Elisha Whittelsey Fund, 1960",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 266290,69.633.152,0,0,395267,11,97,The Tuec Number 260 Stationary Vacuum Cleaner,,,,,,796,,United Electric Company|Tuec Company,"Canton, Ohio|New York",,39217,5,1900 |1900 ,1950 |1950 ,1915–20,1915,1920,33879,11 x 8 1/2 in. (28 x 21.6 cm),"Gift of Mrs. James S. Hedges, 1969",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 218261,63.698.56,0,0,345764,11,97,Gas Consuming Appliances. Open Fire Place Heaters,,,,,,796,,F. E. Backus|Backus Heater Company,"Brandon, Vermont|Brandon, Vermont",,21715,5,1800 |1900 ,1950 |1970 ,20th century,1912,1999,,,"Gift of Lincoln Kirstein, 1963",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 221963,1977.595.78,0,0,349523,11,97,Harmonies in Designs,,,,,,796,,Frank M. Zimmerman|Paul M. Zimmerman,"American, active New York, late 19th and early 20th century|American, active early 20th century",,24297,5,1880 |1880 ,1950 |1980 ,1911,1911,1911,,,"Gift of Harvey Smith, 1977",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 187052,JFMPL.30620005590723,0,0,296283,13,4693,Photographic Amusements Including Tricks and Unusual or Novel Effects Obtainable with the Camera,,,,,,796,,Frank Roy Fraprie|Walter E. Woodbury,"American, 1874–1951",,16718,1,1874 ,1951 ,1931,1931,1931,,Case,Joyce F. Menschel Photography Library,,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 288707,69.633.184,0,0,418026,11,97,The Log Lodge Lucerne Quebe,,,,,,796,,Lucerne-in-Quebec Community Association Limited|Canadian Pacific Railway Company,Canadian,,41607,3225,1925 |1880 ,1955 |2050 ,ca. 1930,1925,1935,28996,11 9/16 x 8 3/8 in. (29.4 x 21.3 cm),"Gift of Mrs. James S. Hedges, 1969",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 288715,69.633.185,0,0,418034,11,97,Lucerne in Quebec,,,,,,796,,Lucerne-in-Quebec Community Association Limited|Canadian Pacific Railway Company,Canadian,,41607,3225,1925 |1880 ,1955 |2050 ,1930,1930,1930,28996,11 7/16 x 8 3/4 in. (29 x 22.2 cm),"Gift of Mrs. James S. Hedges, 1969",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174141,1994.265.260,0,0,276469,13,4693,i.e. The Cambridge Review No. 5 (Winter 1955-56),,,,,,796,,James Agee|Walker Evans,"American, Knoxville, Tennessee 1909–1955 New York|American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut",,15400,5,1909-11-27|1903 ,1955-05-16|1975 ,1956,1956,1956,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174260,1994.265.369,0,0,276588,13,4693,i.e. The Cambridge Review No. 5 (Winter 1955-56),,,,,,796,,James Agee|Walker Evans,"American, Knoxville, Tennessee 1909–1955 New York|American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut",,15400,5,1909-11-27|1903 ,1955-05-16|1975 ,1956,1956,1956,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174238,1994.265.349,0,0,276566,13,4693,Portrait of America,,,,,,796,,Diego Rivera|Bertram D. Wolfe,"Mexican, Guanajuato 1886–1957 Mexico City|American, 1896–1977",,15466,572,1886 |1896 ,1957 |1977 ,1934,1934,1934,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174059,1994.265.19,0,0,276387,13,4693,Is Sex Necessary or Why You Feel the Way You Do,,,,,,796,,James Thurber|E. B. White,"American, Columbus, Ohio 1894–1961 New York",,15352,1,1894 ,1961 ,1944,1944,1944,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 377887,270.52 T49,1,0,591867,20,,The Handmade Papers of Japan,6815,,,,,796,Foreword by,"Dard Hunter|Tindale, Thomas & Harriet R.","American, Steubenville, Ohio 1883–1966 Chillicothe, Ohio",,48557,1,1883 ,1966 ,1952,1952,1952,57674,4 vols. in box,Presented by James H. Hyde,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 187054,JFMPL.30620008760679,0,0,296285,13,4693,Weegee's Creative Photography,,,,,,796,,Weegee|Gerry Speck,"American, born Ukraine (Austria), Złoczów (Zolochiv) 1899–1968 New York",,16720,433,1899 ,1968 ,1964,1964,1964,,Case,Joyce F. Menschel Photography Library,,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 178274,1994.250.56,0,0,281840,13,13045,"[Manuscript, Typescript, and Carbon Notes, Including Notebook of Exposure Records, Correspondence, and Nine Gelatin Silver Prints Relating to African Art Portfolio Commissioned by the Museum of Modern Art]",,,,,,796,,Walker Evans|Peter Sekaer,"American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut|American (born Denmark), Copenhagen 1901–1950 Ardsley, New York",,15529,577,1903 |1901 ,1975 |1950 ,1935–52,1935,1952,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,460,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 282818,Ref.194,0,0,412122,11,97,Reytrim Christmas and Winter Display Materials & Creations,,,,,,796,,"Geo.W. Millar & Co., Inc.|Reytrim Manufacturing Co.",,,41105,1,1950 ,1980 ,1963,1963,1963,33879,9 1/16 x 6 3/16 in. (23 x 15.7 cm),Museum Accession,,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 179747,1994.250.91,0,0,283328,13,1142,"[Forty-six Manuscripts, Typescripts, Notes, and Items of Ephemera by Hanns Skolle, Hart Crane, and Others, Collected and Annotated by Walker Evans]",,,,,,796,,Hanns Skolle|Hart Crane,"American, born Germany, 1903–1988|American, 1899–1932",,15785,172,1903 |1899 ,1988 |1932 ,1920s–30s,1920,1936,26340,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,24,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174170,1994.265.287,0,0,276498,13,4693,Candy,,,,,,796,,Terry Southern|Mason Hoffenberg,"American, 1924–1995",,15420,1,1924 ,1995 ,1964,1964,1964,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174200,1994.265.313,0,0,276528,13,4693,Romantic Painting in America,,,,,,796,,James Thrall Soby|Dorothy Canning Miller,"American, Hopedale, Massachusetts 1904–2003 New York",,15437,1,1904 ,2003 ,1943,1943,1943,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 174255,1994.265.364,0,0,276583,13,4693,American Realists and Magic Realists,,,,,,796,,Dorothy Canning Miller|Alfred H. Barr,"American, Hopedale, Massachusetts 1904–2003 New York",,15481,1,1904 ,2003 ,1943,1943,1943,,,"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 184806,1994.–.4,0,0,289132,13,13044,"""I am applying for a fellowship...""",,,,,,796,,Robert Frank|Walker Evans,"American, born Zurich, 1924|American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut",,16470,412,1924 |1903 ,2024 |1975 ,1954,1954,1954,26477,"Sheet 1: 27.8 x 21.6 cm (10 15/16 x 8 1/2 in.) Sheet 2a: 10.8 x 21.6 cm (4 1/4 x 8 1/2 in.) Sheet 2b: 27.8 x 21.6 cm (10 15/16 x 8 1/2 in.) Sheet 3: 27.8 x 21.6 cm (10 15/16 x 8 1/2 in.) Sheet 4: 27.8 x 21.6 cm (10 15/16 x 8 1/2 in.)","Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,460,"© Walker Evans Archive, The Metropolitan Museum of Art",,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 184807,1994.250.5.14,0,0,289133,13,13044,"""To photograph throughout the U.S.A. and to center....""",,,,,,796,,Robert Frank|Walker Evans,"American, born Zurich, 1924|American, St. Louis, Missouri 1903–1975 New Haven, Connecticut",,16470,412,1924 |1903 ,2024 |1975 ,1954,1954,1954,26478,Sheet: 27.9 x 21.4 cm (11 x 8 7/16 in.),"Walker Evans Archive, 1994",,,,,,,,,,,,460,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1