rowid,Object Number,Is Highlight,Is Public Domain,Object ID,Department,Object Name,Title,Culture,Period,Dynasty,Reign,Portfolio,Artist Role,Artist Prefix,Artist Display Name,Artist Display Bio,Artist Suffix,Artist Alpha Sort,Artist Nationality,Artist Begin Date,Artist End Date,Object Date,Object Begin Date,Object End Date,Medium,Dimensions,Credit Line,Geography Type,City,State,County,Country,Region,Subregion,Locale,Locus,Excavation,River,Classification,Rights and Reproduction,Link Resource,Metadata Date,Repository 228372,52.519.96,0,0,356006,11,97,Ville Di Delizia o Siano Palaggi Camparecci Nello Stato Di Milano,,,,,,3320,"Engraved by|Portrait of, and dedicated to",Marc Antonio dal Ré|Prince Eugene of Savoy,"Italian, Bologna 1697–1766 Milan|1663–1736",,28974,93,1697 |1663 ,1766 |1736 ,1727,1727,1727,7208,Overall: 17 1/8 x 13 x 3 1/4 in. (43.5 x 33 x 8.3 cm),"Rogers Fund, 1952",,420,,,,,,,,,,442,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 407715,2014.734.1,0,1,666113,11,731,"The Honorable Samuel Adams, Esq., First Delegate to Congress from Massachusetts",,,,,,3320,,John Norman|Samuel Adams,"American, born England ca. 1748–1817 Boston|American, Boston, Massachusetts 1722–1803",,51392,275,1748 |1722 ,1817 |1803 ,1781–83,1781,1783,42111,"Plate: 6 3/8 × 3 15/16 in. (16.2 × 10 cm) Sheet: 7 5/8 × 4 3/16 in. (19.3 × 10.6 cm)","Gift of Dr. Marilyn Jenkins-Madina, in memory of her husband, Professor Maan Z. Madina, 2014",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 407716,2014.734.2,0,1,666114,11,731,"His Excellency Nathaniel Green, Esq., Major General of the American Army",,,,,,3320,,John Norman|Major General Nathanael Greene,"American, born England ca. 1748–1817 Boston|American, 1742–1786",,51393,275,1748 |1742 ,1817 |1786 ,1781,1781,1781,59299,Sheet: 6 1/2 × 4 1/16 in. (16.5 × 10.3 cm),"Gift of Dr. Marilyn Jenkins-Madina, in memory of her husband, Professor Maan Z. Madina, 2014",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 413715,62.635.337,0,0,682807,11,731,Portrait of Anne of Denmark,,,,,,3320,Attributed to,"Cornelis Boel|Anne of Denmark, Queen of England","Netherlandish, Antwerp ca. 1576–after 1621|1574–1619",,52153,179,1576 |1574 ,1621 |1619 ,1770–1800,1770,1800,37663,"Plate: 11 7/16 × 8 5/8 in. (29 × 21.9 cm) Sheet: 12 3/16 × 9 1/4 in. (30.9 × 23.5 cm)","Gift of Harry G. Friedman, 1962",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 423906,17.3.756–1140,0,0,703099,11,731,Orinda Phillips,,,,,,3320,,Isaac Beckett|Catherine Phillips,"British, Kent 1652/53–1719 London|British, 1631–1664",,54094,,1652 |1631 ,1719 |1664 ,1683–88,1683,1688,36738,"Plate (trimmed at bottom): 9 1/4 × 6 3/4 in. (23.5 × 17.2 cm) Sheet: 9 7/16 × 7 1/16 in. (24 × 17.9 cm)","Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 423966,42.119.376,0,0,703166,11,731,The Queen Doeger [dowager],,,,,,3320,,Isaac Beckett|Queen Catherine of Braganza,"British, Kent 1652/53–1719 London|Portuguese, Alentejo 1638–1705 Lisbon, reign 1662–1685",,54107,,1652 |1638 ,1719 |1705 ,1680–88,1680,1688,60704,Sheet: 9 3/16 × 6 15/16 in. (23.3 × 17.7 cm),"Gertrude and Thomas Jefferson Mumford Collection, Gift of Dorothy Quick Mayer, 1942",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 440648,29.102.65,0,1,735031,11,731,"John Milton, Age 21 (frontispiece: Paradise Regained)",,,,,,3320,,Michael Vandergucht|John Milton,"Flemish, Antwerp 1660–1725 London|British, London 1608–1674 London",,56050,,1660 |1608 ,1725 |1674 ,1747,1747,1747,7208,"Plate: 4 5/16 × 2 5/8 in. (11 × 6.7 cm) Sheet: 4 13/16 × 2 5/8 in. (12.2 × 6.7 cm)","Gift of Junius S. Morgan, 1929",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 440707,58.580.20,0,1,735091,11,731,"John Milton, Age 21",,,,,,3320,,George Vertue|John Milton,"British, London 1684–1756|British, London 1608–1674 London",,56055,,1684 |1608 ,1756 |1674 ,1747,1747,1747,7208,"Plate: 9 3/8 × 6 11/16 in. (23.8 × 17 cm) Sheet: 10 5/16 × 7 3/4 in. (26.2 × 19.7 cm)","Gift of Louise Bechtel, 1958",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 442237,17.3.756–1627,0,1,739220,11,731,Mrs. Fitzherbert,,,,,2900,3320,,J. Cook|Maria Anne Fitzherbert,"British, active 1780s|British, 1756–1837",,56413,,1780 |1756 ,1790 |1837 ,1786,1786,1786,6712,Sheet: 6 1/2 × 4 1/16 in. (16.5 × 10.3 cm),"Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 445402,24.90.634,0,0,745489,11,731,"John Hancock, Esqr., Late President of the American Congress",,,,,,3320,,John Norman|John Hancock,"American, born England ca. 1748–1817 Boston|American, Braintree, Massachusetts 1737–1793 Boston, Massachusetts",,56817,,1748 |1737 ,1817 |1793 ,1781,1781,1781,6712,Sheet (trimmed): 6 9/16 × 3 15/16 in. (16.7 × 10 cm),"Bequest of Charles Allen Munn, 1924",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 445404,24.90.636,0,0,745491,11,731,"The Honorable B. Lincoln, Esqr., Major General in the American Army",,,,,,3320,,John Norman|General Benjamin Lincoln,"American, born England ca. 1748–1817 Boston|American, Hingham, Massachusetts 1733–1810 Hingham, Massachusetts",,56819,,1748 |1733 ,1817 |1810 ,1782,1782,1782,6712,"Plate: 6 1/8 × 3 7/16 in. (15.5 × 8.8 cm) Sheet: 7 11/16 × 5 1/16 in. (19.6 × 12.8 cm)","Bequest of Charles Allen Munn, 1924",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 448349,1986.1180.488,0,0,750913,11,731,Valentin Jamerey-Duval,,,,,,3320,,Rémi Henri Joseph Delvaux|Valentin Jamerey-Duval,"French, Paris 1748/50–1823 Paris|French, 1695–1775",,57304,,1748 |1695 ,1823 |1775 ,1785,1785,1785,7208,Sheet: 4 1/8 × 2 7/16 in. (10.5 × 6.2 cm),"Bequest of Grace M. Pugh, 1985",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1 448383,29.102.40,0,1,750951,11,731,"Jacobus Stuartus I. Magnæ Britanniæ Monarcha (James I, King of England)",,,,,,3320,,"Anonymous, Dutch, 17th century|James I, King of England, Scotland and Ireland",Edinburgh 1566–1625 Theobalds,,57315,,1600 |1566 ,1700 |1625 ,17th century,1615,1650,7208,"Plate: 7 1/4 × 5 9/16 in. (18.4 × 14.2 cm) Sheet: 7 5/8 × 5 11/16 in. (19.4 × 14.4 cm)","Gift of Junius Spencer Morgan, 1929",,,,,,,,,,,,13,,,4/23/2018 8:00:01 AM,1