
Data license: CC0 · Data source: metmuseum/openaccess

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7132 Nuosu people, Yi nationality, Southwest China
7131 Japanese, Nagasaki
7130 Central India
7129 British or Chinese
7128 Yoruba or Nupe peoples
7127 Kuba peoples, Bushong group
7126 Kuba peoples, Ngongo group
7125 Kuba peoples, Ngeende or Ngongo group
7124 Jamaican, Port Royal
7123 French, Paris and Versailles
7122 Polish, Lviv (Lvov or Lemberg)
7121 Netherlandish, probably Delft
7120 Netherlandish, probably Amsterdam
7119 Netherlandish, probably Prague
7118 Italian, probably Milan or Mantua
7117 Chiapa de Corzo
7116 Post-Roman (?)
7115 Maure
7114 Greek, Eastern Mediterranean or possibly Italian
7113 Scandinavian, possibly Danish
7112 Batak people
7111 Kayan Dayak people
7110 Mangbetu people
7109 Acheulean
7108 New Spain (Mexico)
7107 Creek
7106 possibly Netherlandish or Spanish
7105 Nepal, Bhaktapur
7104 Bohemian, Prague (Czech Republic)
7103 Mexican (Olinalá)
7102 British, Nottingham (Derbyshire)
7101 American
7100 French, presumably Paris
7099 Iban-Dayak
7098 Borneo (Sarawak)
7097 German, Innsbruck
7096 Wolof peoples
7095 British, Staffordshire, Fenton
7094 Native American (Tewa)
7093 Native American, Pomo
7092 hilt, Italian; blade, French
7091 Breda
7090 Eastern India, Bihar
7089 India, Kashmir
7088 British, Stoke-upon-Trent
7087 French, Gien
7086 Tapirapé
7085 Woodlands
7084 Haida or Tsimshian
7083 Central Yup’ik
7082 Gwich'in
7081 Lakota (Sioux)
7080 Ashiwi (Zuni)
7079 Santa Clara Pueblo
7078 Sikyatki
7077 Haudenosaunee (Seneca)
7076 Klamath or Modoc
7075 Yokuts
7074 Mexican (Guanajuato)
7073 German, Osnabrück
7072 Antwerp
7071 Moche (La Mina)
7070 Cupisnique/Chavín
7069 Olmec style
7068 Possibly Olmec
7067 Central Region
7066 Nahuange
7065 Cauca
7064 Calima-Yotoco
7063 Calima-Malagana
7062 Malagana
7061 Moche or Chimú
7060 Huastec style/Mexica
7059 Tarascan (P’urépecha)
7058 Nexpa
7057 Aztec or Mixtec (Ñudzavu)
7056 Mexica
7055 Coclé (?)
7054 Darien Style
7053 Mixtec (Ñudzavui) or Maya
7052 Veraguas-Chiriquí
7051 Aztec and Spanish
7050 Aztec or Mixtec (Ñudzavui)
7049 Olmec and Maya
7048 Nahua and Spanish
7047 Coclé
7046 Nahua-Spanish
7045 Nahua
7044 Huastec or Totonac
7043 Probably Mixtec (Ñudzavui)
7042 Uramot Baining people
7041 Polish, Breslau (Wrocław)
7040 Eastern India, Bihar, probably Gaya district
7039 India (New York)
7038 Tewa-Hopi
7037 Tsimshian
7036 Tlingit or Chugach
7035 Ancestral Columbia River people
7034 Ipiutak
7033 Old Bering Sea III
7032 Okvik
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