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Link rowid Object Number Is Highlight Is Public Domain Object ID Department Object Name Title Culture Period Dynasty Reign Portfolio Artist Role Artist Prefix Artist Display Name Artist Display Bio Artist Suffix Artist Alpha Sort Artist Nationality Artist Begin Date Artist End Date Object Date Object Begin Date Object End Date ▼ Medium Dimensions Credit Line Geography Type City State County Country Region Subregion Locale Locus Excavation River Classification Rights and Reproduction Link Resource Repository
144076 74.51.3668 0 1 243086 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Gold coin Cypriot 3578 Classical                         ca. 391–380 B.C. -391 -380 Gold 1 Diameter: 3/16 × 1/16 in., 1.1g (0.5 × 0.1 cm, 1.1g) The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
144077 74.51.3669 0 1 243087 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Gold coin Cypriot 3578 Classical                         ca. 391–380 B.C. -391 -380 Gold 1 Diameter: 3/16, 0.3g (0.5 × 0.1 cm, 0.3g) The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204823 1978.93.21 0 1 326395 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great Seleucid 4256                           ca. 325–319 B.C. -325 -319 Silver 2 1 1/16 in. (2.7 cm) Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1978           Iran 347 Pasargadae 114         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204704 1974.105.11 0 1 326158 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great Seleucid 4256 Seleucid                         ca. 319–317 B.C. -319 -317 Silver, bronze 3770 1 in. (2.5 cm) Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1974           Iran 347 Pasargadae 114         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204703 1974.105.10 0 1 326157 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great Seleucid 4256 Seleucid                         ca. 318–316 B.C. -318 -316 Silver 2 Diam. 2.7 cm Weight: 16.6 gr. Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1974           Iran 347 Pasargadae 114         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
144078 74.51.3670 0 1 243088 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Gold coin Cypriot 3578 Hellenistic                         ca. 320–309 B.C. -320 -309 Gold 1 Diameter: 1/4, 0.7g (0.7 × 0.1 cm, 0.7g) The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
144079 74.51.3671 0 1 243089 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Gold coin Cypriot 3578 Classical                         ca. 312–306 B.C. -312 -306 Gold 1 Diameter: 1/4 (0.7, 0.89g) The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
148001 05.44.503 0 0 247153 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek 777 Late Classical                         4th century B.C. -399 -300 Silver 2 Diameter: 1 1/4 × 1/8 in., 0.6oz. (3.1 × 0.4 cm, 16.72g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
202905 52.127.1 0 1 324243 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Daric with king Achaemenid 5657 Achaemenid                         ca. 4th century B.C. -400 -300 Gold 1 Diam. 11/16 in. Gift of Edmund Kerper, 1952           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins 642   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204702 1974.105.9 0 1 326156 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Tetradrachm of Seleucus I Seleucid 4256 Seleucid                         ca. 312–281 B.C. -312 -281 Silver 2 Diam. 2.7 cm Weight: 17 gr. Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1974           Iran 347 Pasargadae 114         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204822 1978.93.20 0 1 326394 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Tetradrachm Seleucid 4256                           ca. 311–281 B.C. -311 -281 Silver 2 1 in. (2.5 cm) Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1978           Iran 347 Pasargadae 114         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
154161 36.161.5 0 0 253524 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek 777 Hellenistic                         ca. 276–215 B.C. -280 -215 Bronze 23 Diameter: 3/4 × 1/8 in., 0.2oz. (1.9 × 0.3 cm, 6.07g) Gift of Mrs. Edward Robinson, 1936                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
201118 99.35.2952 0 1 322350 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 214–195 B.C. -214 -214 Silver 2 0.1 in. (0.25 cm) Bequest of Joseph H. Durkee, 1898           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
154160 36.161.4 0 0 253523 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin   Hellenistic                         ca. 283–203 B.C. -285 -200 Bronze 23 Diameter: 1 1/16 × 3/16 in., 0.6oz. (2.7 × 0.5 cm, 16.74g) Gift of Mrs. Edward Robinson, 1936                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
202175 36.30.299 0 1 323478 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 150–100 BC -150 -100 Silver 2 5/8 in. (1.6 cm) Rogers Fund, 1936           Iran 347 Qasr-i Abu Nasr  32         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
202208 36.30.332 0 1 323511 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Obol Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 150–100 B.C. -150 -100 Silver 2 3/8 in. (0.9 cm) Rogers Fund, 1936           Iran 347 Qasr-i Abu Nasr  32         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
325011 17.191.120 0 1 464810 Medieval Art 6 Coin 1 Gold Coin of the Veneti or Namneti Celtic 664                           mid-2nd century B.C. -150 -100 Gold 1 3/4 × 13/16 × 1/8 in., 0.3oz. (1.9 × 2.1 × 0.3 cm, 7.9g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
325012 17.191.121 0 1 464811 Medieval Art 6 Coin 1 Gold Coin of the Parisii Celtic 664                           last quarter 2nd century B.C. -125 -100 Gold 1 13/16 × 7/8 × 1/16 in., 0.2oz. (2.1 × 2.3 × 0.2 cm, 6.8g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917 Made in 1     Paris 215               Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
201119 99.35.2953 0 1 322351 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Silver drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 124–87 B.C. -124 -87 Silver 2 0.1 in. (0.25 cm) Bequest of Joseph H. Durkee, 1898           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
201120 99.35.2954 0 1 322352 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Silver drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 124–87 B.C. -124 -87 Silver 2 0.1 in. (0.25 cm) Bequest of Joseph H. Durkee, 1898           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
389716 SL.2.2016.5.7 0 0 640413 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Stater of Mithridates VI Eupator (120-63 BC) Greek 777 Hellenistic                         86–5 B.C. -86 -85 Gold 1 13/16 in., 0.298oz. (2.1 cm, 8.45g) Numismatic Museum, Athens                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373737 22.3.350 0 0 570048 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         285/82–246 B.C. -285 -82 Bronze 23 diam. 4.65 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373738 22.3.352 0 0 570049 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         285/82–246 B.C. -285 -82 Bronze 23 diam. 3.6 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204544 69.24.21 0 1 325978 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 80–69 B.C. -80 -69 Silver 2 9/16 in. (1.4 cm) Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1969           Iran 347 Shahr-i Qumis (ancient Hecatompylos) 112         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
204545 69.24.22 0 1 325979 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 80–69 B.C. -80 -69 Silver 2 13/16 in. (2.1 cm) Purchase, H. Dunscombe Colt Gift, 1969           Iran 347 Shahr-i Qumis (ancient Hecatompylos) 112         Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
201121 99.35.2955 0 1 322353 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 70–57 B.C. -70 -57 Silver 2 0.1 in. (0.25 cm) Bequest of Joseph H. Durkee, 1898           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
201122 99.35.2956 0 1 322354 Ancient Near Eastern Art 14 Coin 1 Drachm Parthian 5661 Parthian                         ca. 56–37 B.C. -56 -37 Silver 2 0.09 in. (0.23 cm) Bequest of Joseph H. Durkee, 1898           Iran 347           Metalwork-Coins-Inscribed 605   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
147972 05.44.67 0 0 247120 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek 777                             -7000 -30 Silver 2 Diameter: 1 1/16 × 3/16 in., 0.3oz. (2.7 × 0.5 cm, 7.51g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
148003 05.44.520 0 0 247155 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek, Corinthian 4000                             -7000 -30 Silver 2 Diameter: 3/4 × 3/16 in., 0.3oz. (2 × 0.5 cm, 8.56g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
148004 05.44.533 0 0 247156 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek, Peloponnesian-Elis 4132                             -7000 -30 Silver 2 Diameter: 15/16 × 3/16 in., 0.4oz. (2.4 × 0.4 cm, 11.56g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
148007 05.44.640 0 0 247160 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek, Lesbian 4134                             -7000 -30 Electrum 6728 Diameter: 7/16 × 1 in. (1.1 × 2.5 cm) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
148009 05.44.688 0 0 247162 Greek and Roman Art 12 Coin 1 Coin Greek 777                             -7000 -30 Silver 2 Diameter: 5/8 × 3/16 in., 0.2oz. (1.7 × 0.5 cm, 6.17g) Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1905                       Coins 241   Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373727 22.3.339 0 0 570038 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373728 22.3.340 0 0 570039 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373729 22.3.341 0 0 570040 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -285 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373730 22.3.342 0 0 570041 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -285 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.2 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373731 22.3.343 0 0 570042 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -285 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.85 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373732 22.3.344 0 0 570043 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.15 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373733 22.3.345 0 0 570044 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.15 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373734 22.3.346 0 0 570045 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.45 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373735 22.3.347 0 0 570046 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.45 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373736 22.3.348 0 0 570047 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.3 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373739 22.3.369 0 0 570050 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373740 22.3.370 0 0 570051 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.5 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373741 22.3.371 0 0 570052 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373742 22.3.372 0 0 570053 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373743 22.3.373 0 0 570054 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373744 22.3.374 0 0 570055 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373745 22.3.375 0 0 570056 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373746 22.3.376 0 0 570057 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373747 22.3.377 0 0 570058 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373748 22.3.378 0 0 570059 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373749 22.3.379 0 0 570060 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373750 22.3.380 0 0 570061 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373751 22.3.381 0 0 570062 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373752 22.3.382 0 0 570063 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373753 22.3.383 0 0 570064 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373754 22.3.384 0 0 570065 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373755 22.3.385 0 0 570066 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.6 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373756 22.3.386 0 0 570067 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373757 22.3.387 0 0 570068 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373758 22.3.388 0 0 570069 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373759 22.3.389 0 0 570070 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373760 22.3.390 0 0 570071 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373761 22.3.391 0 0 570072 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373762 22.3.392 0 0 570073 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.0 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373763 22.3.393 0 0 570074 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.85 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373764 22.3.394 0 0 570075 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.85 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373765 22.3.395 0 0 570076 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.95 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373766 22.3.396 0 0 570077 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373767 22.3.397 0 0 570078 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373768 22.3.398 0 0 570079 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373769 22.3.399 0 0 570080 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.0 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373770 22.3.400 0 0 570081 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.6 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373771 22.3.401 0 0 570082 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373772 22.3.402 0 0 570083 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373773 22.3.403 0 0 570084 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373774 22.3.404 0 0 570085 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373775 22.3.405 0 0 570086 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.65 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373776 22.3.406 0 0 570087 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373777 22.3.407 0 0 570088 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.0 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373778 22.3.408 0 0 570089 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373779 22.3.409 0 0 570090 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.9 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373780 22.3.410 0 0 570091 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373781 22.3.411 0 0 570092 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373782 22.3.412 0 0 570093 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.0 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373783 22.3.413 0 0 570094 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373784 22.3.414 0 0 570095 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 4.0 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373785 22.3.415 0 0 570096 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.85 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373786 22.3.416 0 0 570097 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373787 22.3.417 0 0 570098 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373788 22.3.418 0 0 570099 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373789 22.3.419 0 0 570100 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373790 22.3.420 0 0 570101 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373791 22.3.421 0 0 570102 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.7 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373792 22.3.422 0 0 570103 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373793 22.3.423 0 0 570104 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373794 22.3.424 0 0 570105 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373795 22.3.425 0 0 570106 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.75 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1
373796 22.3.426 0 0 570107 Egyptian Art 19 Coin 1 Coin from a Ptolemaic hoard   Ptolemaic Period                         332–30 B.C. -332 -30 Bronze 23 diam. 3.8 cm Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1922 From 19       Egypt 104 Upper Egypt, Thebes 646 Asasif 131 Birabi 462   MMA excavations, 1915–16 22       Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY 1

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