id,value 201,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, North Triangular Court," 202,"Temple of Mentuhotep II, Tomb of Myt (pit 18)" 203,Tomb of Aashyt (DBXI.17) 204,Tomb of Ptahirdis 205,"Tomb complex of Ipy (TT 315, MMA 516)" 206,"Tomb of Ipy (TT 315, MMA 516B)" 207,"Tomb of Harhotep (TT 314, MMA 513)" 208,Tomb of Harhotep (TT 314) 209,"East of Pabasa, Radim" 210,"Complex of Senwosret I, north of pyramid 2" 211,"Pyramid Temple of Senwosret I, Inner Court" 212,Expedition House area 213,east of the tomb of Pabasa (TT 279) 214,East of Pabasa 215,"Burial B44, East of Pabasa" 216,Tomb MMA 604 217,burial of Prince Amenemhat near Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 218,burial of Prince Amenemhat ear Cliff Tomb (MMA 1021) 219,Burial of Prince Amenemhat (MMA 1021) 220,"cemetery south of pyramid, below House A3:1" 221,Graeco-Roman Cemetery 222,Tomb 525 223,Tomb R50 224,"""The Royal Tomb""" 225,"Cemetery south of pyramid, House A1" 226,Tomb of Raneb 227,Western Cemebery 228,Tomb of Mentuemhat (TT 34) 229,cemetery south-west of pyramid 230,"Royal Cache, Tomb of Inhapi (TT 320)" 231,"Royal Cache, Tomb of Inhapy (TT 320)" 232,area around Cook's Rest House 233,Tomb of Heri (TT 12) 234,Temple of the Mnevis bulls 235,Tomb of Duaerneheh (TT 125) 236,Tomb of Nakht (493) 237,Theban Tomb 108 238,cemetery west of pyramid of Amenemhat I 239,Tomb B3 of the nomarch Senbi II 240,Burial of Seni 241,Tomb of Hapiankhtifi or Ukhhotep 242,Double Row of Pits 243,"Tomb of Senwosretankh, west outer court" 244,Tomb of Senwosretankh 245,NW of tomb of Imhotep 246,Pyramid complex of Senwosret I 247,South of the tomb of Imhotep 248,Expedition House Area 249,"Tomb of Nakht (493), outside NE corner" 250,cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:2 251,Tomb 384 (Rehuerdjersen) 252,Tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 253,tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 254,Cemetery south of pyramid below house A2:2 255,"Tomb of Nakht (493), inside enclosure" 256,"Tomb of Antefiker (400), west" 257,"cemetery south of pyramid, below House A2:4" 258,"Tomb of Nakht (493), southeast cemetery" 259,"cemetery south of pyramid, south of house A3:1" 260,Tomb of Pay and Raia 261,"cemetery south of pyramid, House A1:4" 262,"cemetery south of pyramid, southeast corner platform" 263,"cemetery south of pyramid, between Houses A1:2 & A2:4" 264,"Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery" 265,cemetery south of pyramid (location not recorded) 266,cemetery south of pyramid below House 4:2 267,cemetery south of pyramid below House A2:3 268,"Tomb of Nakht (493), south cemetery, below House A4:1" 269,"cemetery, slope southwest of Senwosret (758)" 270,cemetery west of North Pyramid 271,cemetery southwest of Senwosret (758) 272,cemetery south of Rehuerdjersen (384) 273,cemetery south of the tomb of Rehuerdjersen (384) 274,cemetery south of pyramid below House A1:2 275,Tomb MMA 60 276,cemetery west of Senwosret (758) 277,"""Hatshepsut Hole"" (depression east of temple of Thutmose III)" 278,Tomb of Senimen (TT 252) 279,cemetery north of the tomb of Senwosret (758) 280,pits west of pyramid 281,Path from village to house 282,cemetery west of pyramid 283,cemetery south of pyramid south of House A1:2 284,"Tomb of User, south of the tomb of Senwosretankh" 285,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 9" 286,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 11" 287,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 12" 288,Tomb CC 41 289,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 3" 290,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 5" 291,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 4" 292,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 6" 293,"Courtyard CC 41, Tomb R 7" 294,"Courtyard CC 41, north side" 295,"Tomb CC 62, ""Big Tomb""" 296,Foot of Hatshepsut's Causeway 297,Tomb CC 47 298,Tomb CC 43 299,Tomb CC 62 300,Tomb CC 46 301,Tomb CC 64