id,value 101,"Davis/Ayrton excavations, 1908" 102,Davis/Ayrton excavations 1908 103,Egypt Exploration Fund excavations 104,"Egypt Exploration Society excavations, 1905" 105,"Davis/Ayrton excavations, 1907–08" 106,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1906–11" 107,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1907–11" 108,"Newberry, 1899–1900" 109,Carter/Davis 1903 110,"Davis/Carter excavations, 1903" 111,"MMA excavations, 1928–29" 112,"MMA excavations, 1926–29" 113,"MMA excavations, 1909" 114,"MMA excavations, 1933–34" 115,"Davis excavations, before 1913" 116,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1907" 117,BSAE excavations 1906-1907 118,"MMA excavations, 1916–17" 119,"MMA excavations, 1931–32" 120,"MMA excavations, 1907–32" 121,"Carnarvon excavations, 1905" 122,"MMA excavations, 1924–25" 123,"de Morgan excavations, 1894–95" 124,Garstang excavations 1907 125,Garstang excavations 1908 126,Garstang excavations 1901-1902 127,Garstang excavations 1904 128,Harvard-Boston MFA excavations 1914 129,"Harvard-Boston MFA excavations, 1915" 130,"Harvard-Boston MFA excavations, 1935" 131,Napoleonic Expedition 1898 132,Bruyère excavations 1935-1940 133,"MMA excavations, 1930s" 134,"Khashaba excavations, 1910-11" 135,"MMA excavations, 1925" 136,MMA excavations 1907–1908 137,"MMA excavations, 1922–24" 138,"MMA excavations, 1906–07" 139,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1911–12" 140,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1913" 141,"Carnarvon excavations, 1913" 142,EEF excavations 1908–1909 143,"Vienna Academy of Science excavations, 1927–29" 144,Vienna Academy of Science excavations 1929–30 145,Vienna Academy of Science 1929–30 146,EEF excavaions 1898-1899 147,"BSAE/Brunton excavations, 1931" 148,BSAE excavations 1911-1913 149,Amélineau excavations 150,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1902–03" 151,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1903" 152,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1902-03" 153,EEF excavations 1908–09 154,"Egyptian Antiquities Service/Quibell excavations, 1910–11" 155,"Egypt Exploration Fund, 1894–95" 156,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1900" 157,"Carnarvon excavations, 1911 (?)" 158,"Carnarvon excavations, 1911" 159,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1907–14" 160,"Carnarvon/Carter excavations, 1914" 161,BSAE excavations 1910-1911 162,IFAO excavations 1922-1923 163,Mariette 1853 164,"MMA excavations, 1914–15 (White)" 165,"MMA excavations, 1928–30" 166,"BSAE excavations, 1920" 167,EEF excavations 1902-1903 168,EES excavations 1969-71 169,EEF excavations 1896–97 170,EEF excavations 1903-1904 171,"Khashaba/Kamal excavations, 1910–1914" 172,BSAE excavations 1912 173,Davis excavations 174,"MMA excavations, 1924" 175,"MMA excavations, 1919-20" 176,University of Oxford Excavations in Nubia 1911–1912 177,University of Oxford Excavations in Nubia 1910–1912 178,"Petrie excavations, 1926" 179,"Davis excavations, 1905–06" 180,MMA graphic expedition 1933 181,"EES excavations, 1931–2" 182,"Egypt Exploration Society excavations, 1931–32" 183,"EES excavations, 1931–32" 184,Montet excavations 185,MMA Graphic Expedition by 1915 186,SAE Excavations 187,"Davis/Ayrton excavations, 1906" 188,Titus/Newberry excavations 1900–1901 189,BSAE & ERA excavations 1905 - 1906 190,"MMA excavations, 1923–25" 191,"Egyptian Antiquities Service/Maspero excavations, 1881" 192,"MMA excavations, 1923" 193,"Egypt Exploration Society excavations, 1928–29, 1930–31" 194,Deutsche Hermopolis-Expedition 1938 195,"Davis excavations, 1913 (?)" 196,Bruyère excavations 197,"Petrie excavations, 1896" 198,Naville Excavations 1905 199,Naville excavations for EEF 200,"Egypt Exploration Fund excavations, 1905" 201,"Egypt Exploration Society excavations, 1932–33 (Waddingtons)"